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Everything posted by Anneal

  1. Just remember: a vote for Trump is a vote for memes. Make Mother Rossija proud again
  2. Most sentiments like that have been dying down, though I know a few bronies that can count as cringe-worthy, but not because of the show they watch.
  3. I voted a few days ago. Just waiting for one more day to see the results. Here's hoping Johnson gets a state (not CA, that's for sure), but I hope Trump wins.
  4. Probably because most people assume gamers to be male. Some female characters are played by RL males for RP purposes, while others because they're hot and sexy and others because "why not". I've played female characters before. I won't be too surprised if some female characters were actually female, but because most RPGs are overwhelmingly male-demographic it's easy to jump into conclusions.
  5. I posted this in one topic of another debate pit topic but this is still relevant as ever: Elections: Ruining friendly relationships since 1796.
  6. This general vicinity in which we live in has been nicknamed "The Nutshack".

    1. Lightwing


      I can agree with that statement.

  7. I never really liked both, so I drink Dr. Pepper and forget about the Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi stuff. If I had to make a decision though, then Pepsi.
  8. October, actually. Right before S3 started.
  9. I'm a late 2012 brony, actually. Close enough.
  10. Why is it that everyone in Media Discussion mentions some obscure game or anime and I know nothing about it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anneal


      Mostly music, anime, and some games.

    3. honk friend

      honk friend

      I KNOW I asked which ones

    4. Anneal


      It was just an assertion in general, not very specific. I just feel kind of left behind that I don't know a fair amount of stuff people are talking about. XD

  11. I can say I've lost a fair amount of friends both online and in real life because of this election and people getting insulted by the decisions I make.
  12. > More echo chamber threads where people attack Trump I ended up voting Libertarian, but honestly Trump is a better candidate than Hillary. People can't keep denying that a fair amount of Mexican immigrants are causing serious damage to our economy and well-being. Here in California we literally have Mexican drug cartels slipping through our nose with drug farms and factories in far northern CA, off the grid, regularly using the I-5 to transport their heroin and illegally produced weed. Humboldt and Del Norte County literally have the state's highest homicide rates because of Mexican cartels. Of course, I'm also aware that legal Mexican immigrants are statistically as law-abiding as other Americans – these are people who want to legitimately build better lives for themselves. I don't doubt that some illegal immigrants (besides visa overstayers) feel the same way. But when the US still continues to have a serious drug problem, keeping things the same and hoping the problems magically disappear is noy going to help us. Trump is not right in saying we need a wall, but he does address how we need tighter border control. He also wants to improve relations with Russia...unlike Hillary, who wants to use tens of thousands of soldiers to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria (ISIS doesn't even use any significant air force...) and pretty much wants to increase tensions with them. Trump is also willing to lend support to Russia in the Syrian Civil War – really, we can't afford staying there any longer. If it means put Assad into power and end the chaos in the Middle East, so be it.
  13. Not really. More and more Republicans have leaned towards accepting climate change. Seen here along with a 2013 PEW Research Poll, a lot of the moderate and light conservative Republicans – in fact, nearly half – are saying climate change is happening. Around a quarter now say it's human activity. And 53% of Republican supporters described climate deniers as either "ignorant", "out of touch", or just plain "crazy". And while the Republicans are disputed over climate change support, most Republicans do approve of funding for alternate energy sources, just not completely for environmental reasons. Some believe in relying on the free market to do the environmental work, sharing the opinion with some libertarians (who are moderate for climate change but don't believe in overbearing governments as a way to solve it), citing examples of companies like Google or Tesla that have went green to fulfill consumer demand. Outside the Republican party, a good deal of conservatives support the idea of climate change anyway, so there's not much to argue with that.
  14. Crunch, Hersheys, and M&Ms, though Skittles are fine too. Other than that it's no contest.
  15. Sadly not everything can be controlled by the president, so you can't blame him if he doesn't get his way. But that's how American government functions. Just because what the president wants doesn't always mean he gets it. Many decisions have to go through certain executive departments or Congress. Also, the Republicans have been a lot more open to combating climate change. Some just don't agree with the Democrats on how to do it. Clinton is also not a good representation of the Democrats as a whole and some in fact dislike her for who she is. We've in fact made great environmental improvements in the US, but it's being overshadowed by still prevalent issues such as fracking and habitat damage. And in the government, the environmentalist fight against big oil and car lobbyists is not an easy one.
  16. And unlike Stein and the Green Party, the Libertarians have solid, consistent political ground and ideas that clearly define what they stand for. The Green Party hasn't been doing so well because of how vague their policies are; the Democratic Party has intergated most of them and already has plenty of environmentalist politicians that makes the Greens redundant. The Republican Party has been more accepting of climate change, too, so the Green is unfortunately and slowly outliving its usefulness.
  17. "I'm not white, I'm European American"

    1. Twiggy


      We prefer melanin-challenged.

    2. Anneal


      You insensitive fool, how dare you generalize a racial group based off their melanin content? The Chinese have white skin, too! You're being racist!

  18. The Long Dark is awfully expansive and large and it's rather fun to explore around. Surprised no one mentioned Fallout 4, though. There's just so much to do in that game, and it's mod-friendly (unless you're playing on the PS4) enough to keep its fresh value. Fallout: New Vegas's mods are a lot more diverse, though I think Fallout 4 can come up with a lot more interesting ones given time.
  19. It's still very much a thing here in California, by both adults and children. While New England has its Lovecraft Country, California has recently been the setting for many horror films and books and some places take advantage of that. Some people here can get very creative with their costumes.
  20. > Duterte, who has supported vigilante killings of drug cartels and had a mouth a lot worse than Trump, won in Philippines this year. > Norbert Hofer, NEARLY won presidency in Austria of all places, and is actually more far-right than Trump ever is. > Frauke Petry doesn't nearly has as much support, but the alt-right movement in Germany is growing strong.
  21. It actually depends. Earth and Mars can be as short as a 9 month trip or actually as long as 3 years. They're not in a constant location, so a Hohmann transfer can heavily vary in time. If we're talking about two way trips, it'll actually be longer than 20 months even if you immediately touched down and got back up, because the time the transfer would take would be increase, assuming you took the shortest route when you landed.
  22. Actually, I know about the Caucasus because of chess. Armenians and Azeris are insanely skilled at chess, going as far as to even teach chess in school (they also have some of the strongest GMs in the world). Unfortunately I don't think Georgia is as skilled at chess as the other two countries.
  23. California's population gives a misleading representation of our density, though. If you only counted the population from Los Angeles to San Diego, that makes about 22 million. The Bay Area (San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose) has another 7 million, and save for a few exceptions most of California is very sparse in population. There's a lot of nature too, which is why a lot of films with nature settings are done there. Another interesting fact is that Americans are more frequently diagnosed with mental and psychological disorders than any other country. Around 21 million suffer from mood disorders, 40 million from anxiety, 6 million from panic disorder, 8 million from PTSD, 2.4 million from schizophrenia, and 2.2 million from OCD. Cases of ADHD and autism are more common as well. (Those statistics stack, by the way; some people can have more than one disorder.)
  24. Despite what pessimists will tell you how lost the United States is, Americans actually score one of the highest in philanthropy, volunteer work, and helping strangers. Currently it ranks 2nd behind Myanmar in the World Giving Index (and just ahead of New Zealand and Canada).
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