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Everything posted by Rockymoo

  1. So yeah, as of a couple of days ago, I have a new cat.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Rockymoo


      Unfortunately, no. His name is Oliver. :P

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      holy crap that name is adorable!

    4. Rockymoo


      Heh, I know, right? :P

  2. We're not, you know, "genetically compatible", right? I don't wanna have to worry about child support later on.
  3. Koopalings in Mario Kart 8? I'm sold.

  4. Luna wearing a top hat? I like you already.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rockymoo


      Not sure what it is about adulthood, but it always seems to make us worse at computers than people younger than us.

    3. Diva Pony

      Diva Pony

      Kids are exposed to computers and iPhones and iPads from infancy now. They have an edge, unfair advantage as it were.

      Anyhow, must get some sleep. Lots to do tomorrow to make up for spending so much time on this Forum today. Sigh.

    4. Rockymoo


      Hey, that's fine. Nice meeting you and such. Talk to ya tomorrow!

  5. There's only two chariot-pullers in Equestria: Snips and Snails.
  6. Oh, hello there. Pardon the mess; I haven't had the time to clean my office in a while. *coughs nervously and shuffles papers* Now, the reason I've brought you here today is literally this: according to some people, I come off as a wee bit "confusing". I can honestly say I know exactly where they're coming from, as I only really show one or two sides of my personality here on MLPForums. Couple that with the fact that I read Ghostie's recent blog and decided to rip it offmake a blog of my own based on his, and you have the clusterfuck of personal info you'll be seeing here in a second. So, without further ado, let's get this party train's wheels a-rollin'. One fine day with a woof and a purr in 1993, some broad shat out a kid that will later be recognized as yours truly. In other words, I'm 20 years old. I'm adopted. Never met my birthparents. My birthdad's dead, and my birthmom's somewhere doing God-knows-what. I don't know, I've never even talked to her and don't intend to anytime soon. It's debatable as to whether I'm considered a gamer or not. I don't use my steam account, I don't play multiplayer games, hell, I don't even have a 7th generation console, and definitely not an 8th generation one. Nor do I have a 3DS. So stop asking me for friend codes, you peasants. I'm a skinny white kid with curly hair and a lip ring. Oh, and I wear beanies a lot. At first it was a lazy way to keep my hair from getting too unruly, then it turned into a habit of sorts. Plus I like how they look. I'm a big fan of country music, though I've only just recently gotten into the genre. You can blame Chevette for this one. I'd have to say my favorite singer is, by far, Toby Keith. People that know me understand how I work, but I'll try to explain it for you lil' fellas. I'm almost always in a good mood, and on the forums I like to just dick around. I don't take a lot of stuff seriously, though if I have an opinion on something I'll share it(even though I pepper the sombitches with humor) I'm technically straight, though I don't care about dating. I did enough of that in high school. There really is no point. I don't like Pokemon. I'm sorry, but I just don't. I was into it from the very beginning (My first game was Blue version) and got tired of it after Black and White. And before anyone says "But Rocky! X and Y are soooo much better than the previous games! They'll get you back into it!", people have said that about every generation when they come out. It's the same old song and dance, and I've officially left the theatre. I give zero fucks if someone bashes something I like. Do what you want. I'm not stopping ya. Of course, I'll jokingly lash back, but I don't mean it. In fact, I'm hardly ever serious. You'll be able to tell if I am. I'm sure you've all been wondering this at some point: "Why does that Rockymoo bastard love Trixie so much? It's gotten to the point where he completely dominated in that biggest fan poll." Well, let me tell you. First and foremost, I relate to her a lot. We're both charismatic, confident, extroverted, show-offy individuals that can be complete assholes. I love her color scheme, and her voice is incredibly hot. I've always liked unicorns, because magic is for winners. Not too keen on pegasi. And though this isn't very specific, I just love her personality in general. I would totally have a beer with that lil' filly. I'm very patriotic, even though I hate the United States' current administration and its policies. The country itself, as well as its culture and traditions? Love it to death. Stars n' stripes, baby. I have a bit of a hick town twang to my voice. Despite living in Indiana, no, I don't live in a trailer park. I'm actually an emotional sap deep down. I'd just rather have fun instead of turning my life into a drama-fest, so I just ignore that particular side of my personality. I've been struggling with depression my whole life. I think I've finally found the remedy; my depression evaporated when I exposed myself to the fandom. I absolutely love the Metroid series. Except for Other M. Fuck that. Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made. If I could eat seafood every day, I would totally do it. Especially lobster. Blue is best color. Praise Buffalo Man. That's it for now. If you want to know more, just talk to me. I'll be here, bucketheads. So, now that we have that covered, I'll be taking my leave. See ya around.
  7. Get 'em outta here, engineer! GET 'EM OUT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chevette


      753 your on the horn.


      Do you think this is some kind of SICK joke? This is serious business! You don't talk about a man's Grammy like that. She was a pious woman who never cursed a day in her life!

    3. Rockymoo


      Alright, let's do some Twitter shoutouts. We have... "What's shakin' Mexico"? Are you freakin' kidding me? They just had an earthquake, for Christ's sake!! *knocks around beer cans*


      You know what? I'm done. I'm not saying any more of these sick-ass names. You people are getting SICK and TWISTED and DISGUSTING.

    4. Vermillion
  8. I don't know, maybe. With Vinyl's wubs and Trixie's bass guitar, our ears would never be the same.
  9. Oh, right. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Its one of my favorite ones too.. I'm watching it right now.. Thank you Netflix!. :3

    3. Malinter


      "In my defense, all your viils look alike. You really should think about relabelling some of them."

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      That movie is the best Disney movie IMO.

  10. No, I'm sorry. I can't type in any way, shape, or form. In fact, I can't read, either.
  11. They really should name her "Miss Pooptickler".
  12. That makes a little more sense. But honestly, at least for me, the whole thing really throws off the emperor's groove. (Beware the groove.)
  13. It's something that should not be liked.
  14. Quirky, you're old enough to know better. Of all the things to raise a huge party about, it's watching a group of idiots fight over control of a character in a game released 15-ish years ago. It's not fun, it's not original. If I wanted to dick around in a Pokemon game and walk around aimlessly bumping into shit, I would've just blindfolded myself. There is nothing interesting about this, people.
  15. I'm getting REALLY sick of this Helix Fossil shit.

    1. Chevette


      Helix Fossil = 10 out of 10 NOT GREAT.

    2. Lunas Husband

      Lunas Husband

      I don't even know what that is and I don't even like it.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      You're not wealthy enough to afford a house that's in color.

    2. Rockymoo


      I was, but I spent all that money on beer.

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