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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Singe

  1. Discord: If it's Heart and Hooves day, shouldn't you be attached to Rarity's leg? Cranky: I'm so sorry about what happened officer. Officer: Don't worry Cranky. Your story of Pinkie Pie trying to break into your house and your justified use of self-defense story checks out. Pinkie Pie: Look at that poser taking my job of welcoming ponies to Ponyville. You're too bat guano insane for everyone they said and replace me with her! Derpy: Welcome to Ponyville. *Holds up tray.* Muffin? Visitor: Why yes. Pinkie Pie: She's good. Twilight Sparkle: Has anybody seen Rarity? Rainbow Dash: Yeah, she eloped with one of the students. Twilight Sparkle: For the love of Celestia. I told everyone there would be no romantic relationships in my school between the staff and students. Applejack: It's always smart to be honest. Pony student: Like how the ponies are the superior creatures with the only first rate society and all other creatures come from third rate societies to leech off our bounty.. Applejack: And it's smarter to keep your yap shut when it's unwanted. . Twilight Sparkle: Starlight you've been getting a lot of positive feedback from the students. Starlight Glimmer: That's great... Twilight Sparkle: But they're mostly from the boys that want to date you. Twilight Sparkle: We have to find the missing students. Before they become too good friends and want to experiment past the physical boundaries of their personal spaces and cross species..
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1666776116200553082 Steam is changing their policy to no longer heavily police their site for games and be more neutral. They are easing back to provide more control to the consumers to decide what games are on display for them. Developers are given more freedom on what they make for their games.
  3. This part has been on my mind. First episode of Season 8 has Twilight barely acknowledging those ponies that nearly got crushed to death. Ocellus still faced no punishment for it as it was overshadowed by everything else.
  4. Seen this frame and couldn't resist doing some captions.
  5. Twilight's school doesn't even have teachers representative of the various other creature cultures. Just hires her friends. Not a lot of class time is needed to be devoted to teach friendship. Most of the time is just filled with the Mane 6 teaching their trade/craft. On a scale they're on the level of a community center teaching classes, a summer program, or camp.
  6. Currently right now for a pony, what is the education worth. Sure making friends is good but is a diploma from Twilight's school has any value as one from an Equestrian accredited school.
  7. Rainbow Dash: Has anyone read the paper today? Twilight Sparkle: Not yet. Why? Rainbow Dash: Look at this. There is an anonymous column that allows any pony to say what they don't like. This one is talking trash about the Wonderbolts calling them an elite flying circus club. Starlight Glimmer: I read about that, it's actually pretty spot on. Rainbow Dash: What? Starlight Glimmer: They really wanted you like a princess to an elite's social event. I haven't heard the Wonderbolts do anything else but put on shows. Rainbow Dash: They do others things, I'll prove it.
  8. What are some Cutie Map pairing you would like to see in the series? Twilight Sparkle and Trixie would be a good one. Let them work together and finally settle it between them.
  9. Spike: I got over the molting and now I have my wings. Smolder: That's just phase 1. Spike: What? Smolder: A dragon goes through several different phases. The next one will have you hungering for pony meat. Since you're living with ponies, enjoy your meal. Spike: I can't eat ponies. Smolder: You have too or you'll starve to death. Twilight Sparkle: The cutie map has summoned me and.... Trixie: The great and powerful Trixie. Twilight Sparkle and Trixie: *At each other.* The map summoned you? Starlight Glimmer: The map must have wanted you two to bury the hatchet between the both of you. Twilight Sparkle: It must be broken. Trixie: I agree.
  10. Value wise the pies and a return of some running lanes was a tiny price compared to the value of the land the ponies got out of it. It comes down to the ponies being able to get most out of the deal since the chief set it up to compromise with their stomachs.
  11. Starlight Glimmer: Look Twilight most of the time your way of making friends to resolve the issue works, but other times they need to fight it out. Even if it means busting some skulls. Rainbow Dash: Yeah, friendship has been boring lately. I'm more interested in seeing how this goes. Rarity: I'm never having another clearance sale. Just can't stand the barbaric mane and tail ripping over my dresses. Twilight Sparkle: You see my students are doing great learning about friendship. Neighsay: You believe they are merely students but in fact they're, spies. Twilight Sparkle: Spies? Neighsay: Your spy ring of students have been sneaking out at night gathering intel for their countries.
  12. Twilight Sparkle: *Sip from a shot glass.* Rarity: Twilight, when did you start drinking? Twilight Sparkle: About a few weeks ago. I got bored waiting for the cutie map to give me a mission. I thought I'd give it a shot and got hooked. Rarity: Drinking is bad for you. Twilight Sparkle: It isn't when I'm forgetting things and can learn them all over again. Yea! *Claps.* Twilight Sparkle: Despite your betrayal of the Equestria Kingdom to get back your horn, I'm impressed about your dedication to it. I on the other hoof would have jumped off the nearest cliff. This baby is my everything. Without it, we're worst than Earth Ponies.
  13. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180525/10072939912/forget-gdpr-eus-new-copyright-proposal-will-be-complete-utter-disaster-internet.shtml That is some crazy internet regulation reform in my opinion. Mass censorship and even taxes on links. What does everyone else think?
  14. Rarity: That dress. I might as well lie down on a pile of gems. Spike: Or what I call, my fantasy. Rarity: *Stares at Spike.* Spike: Did I just say that out loud? Sunset Shimmer: I don't want to complain, but these dresses really show off a lot of our legs. Rarity: Well of course. You do know none of us have boyfriends so we must dress the most provocative. Princess Celestia: All the Equestrian holidays were created by me, so I can take a day off. Princess Luna: I see I was being too hasty of being jealous of my sister. If I had just waited a few more centuries, ponies would have been celebrating me as the party night princess. Zephyr Breeze: *Sleeping.* Oh Rainbow Dash, you're hear to make this experience 20% cooler. Princess Luna, double the fun. Princess Twilight let me show you the real magic of friendship. *Snore* Fluttershy: Every night I have to hear this.
  15. I do expect ABC to no longer just allow anyone to step out of line like that. They did allow some previous stars like Joy Behar make some offensive statements and still keep a job.
  16. Princess Luna: Time for me to raise the moon. *Stands up.* Another job well done. Twilight Sparkle: Starlight Glimmer, why do I see a different colt leaving the castle every morning? Starlight Glimmer: I'm still working off that revenge energy. It should be out of my system soon. Spike: By the way, will that skeleton pony be there? Discord: She's a one dimensional cardboard character. Spike & Discord: Like some guy we know. *Meanwhile in another world.* Flash Sentry: Achooo! Garble: Spike is a pony lover. Spike: Well yeah. I mean they're easy on the eyes and have you seen the flanks of those ponies. *Whistles.* Garble: Well, I can't argue with that. Spitfire: Rainbow Dash, if I wanted a reckless flier I would have kept Lightning Dust instead of you.
  17. Princess Celestia: Chancellor Neighsay, I would suggest you think your words carefully in front of my presence. Chancellor Neighsay: Pardon me, my princess. Rainbow Dash: Yeah, put that crazy pony in his place. Princess Celestia: Be silent. Rainbow Dash: Sorry. Twilight Sparkle: Why are you strongly against me running a school to allow other creatures in? Chancellor Neighsay: I'll start off a list. 1. I'm paranoid, fearful, and distrusting since this kingdom has had a sudden spike of falling into disarray within a two to three year span. Some drastic changes need to be made mostly having some kind of defense force. 2. You don't know anything about running a school. I mean look at your staff, they're your friends. No professional career staff with the time taken on how to properly teach and watch over students. 3. Some ponies over there nearly got killed. The fact that you don't even acknowledge one of your students nearly killed some ponies shows where your priorities lay. That is why your school must be shut down so you can assess your flaws and find a way to fix it. Twilight Sparkle: I understand and I will work hard to fix this. Chancellor Neighsay: No you wont. The first thing in your mind is to weasel out of this and make your own rules. Starlight Glimmer: Whoa. He's got you good. Twilight Sparkle: I've started this meeting to discuss about the recent budget cuts across the school. Apparently I forgot about the ponies one of our students nearly crushed to death. They hired a lawyer and sued the school, we lost the case. The changelings can't help because they have no form of currency. Fluttershy: You should have seen Rainbow Dash when my brother tried to ask her out. She was like I already have a boyfriend. Then flies to the first guy that came into view. Rainbow Dash was all over him. Hugging him. Nuzzling him. Kissing him on the cheek. Calling him cutesy names. Going on about can't wait to settle down and raise the next generation of Wonderbolts. My brother flew off crying. Rainbow Dash: Ugh. You don't have to tell everyone that story. Rainbow Dash: If I have kids and none them have wings, they'll be put up for adoption as soon as they pop out.
  18. Transformersverse: Alicorns are created by having their souls transferred into protoforms which are capable of scanning all three pony types and creating that fusion beast mode. They can transform to their robot mode on a key command. Slayersverse: There is a unicorn known as Lina Inverse. Most powerful gifted in magic with a bad reputation and dragons are scared of her.
  19. It would be really hard to decide, because EG relied on the FIM series established setup of the Mane 5 and other characters to carry their EG counterparts. It just wouldn't work the other way because if Twilight crossed over to Equestria, they would have to put in effort to setup that world and not the simple as high school human counterparts.
  20. The way Twilight could have handled it is that by taking in a pet to help with the load of Spike's chores, she's not replacing him but wants to give him a chance to change his outlook of just being her assistant by giving him more freedom to pursue his own endeavors.
  21. I would also add Wonderbolts Academy to that list. That was poorly handled with all those characters. Also conflicts with the tight ship ran Academy in later seasons and some of RD's recklessness.
  22. Mane 5 competing for a teacher of the month award when they aren't legit certified teachers, is like giving out an Oscar every month to the best actress that plays a teacher on the screen. Cheerlie should be having her pictures on that wall.
  23. Twilight Sparkle: Oh, boo-hoo. You lost your horn. Just get a prosthetic you big traitorous baby. Ember: Garble the way I see it. You pick on this pathetic runt Spike, because you're just an inferior dragon trying to look dominate in front of the others. Deep down, you're making up for a lot of your inadequacy. Spike: You didn't have to call me.... Ember: Shut up runt or I'll punt you. Spike: Yes, dragonlord. Twilight Sparkle: So after a few weeks of running this school. I've received a lot of complaints from their guardians about you all not actually being legit teachers. *Sigh.* Spike: Ember you would protect me. Ember: Yeah, because you're my friend. Except against other dragons. If they want to beat the gems out of you, I can't do anything about that. Cheerilee: Princess Twilight Sparkle with her fancy school giving out an Oscar every month to the best pony that plays a teacher.
  24. Some of RD's frustration comes from her ego and the egotism . She didn't like being 2nd fiddle to Lightning Dust.
  25. Twilight Sparkle: I want to open up a school about friendship between ponies with the other creatures. Princess Celestia: A cultural exchange program. We've had that for years. Twilight Sparkle: You're kidding? Princess Celestia: Nope. Twilight Sparkle: *Sigh* Pinkie Pie: Are you sure you want to leave these students in the hoofs of Applejack and Rainbow Dash? Especially Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash: What did I do? Pinkie Pie: I don't know. Try to kill us with your twister. Rainbow Dash: Lightning Dust. Pinkie Pie: You blew up the weather factory! Rainbow Dash: Again, that was Tank. Pinkie Pie: See, she'll be reckless and absolve herself of any responsibility. Applejack: Ah, there is no way I'm going to be Rainbow Dash's scapegoat. You can pick some other pony. Twilight Sparkle: Fine. Starlight Glimmer it is.
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