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Everything posted by SaburoDaimando

  1. I got a chance to check out a new episode of DC Superhero Girls at the Anaheim Wondercon. This one introduces Barbara Ann Minerva AKA Cheetah.
  2. The only ones that I seem to support just for fun Sally Acorn X Amy Rose(The Sonic franchise) Babs Bunny X Fifi La Fume(Tiny Toons)
  3. After going for months without a new MLP merch, I managed to snag a McDonalds 2018 Starlight Glimmer toy(I actually wanted it, but I didn't get it. Only got Rainbow Dash, Pinkie PIe, Rarity AND Spike). This marks the beginning of the end for the My Little Pony toys I've been buying since 2012.
  4. I would rather they focus on Season set boxes as opposed to randomized sets.
  5. That's one thing. But another thing is being ether stereotyped or ostracized for liking MIchael Jackson music nowadays. And this is something I am abit afraid of.
  6. Now that Grogar has been confirmed as a villain(Courtesy of Equestria Daily https://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/03/new-synopsis-from-my-little-pony-season.html ), who do you think will voice the billy goat?
  7. Actually, it's me she wants. Especially after the fact that I put her in this situation in the first place. So I'll be in my doomsday bunker in case she breaks out, looking for revenge against me. XP
  8. Big Deal. Starlight had the power to go back through time.,
  9. Been awhile since I posted one of my pieces of art onto this Forum. And I got a juicy one for you. Here, Starlight Glimmer felt sorry for Cozy Glow, and decided to de-age herself into a filly. She then got permission from her mentor Twilight Sparkle to be Cozy Glow's cellmate. Needless to say, Cozy Glow ain't happy with the image I did. XP https://www.deviantart.com/daimando/art/Cozy-GLow-s-new-Cell-Mate-789674644
  10. Hate the show staff because the series is ending? That's like hating the creators of Adventure Time because that series ended last year.
  11. Apparently, this movie will be due out one day after Justice League vs The Fatal Five comes out. Here's what we know so far. 1) It is a collaboration between Warner Bros/DC Comics and Nickelodeon. 2) This marks the first time that Troy Baker will voice both Batman and the Joker in one film 3) Besides Batman's Arch Villains like the Joker, Harley Quinn and Ra' Al Ghul, the Shredder will be in it as one of the main villains 4) Batman will square off against the Shredder Anyone looking forward to seeing the Dark Knight and the Heroes in a Half-Shell team up?
  12. Later today, I'll be posting a Fan Video I did that combines clips from this trailer alongside clips from previous episodes involving previous villains(Reason why I'm not doing it now is out of respect for Hasbro(. But wow. Looks like Hasbro is going all out with the final season. Heck, Lifelight from Smash Bros Ultimate would be a perfect theme for this.
  13. You know, considering that we may not see the new series till 2021 or later, I wonder if they will make specials to tide us over till the new series is ready. Maybe a true Grand Finale that will wrap everything up.
  14. My favorite pony is Starlight Glimmer. I'd take her side, then double cross her when she least expects it.
  15. Mana drain would be a banned form of magic. Three guesses who has that power, and the first two don't count.
  16. I've seen the leak, and I have a problem believing that considering that the statue is only the size of a pony.
  17. I never thought the theme for Smash Ultimate Lifelight would fit perfectly for the final season.
  18. I also found out about the Tweet deletion. And right now, I'm not so sure why that happened.
  19. I've heard a rumor on Twitter that the final season of My Little Pony may not start until Fall of this year. I got this from Twitter user Critical Thought https://twitter.com/CriticalBrony/status/1098772525490810881 What are your thoughts on this? I think that may explain why the final season's release date hasn't been announced yet.
  20. I heard a rumor on Twitter that My Little Pony's Final Season may not start until Fall of this year.

  21. You ain't kidding on that. I'm going to go all out with my drawing skills this year, sketching as many Ponies as possible, maybe even have them alongside my own mascot Wanda Young, and maybe cross them over with other known IPs(Ex: I'm gonna dress up Fluttershy as Batman)
  22. Oh Shoot. I forgot about those two series ending as well(Even though I don't watch ether, I can tell alot of Game of Thrones fans will be sadden by its conclusion)
  23. And it's not just My Little Pony. This year will mark the end of many other Movies and/or TV Shows. For fans of How to Train your Dragon, this week will see the release of How to Train your Dragon: The Hidden World. The series has started since early this decade with the first movie. In addition to having a second movie, it also got its own Animated Series that aired on Cartoon Network and Netflix, with a total of eight seasons and 118 episodes. In the end, it's tough to say goodbye to a successful franchise(And this coming from someone who saw the first two films) Another show that's ending this year is the Big Bang Theory. The first Season aired in 2007, and they are already in the middle of airing its final season. Though the spin-off series Young Sheldon will continue, the Big Bang Theory will end its 12 year run sometime before September. And the funny thing is that my parents are a fan of the series. Of course, there's another that must be brought up: The Avengers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was in 2008 that Iron Man hit movie theaters and became a surprise hit, kickstarting the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though the MCU will continue on after Avengers: Endgame releases in theaters, one thing is clear. The era that brought us Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye will come to a close with the final battle against Thanos. And of course, Star Wars. Mainly the Skywalker saga, which started with A New Hope. Star Wars: Episode 9, for better or worse, will air this December. Once that has arrived in theaters, that's it. And that's not the only piece of Star Wars Media that will end as well. This year, Star Wars: The Clone Wars will come back for one more season, tying up any loose ends that were left behind when Season 6 aired on Netflix back in 2014. Which of these shows will you miss after this year is over? Did I miss any?
  24. I know. I knew this day would come(Thanks alot Mr Leaks). BUt even then, alot of us are sad that its happening. I'll do what I can stay civil. And on a side note, you accidentally double-posted.
  25. My Little Pony: Season 9 has been confirmed to be the end of the tv series(Maybe not the end of Friendship is Magic). But still, with Season 9 being the last season, what do you all hope for? Here is my list -Scorpan finally makes an appearance(Voiced ether by Cathal J. Dodd, Scott McNeil or Steve Blum) -The return of Diamond Tiara(Even for just one whole episode) -Tirek and Cozy Glow's reform(One of the leaks hinted at it) -Mark Hamill as a guest star(If they can get William Shatner, then they should throw in the Clown Prince of Crime) -More episodes focused on Starlight and Trixie -Pinkie pie being more like Bugs Bunny -A Friendship mission focused on Celestia, Luna or Discord -Another wedding(Ether between BigMac and Sugar Belle, or Starlight and Sunburst) -Sunset Shimmer appears in one episode.
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