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Everything posted by Anneal

  1. Probably because they don't want suicidal people to have a potential weapon or way to kill themselves. Some people can fashion weapons out of things as simple as toilet paper. Other than that, psychiatric hospitals are far from creepy and some are actually quite accommodating – those that aren't part of a prison, that is. No, the term asylum is never used at all. It carries very negative connotations, and most "asylums" are quite fine, though some can be pretty boring. Prison psychiatric wards are more controversial, but in general clinical psychologists or nurses are doing their best to help you. It costs a lot of money to put people in psychiatric wards, though, and a lot of unnecessary mistrust prevent people from going there when they should.
  2. And as a psychology student I can attest to that. In fact, with psychology being seen so negatively, there has been many cases where misinformation has been spread and lives have been placed at risk. Also, the term psychologist can be very broad; they don't need to be a person that works in the hospital or even has a medical degree. Some work in businesses, sport teams, schools, or laboratories. I have Aspergers myself, which kind of encouraged me to go into this field. I want to start helping other people with mental or neurological disorders, and learn more about the human mind in general.
  3. Pretty happy, but anyone outside my direct family doesn't celebrate some of the holidays that come around this time because they're Asian. While Christmas and New Years are sometimes celebrated, Thanksgiving is usually not. Chinese New Year is celebrated, though, and the next one is around Feburary 2017 (it's based off the Lunar Calendar, not the regular calendars we use). The cold winter does trigger my asthma, though. Thankfully I live in CA, so it isn't too bad.
  4. I use it regularly to check on r/chess, r/CitiesSkylines, r/FalloutEqiestria, r/Stellaris, and r/civ.
  5. It's impossible to actually take a Myer-Briggs Personality test because it is not statistically significant and therefore not accurate or reliable. Most of the test is regarded by the psychology community as complete hogwash and you will never see a psychology actually do such a test on you. It also lacks concistency; nearly a half of people who have retaken it from a few hours to a few days later reported their results changing. The MMPI and the Big Five are much more accurate and more widely accepted by the psychology community (namely the behavioral branch). There's also a horrible amount of confirmation bias and the Barnum effect really kicks in. The Myers-Briggs is basically the West's horoscope.
  6. I'm a slight conservative and I liked Trump over Hillary, but Pence isn't even popular within his own party, either. Trump did say the reason he picked Pence for VP was because of "party unity", but if that was the case he should have went for more popular Republicans and not Pence. Having a bad VP does protect you from being removed from office, but Pence is also going to be a liability to Trump. The reputations of the VP and president are still important. If Pence screws up, Trump would be pulled down with it. And he could have gone for other options, such as Kasich, who is fairly popular in his state, or even Ben Carson to get a little bit of that African American support. A female VP would be fine, too. But as far as I know, Pence is getting Trump some bad coverage simply because he's next around him.
  7. Pence is actually one of the least popular governors in the US. I wish Trump could have picked someone else, like Kasich. He makes Indiana look embarrassing.
  8. Pokemon Moon, along with some Cities: Skylines.
  9. But we're not the highest by percent GDP. Saudi Arabia can claim that, and Israel comes second. US ranks 4th or 5th next to Russia. In fact, our military spending as been dropping for the last few decades with a small bump during the Reagan years. Simply looking at spending alone can be misleading. We still spend a lot but considering how large we are and how much GDP we have and the quality of the military we have to maintain it's not as much as we think it is. Trump may increase spending but it's clearer that he would not get into more conflict than the US is already in. His idea is basically big stick diplomacy. He's also looking to improve relations with Russia; conversely Clinton's no-fly zone is not going to accomplish any of these goals and is just going to get us more tension from Russia.
  10. My native language is Chinese (but I'm Taiwanese), and sometimes I watch MLP in that language. The dubs have been getting better after each season, though it's a few episodes behind the main English version. The dubs tend to be softer toned, and since there aren't many translators from Taiwan or Hong Kong, sometimes the voices for some supporting characters can sound the same.
  11. Um...it's mostly assumed that the average unicorn isn't completely dedicated to learning magic, and that their magic is entirely based off what talent they have beyond simply levitation. Even if they do, there's a limit to how much they can do it until they tire out. It's not like they have an infinite supply of magic in them. Pegasi, however, can last much longer and their overall endurance in flight can last several hours. It's not clear what their anatomy is, but to be a pegasi they need to be significantly lighter than the other two races (with hollowed bones and proportionally sized wings). Earth ponies have even more endurance and strength, but unfortunately they can't fly. So it actually balances out for all three races.
  12. I've never been given the position before, but I'll probably end up pressing on the rules too literally. People will hate me for it. XD
  13. I don't see him as actually a bad president, and maybe having him again if it was possible would be pretty nice, but seriously when the Democrat's choice is Hillary of all people I'm just going to throw the towel and vote someone else.
  14. Cities Skylines. "I'll just download this mod and get this asset and download this other mod and build this..."
  15. The former is done by World Values Survey, and the latter is actually done by Google. In the case of the second survey, Google based it off searches for racist slurs, namely the n-word (ending in -er, not -a), which isn't the best way to show racism (because not all people that search up a slur is racist, and not all racist search for them) , but it's fairly accurate. Washington Post has articles on both. Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement, but yes, I doubt racism and sexism or even homophobia is still widespread in the West. Of course, there are places where women's rights or the rights of minorities are being threatened, like the Middle East, but saying anything that sounds remotely racist or sexist is frowned upon in American society, no matter where you are, and real prejudice is met with proper legal action. BLM and radical feminists are simply creating racism and sexism in places where there is none.
  16. Let's not mention that some countries we would consider developed in Europe took until the 40s or even the 70s to actually grant women the right to vote. France took until 1945, Greece took until 1952, Monaco took until 1962, and Switzerland took until 1971. Yes, it took longer for a few certain countries in Europe than it took for the US to go through second wave feminism. Compared to many countries, the US was pretty early in giving women the right to vote, and even decades before there were already states that gave women the right to do so anyway. Also, most countries never had to deal with significant minorities in their own country, and even the US was pretty quick on striking down segregation. Some countries never tolerated their colonial people way until they declared independence in the 60s and 70s. To this day the French and the Czech are still considerably more intolerant: https://assets.goodstatic.com/s3/magazine/assets/556604/original/Race_Map.jpg=s1600x1900 And even "racism" maps show that you're likely to see more racists in the Appalachians and Ohio than the South: Which goes to say the times of racism, sexism, and even homophobia is behind us.
  17. I have nothing against Trump threads that actually encourage some sort of political discussion. I just have issues with threads that do not inspire any sort of constructive discussion posted all over the place (for God's sake, there's one in Sugarcube Corner of all places). If it was something like "What do you think of Trump's 100 day plan?" or "What made Hillary lose?", then I'll gladly participate in a discussion like that. But I don't see how topics like "Would you move to Equestria if Trump became president?" or "Would Trump make America great again?" or "Is Trump racist?" is going to go well. Most of these topics are loaded so they can get people of the same side as them to make comments that agree with them. That goes for Trump supporters as well. Just seeing these kind of threads makes me want to roll my eyes.
  18. Modern games are made in certain genres because it's the one that's popular, simple as that, and I have to say modern games have in fact become more diverse than their counterparts before. Honestly, if you're getting a bad taste from modern games, you're not searching hard enough. Games made by Paradox Interactive (and one of them published by them) are a good example. Crusader Kings, Europe Universalis, Hearts of Iron, Stellaris, and Cities: Skylines (published) are well made and fun to play. The Sid Meier Civilization series is another good 4X. Arma series and the Tom Clancy franchise are good FPS games, too. I've also been playing The Long Dark recently, which is a realistic survival game and really hard to get off. And there's Starbound (from the ones who made Stardew Valley and Risk of Rain, no less!), basically Terraria's younger brother. (Then again Chucklefish's founder formerly worked in Re-Logic, the ones who made Terraria.) I can mention some others, like Kerbal Space Program, the Fallout series, XCOM, and Overwatch. Again, depends on where you look. Those Call of Duty and Ubisoft games aren't necessarily going to give you a good impression.
  19. Seriously, stop it with these Trump threads.

    1. Kaneki


      While I do want it to stop too, I don't think it will until staff intervention. It's unfortunate.

    2. Kaneki


      Which, who knows if that will happen.

    3. Twiggy


      I've been saying that it would die down soon enough. I'm now open to the idea that I may have been wrong.

  20. There's a place in Europe called Memeland. Screw it, let's move there!

  21. Apparently Magnus Carlsen supported Trump (jokingly) and Sergei Karjakin supports Putin (not-so-jokingly). This is making for an interesting chess championship, that's for sure. XD

  22. I'll escape to Equestria if only because I can't deal with my misanthropy and pessimism. "America sucks, humanity sucks, everything sucks, fml"
  23. Apparently WHO says the US ranks better than Slovenia and New Zealand on healthcare and only slightly worse than Denmark or Canada.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anneal


      It works for some countries but it is definitely not a cure-all, no pun intended. This doesn't mean the US system is better but it does show that universal healthcare doesn't always work. Canada is a big example.

    3. Varrack


      Do you think it could work in the US?

    4. Anneal


      It could but people shouldn't expect it to magically solve our healthcare woes. Coverage isn't the only problem we have. We still spend on insane amounts of money on healthcare in the US but most of that money isn't really going anywhere. Immediately dumping more money onto universal healthcare isn't going to help.

  24. Really depends where you live, we likely have inherent biases towards our states depending on where we live. Oregon and Washington are great and beautiful places but the climate is too unpleasant for me, especially since I have asthma. Bigotry isn't as prevalent as people think it is, though. It's not that different from other countries, bigotry exists no matter where you go, most people just hide it in public. As long as you don't show it, I'm fine.
  25. It stands out a lot in the US. We use it as an excuse for our problems when things don't go our way.
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