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Everything posted by Cwanky

  1. The better question is, why WOULDN'T they crash it? I mean for crying out loud they're villains, BAD guys. if anything these are the type of characters that want to cause trouble, ruin things, and have their way at the expense of others. Even if Celestia were to invite them, at least some of them would be hesitant or defiant in accepting. Besides what makes you think someone like HER would openly, kindly and cooperatively accept an invitation AND not make herself the mane attraction? And Discord NOT crashing an event? Excuse me while I laugh uncontrollably.
  2. That gave me another great idea for the S4 Grand Galloping Gala: have Discord host the damn Gala itself. I mean why NOT? He's proven himself to be quite a gentleman, and both Celestia and Fluttershy find him to be quite cooperative and agreeable, if not likeable now. Let's face it, Celestia herself said that the Grand Galloping Gala tends to be too uptight, dull and well...lacking. A reformed Discord would be the ideal kind of party host, especially considering that Celestia considered the chaos the Mane 6 caused to be tame. Pinkie Pie would also make a great co host and caterer too what with her PARTY!!!!!!! skillz and catering experience with the Cakes. And who the hell freaking cares if he scares the living bejeebers err Celestias outta the Canterlot and Equestrian citizenry. They've have been shown to overreact to a harmless Princess Luna and other far less serious threats. Anyways you'd have the Elements of Harmony, AND Princess Celestia AND Princess Luna combined on standby should the situation turn to utter chaos. Hehehe. I think I'm in the majority when I say that most people would enjoy seeing that pansy Prince Blueblood freak out again. If for nothing else, you're getting almost FREE catering. Discord could provide all the food necessary, not to mention unlimited chocolate rain (or cider, sorry no alcohol on a PG13 show guys and gals). Pinkie Pie agrees with Discord and I on this point. And let's be honest, who else in Equestria is a better authority on parties hmm? Just for good measure a Discord version of Chocolate Rain: Vote for Discord!!!!
  3. Top of the morning.

  4. Wolverine then burst into the scene and subsequently was confronted by Sabretooth, who himself was part kitten and under their paycheck, and the two began engaging in a typical constipated rage filled fight.
  5. Well barring supporting and background characters there is always Spike: Oh you were looking for a male pony? My bad Spike. Well go on get outta here and resume doing whatever you were doing. There's always Shining Armor who will only continue to become more relevant with Cadence playing bigger roles in the future as Twilight's alicorn mentor, even if he is her beta stallion. But yes I agree. The show needs more male leads as major or supporting characters and that actually speak consistently in coherent sentences. No offense to you either Big MacIntosh.
  6. Aside from the obvious fact that Luna rules the night, she apparently also has dominion over the subconscious of dreams, at least at night. All said, the ability to preside over anyone's dreams is a pretty useful and powerful one. Plus it would make for one excellent Inception spinoff spoof.
  7. This is quite tough. Off the top of my head: A few examples from the game that stood out for me: Half Life 2: Episode 2 Eli Vance's death at the end of the game. If you haven't already played it then go play it. Its been a whole 6 years and Episode 3 won't be coming out anytime soon. Its a real downer way to end the game and it sets up nicely for the sequel. Final Fantasy 2 Tellah's story and character and his sacrifice using his life force to cast Meteo trying to kill Golbez. Palom and Porom turning themselves into stone to save your party from getting crushed by the walls. Final Fantasy 6 The poisoning of Doma Kingdom and the death of Cyan's king and family and his subsequent guilt over the tragedy. Terra bidding farewell to her Esper father at the end. Locke trying to resurrect his dead girlfriend. Shadow's past. General Leo's death. Hell the entire ending with the character flashbacks was very touching and had lots of hints of emotion. I'm a hardcore fan for Final Fantasy 6 (it being my most favorite out of all Final Fantasies) Tales of Phantasia The destruction of the player's hometown Toltus early on really hits the player hard early on. But its the destruction of Hamel later on that really makes you shed a few tears. Also the revelation of Dhaos' actual intentions does invoke quite a bit of guilt and soul searching for many. Overall though both Final Fantasies and Tales of Phantasia had really exceptional and emotional soundtracks, despite being 8 bit and SNES.
  8. So she turned to Iron Will once more, since Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 were too busy saving the rest of Ponyville again.
  9. You know that moment of time you have right after you finish all of your exams, received your grades or graduated from school? For a procrastinator, or ANYONE I suppose, that's the ultimate heavenly bliss. Well at least until your next semester's classes kick in OR you realize you have to find a job.
  10. His only begotten Son was Discord, who everyone seemed completely terrified or amused by, and upon his second coming revealed himself to be Morgan Freeman.
  11. I'm considering getting into the RP biz here and I've read the basic rules, BUT it still seems pretty foreign to me. To put it simply I feel like a n00b joining a CoD server full of pros.

    1. Fender


      Hey go for it, jump in. Take the hands-on learning approach. That's what I did, and I think I've gotten quite used to it now.

  12. Digibrony pretty much sums up what I would say and is a pretty accurate explanation for the lack of stallions. Think about it in real life for a moment. Just because you don't see a lot of Asians or Africans where you live, doesn't mean that there are very few of them. You may just be looking in the wrong places or even the wrong times. Likewise a lack of male stallions doesn't means they don't exist or are few in numbers. In fact the video shows several instances where stallions clearly outnumber mares. At the end of the day, MLP: FIM is still a show targeted primarily towards a younger adolescent female audience, like it or not. So naturally the characters the show shows, often intentionally will be predominantly female or at least geared towards a "female mindset," which also unfortunately translates into a lack of male leads and role models.
  13. Hmm lemme think for a moment.... still thinking.... Why are we discussing this? Of course Discord will still be causing chaos! Just because he's with the namby pamby pony "good guys" now doesn't mean he won't cause some good ol' chaos. He may even teach Pinkie Pie a thing or two, or maybe its the other way around... Besides if anything, Ponyville and Equestria need a lot more chaos. They can barely handle a basic disaster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EChAd-oaL_g Pinkie and the towns reaction to Cerberus is priceless, mirroring what happened with Luna in Luna Eclipsed. What's more surprising though is that Twilight, instead of being the rational pragmatic person she is, takes the Rainbow Dash route and tries to zap the 3 headed dog to submission. No police, no royal guards, no organized evacuation, no planning at all for the disaster. Lo and behold though, its neither the brains, wits and magic of Twilight nor the guts, brash and brawn of Rainbow that save the day, but rather the diplomacy and care of Fluttershy. How does the leader of the Mane 6, Twilight Sparkle react to disasters? Well its normally "all goes according to the script plan otherwise she often fumbles and ends up like this: Do you hear that? The little orange bird is saying "cuckoo cuckoo." Let's hope those pair of wings are worth the hype. Of course this little incident tops off all the disasters that struck Ponyville in my book: Bunny stampede. That says it all. A friggin bunny stampede puts Ponyville into a state of disaster and panic. Oddly enough the person who again is best able to handle the situation appears to be Fluttershy, who by the way helped save the day and resolve more than just several crises. Celestia seems to understand that and lo and behold, its not the Mane 6 nor the Elements of Harmony, but Fluttershy that manages to turn Discord "good." That's a lot to be said about Fluttershy for what its worth. But back on topic, Ponyville and Equestria as a whole consistently demonstrate they're rather poor at managing crises, always relying on hero(es) to come save the day. They're also seriously too wound up and lack exposure to new ideas and the world outside. Having Discord around causing "chaos" would not only possibly help better prepare them for future disasters, he could really help lighten the mood and open Equestria up a lot more. Sure Discord ruled over Equestria for some time, but I don't honestly think he deliberately killed anyone in that time...to my knowledge that is . But if we accept Pinkie Pie to be Pinkie Pie, then Discord will be Discord, in a "good" way. If Discord is to be an integral part of the show in the future you simply cannot expct him to NOT cause chaos. He's an ally now and as long as the show remains PG 13, he won't stray too far from Celestia and the Mane 6. Besides how many characters you know can top his swag?
  14. Kinda like this right? Yea you can practically see the smug ready to burst from dam that is Celestia's face there. She's strolling around Equestria like the pimp she is.
  15. Just when I thought TV couldn't sink any lower, now Discovery Channel has borderline porn with its new show Naked and Afraid. No joke. Somehow human nudity isn't as appealing as Equestrian nudity, at least not on cable.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Nobody-


      ...I... I don't know what to say.

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      It's good to see that somebody is finally reaching out to the DeviantArt Demographic.

    4. Cwanky


      Well at least its not Jersey Shore. The world has seen enough of the Situation and the Kardashians.

  16. Glad to see that Pinkie's family finally got some actual background status now. While the Pacman Arcade names would have been nice, the rock route makes sense. Her family farms err...mines rocks from a quarry for a living. At least we now know Pinkie's story isn't entirely inconsistent and unreliable. I think its more than likely though that her family runs a mining operation and harvests rocks or clears them, and Pinkie creatively interprets this as a being a :"rock farm." Either that or MLP: FIM logic is more screwy than we credit it. But hey anything goes with Pinkie. As for her name not being rocky? Well she's pink after all, and maybe the best name her parents thought for her was Pinkie based on her personality. OR she was simply adopted. Remember even among the Mane 6 and Ponyville, Pinkie's already considered an oddball that baffles friends and the community. Its better not to ask why and just acknowledge that Pinkie was the oddball from even her family, just like how we accept that Dennis Rodman is a freaking oddball. It might be a novel idea if we sent Pinkie Pie as ambassador to North Korea...
  17. If you're a fan of creepypasta like I am you may be interested in this eye popping story. WARNING listening or reading this story may cause significant nausea and is not for the weak of heart. You have been warned

    1. Cwanky




    2. Lightning Shade

      Lightning Shade

      my only reaction was ummmmm....

      I think that's a bad thing?

  18. Normally I would choose Discord, BUT I don't consider Discord a true villain. If this were a poll regarding best antagonist however, well things would be quite different. Chrysalis gets my vote as best villain. She managed to best the Mane 6 nearly twice, neutralizing the Elements of Harmony, defeated Celestia in a head on duel, and she has true drive and motivation. For the sake of argument, Discord may be vastly more powerful than Chrysalis, but he really didn't behave like a villain and have a set goal. He just trolled the hell outta Ponyville and Equestria. Chrysalis sought to do more than feed the changelings, she nearly conquered Canterlot and single handily assembled and commanded an army that all that decimated Equestria's capital. Plus Discord willingly converted to "good guys" side. Also I have my suspicions that Discord deliberately allowed himself to be turned back into stone by the Mane 6, but that's another topic for another thread.
  19. Well this is gonna be interesting list. Gotta be honest and say that I'm glad I'm not the only person who shares some of these fears, along with my other problems in life. 1. Failure - Yea this one eked out pretty close between death, though I'd have to say failing and dying, the whole living an unfulfilled life is a big driver here. I guess its the whole concept of not being able to overcome failure that bothers me. 2. Death - For all the classic reasons and then some. Its unknown, frightening, and you leave everything behind. I will say though that its interesting that sleep essentially is a temporary state of death. 3. Heights - Being high up freaks me out and I've never been an adrenaline or thrill seeker, hence my dislike of roller coasters. Going at high speeds and falling falls into this category too. 4. Loud noises - Especially sudden ones those really bother me. After awhile I can get used to certain sounds but loud noises always bother me. Also really irritating noises like the high pitched screeches from smoke detectors. I'll just let Fluttershy summarize this one: 5. Surprises - Not necessarily big surprises either, but for some reason, particularly if I'm rather preoccupied its very easy to startle me, which I don't like. Its often something as simple as an unexpected tap on the shoulder or even hello. My bubble just suddenly bursts at that moment and i'm unsettled, momentarily as it may be.
  20. Stupid Supreme Court overturning key parts of the Voting Rights Act. Well no way in hell am I going to love and tolerate this shit.

  21. Maybe Starswirl the bearded. While Celestia is a truly talented and no doubt smart leader, I doubt she's extraordinarily smart, it may just be she has unique skill sets that together make her an exceptional leader and person. Otherwise I'd go with THAT GUY: I love Einstein pony.
  22. Also let's not forget folks, Luna may not be the most important alicorn, but she's definitely best alicorn considering she's the most sophisticated and developed. I mean really she's one of the few characters to rule Equestria, become a major villain, get reformed and still manage to gain a respectable fanbase within and outside the show. Sure Celestia's a great and benevolent ruler but when's the last time she did something exciting? 1000 years ago? Pfft. Cadence is a attractive and lovable wife to Shining Armor and The Crystal Kingdom, but come on princess! You can't let yourself get bitch slapped by that manipulating whore Queen Chrysalis and speak up for yourself! You stood up to King Sombra, so why couldn't you stand up to an angsty bitch game inspector. As for Twilight, well as great of a Mane 6 and leader of the Elements of Harmony as you are you still have a lot to prove. Besides you need to stop being such a suck up and puppet to Celestia. Seriously. Also Luna probably has the best sarcasm in the show. Thus sayeth thy princess.
  23. Really? I woulda thought Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy or even Twilight would get "best pony" treatment before Rarity did. Yes she's annoying, she can be selfish, and she can come off as a snob. Well guess what? So is Rainbow Dash well over half of the time. Rainbow Dash may be the poster pony of the show, but Rarity for me is a more sophisticated and entertaining character. Not to mention Rarity already had a sister to care for and is the original official shipper of MLP: FIM with Spike. Sure there's something good to be said about action, special effects, punchlines and gags, but such cheap tricks are fleeting and superficial at best. Go ask Michael Bay. Rarity's not just bling, fashion and some feminine stereotype. She's deeply sophisticated, in a mature romance, a high class madam choosing to aspire within a pedestrian setting, and much much more. Oh and I don't consider Rarity as my "best pony," but she's higher on my list than some would credit her for.
  24. Indeed. Now Kingdra won't be such a pain anymore. I hated that thing with a passion. Oh yea I nearly forgot to mention, Claire was a bitch.
  25. Wow this is definitely a big change for Pokemon. Honestly however, I can’t say I’m too surprised by this. In the past the Bulbapedia had its type category to the top right and it always seemed to be lacking and uneven, with that weird ???? category always filling up the remaining empty slot. Having Fairy types fills in that slot well and gives us an even 18 types to work with. The big irony to me is that as a kid, I used to make some Pokemon fanon in a notebook and had my own gym leaders and pokemon drawn and Iwritten out. One of the gym leaders used the forms of Jigglypuff and Clefairy specifically and I had them listed as their own unique types. I’m expecting that Clefairy will be a Fairy type based on these changes. It BETTER be, I mean it has FAIRY written into CleFAIRY. Not doing so would be akin to DRAGONite not being a Dragon type. It actually makes sense that the game has a Fairy type now, even though I’d prefer them to be Holy Light types since Light is diametrically opposed to Dark. By their nature, Dark types are mischievous, sneaky, deceptive and tend to employ shadows and the occult to fight. Light Fairy types, would be by contrast, pure, innocent, sincere and fight fair or are at least seemingly good natured hence their fairy affiliation. At the least we can assume they’re nice and playful. As for Dragon types, they can die in the pit they spawned from, well except Dragonite, he’s too lovable. The additional weakness Fairy types provide now is almost certainly a means to balance the game, since Dragon types have been notoriously overpowered as it is. Its a nice addition to the game like Steel and Dark types were, the latter introduced to balance out Psychics. Remember when Psychic types were overpowered? Those were the days. For me though, it doesn't matter any way however, I will always stand by my Mamoswine and Ice types, cool and distant. Also since there’s a generation VI I just have 1 question: WHEN THE HELL ARE WE GONNA GET A DARK TYPE GYM LEADER?!?!
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