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Everything posted by Singe

  1. Since the start of Season 8, Twilight still hasn't answered any of Neighsay's concerns and criticism of her being able to run a functioning school. Starlight Glimmer talks Twilight into continue running it the same flawed way she already did that got it shut down. These flaws rear their head up in later episodes of the season.
  2. Twilight still has a long way to go in running a school, the flaws are still there since she opened it at the start of Season 8. To simplify, Celestia could open up a school and run it under the EEA guidance but Twilight couldn't do it. She made some mistakes and paid for it. Didn't like it and pulls the, "Screw the rules, I'm a princess." Also how quickly she forgets the danger the ponies were in that event which shut down her school. An amount of Neighsay's concerns and criticism of her being able to run a school are still reaffirmed over the season. RD/AJ field trip competition and the Mane 6 running off on a friendship quest, come to mind. Also Twilight Sparkle has become very quick to make judgments and accuse more this season.
  3. One of the oddest things Twilight said was Gallus had to do friendship lessons alone. It kind of gave off a vibe like she didn't want to bother with his situation until the other students stepped up..
  4. Rainbow Dash really hasn't done anything new to wow and tends to reuse the old I can do a Sonic Rainboom stunt. To Scootaloo, RD could just be boring now. Right now RD has a weather job, Wonderbolts, friendship quests, and teaching school. Sounds like little time with Scootaloo.
  5. It was a good episode. Also it just reaffirms Neighsay criticism of Twilight running a school. We see she hasn't bothered to staff the school with anyone besides her close friends.
  6. Yona: Then my family surrounded me in a circle. Gallus: And they proceeded to smash you. Yona: What? No, they just braided my hair. Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry but you will have to stay here and do friendship lessons alone. Rainbow Dash: Friendship lessons without a friend. That's just lessons. Twilight Sparkle: I know that.
  7. The only thing I see that is a major flaw in Celestia is just having her kingdom get beaten several times and not doing anything to ensure it doesn't happen again. She relies heavily on the Mane 6 to bail her out.
  8. My best guess is this is Celestia's doing to promote a union of equality among the royal echelon of Equestria so that there can be many Prince and Princesses to fill roles while not having a higher rank that would cause them to squabble for power.
  9. Twilight Sparkle: This school will stay open. Neighsay: It's because you're a princess. Oh I'm a princess I can do whatever I want. I'll open my own restaurant and run it the way I want. I don't care about health and safety violations because the inspector is a hater. Neighsay: Need I remind you that a piece of a school nearly crushed some ponies. However I would expect that since this is Ponyville and they don't even have building inspectors. Student: Uh Miss Glimmer, are you coming on to me? Starlight Glimmer: I'm sure I can accommodate if you want. Rainbow Dash: Be my victim.
  10. To give some weight to this theory of Princess Celestia being in control, look at how the Crystal Empire and the Changeling Hive had a power vacuum where their new leaders are installed before the subjects of that kingdom are given a chance to decide.
  11. Twilight Sparkle: I have the school built and you will all be teachers. Rarity: Let me guess, you spent the entire budget on building the school and dazzling it. Twilight Sparkle: You got me. Applejack: So since you're trying to get free labor out of us, how are you going to make up the funds? Fluttershy: A school like this is going to be expensive. Twilight Sparkle: It's free for everyone. Pinkie Pie: Come on, nothing is ever free. Rainbow Dash: Now that I think about it. Our taxes went up just before your school was built. Twilight Sparkle: I had to talk the mayor into doing it. Applejack: So wait a minute. You're saying that you want us to work for free and pay for the education of the students. Some of which aren't citizens of Equestria. Twilight Sparkle: I thought it was a good idea. Rarity: You've been hanging around Starlight Glimmer too much. Pinkie Pie: Ever since the mayor enacted fines for doing stupid things. I can't walk ten feet outside without getting fined.
  12. Twilight Sparkle: I really showed Neighsay that I can run a school. Princess Celestia: All you showed him was your flank and told him to kiss it. Your behavior lately has been very unbecoming of a princess. Twilight Sparkle: Well you know what, you can..... Princess Celestia: Finish that line and I will send it into space. Twilight Sparkle: ....teach me the proper ways of a princess. I was never taught.
  13. The episode does make Twilight seem mostly heartless since she's more preoccupied with other things than the ponies that were endangered.
  14. Neighsay is an antagonist that legitimately holds Twilight accountable for her mistakes in the first episode. Then the second episode, Starlight talks her into the "Screw the rules, I'm a princess." It was a string of Twilight's mistakes of deceiving him, mismanaging her school, and her students skipping that lead to a panic which nearly got some ponies crushed by a part of the school. That was the trigger and pushed him. Maybe the worst debacle he's seen in his career. There was a lot going on in that first episode that his racism became the main focal point and the rest is buried in the second episode. It overshadows him chastising Twilight and the six students' guardians.
  15. This last line said in the finale of FIM. Twilight Sparkle: Friendship is magic.........and I really hate you all. Mane 5: *Shocked.* *End credits.*
  16. The only time I think Trixie was mishandled was in Boast Busters where it makes Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash take a personal issue with her telling a tall tale. Writers just don't provide enough to justify their trying to stop her and to not simply walk away.
  17. Do you think DHX should do an Equestia Girls movie that makes use of 3D CGI? DHX has done 3D CGI show with Inspector Gadget. If they could do it, they can craft a plot that involves the group with some computer/video game and Equestria magic. Create a localize area affected or make characters have to go into the game. Also work in a 3d version of their transformation.
  18. They do need some form of defense when they can't rely on the Princesses and Mane 6 to take point. Equestria could have been able to develop magical weapons to put enemies to sleep or paralyze them.
  19. Real depression for a Pegasus should be not being able to fly anymore. Lightning Dust after being kicked out continues her reckless flying breaking records until one accident puts her out of commission permanently. She would see Rainbow Dash being a Wonderbolt was handed to her on a platter than earned, reference how she was rewarded instead of being punished for the same crime and LD was still the superior rival. Meanwhile RD was dealing with being 2nd fiddle and not trying to be a supportive teammate to guide LD, which would give her a basis to help LD. Though for once, LD could be that one exception of friendship cannot always win.
  20. It would be something if Hasbro wanted to move to G5 at this point. Starlight could have ripped the spell and ended FIM right there. Chain reaction messing with time reworks the universe.
  21. Starlight Glimmer: I'm going to rip this spell apart. Twilight Sparkle: Please you can't do that. Starlight Glimmer: Do you seriously think I'm buying your 'the world is doomed because I'm the cliche chosen one' trope. Twilight Sparkle: I don't know why I was chosen but a lot ponies will suffer if you rip apart that time spell. Starlight Glimmer: After all this, you ruining my life and this chosen one world is doomed revelation. I've made a decision......*bleep* the world. *Rips apart the spell.* Twilight Sparkle: I'm the princess of friendship and will start a school to teach friendship.. Spike: That doesn't make any sense. You barely talk with anyone outside your circle unless you're giving them commands or yelling at them. Applejack: Look at that Twilight is an alicorn princess of friendship. Sheesh. Like we needed another egotist in the group. Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, how did you end up in jail? Fluttershy: I petted an animal when they said no. Zephyr Breeze: Look at you Rainbow Dash. I have bed sheets matching your rainbow colors and a pillow case with you all tied up. Rainbow Dash: Please Fluttershy, I'm begging you to let me put him out of our misery. Fluttershy: Opal has told me you've thrown her out the window several times. Rarity: She brought this on herself.
  22. It did, Twilight and the trouble maker 6 needed an out to that debacle which shut down the school.
  23. Rarity: But whining makes it feel better! Applejack ghost: They're old ponies. You must be careful. Rainbow Dash: Shut your wonkin’ hole, Applejack! Granny Smith: Poor girl lost her mind, she's yelling at clouds. Not that I blame her for wanting to tell Applejack to shut it. Starlight Glimmer: All you had to do is prance your pony two L's to the right, and you would've had it! Now why do I yell this stuff out if nobody's gonna listen?! Student: *Points to Starlight Glimmer.* What am I supposed to learn from that PSYCHO?! If that's the kind of friend I'm supposed to be, then you got the wrong freshman!
  24. Rainbow Dash: Really, Applejack? You just ruined the concert! Hey, if anybody asks, 'Who ruined the concert?' tell 'em Applejack did!
  25. Twilight Sparkle: I will never get that achievement of making a friend without getting them angry. Rainbow Dash: Ohhhhhhhh. I made a bad decision of drinking expired apple cider, but I still don't regret it. Scootaloo: I have great news, Rainbow Dash is staying at my place for a sleepover. Applebloom: You do know that the bank repossessed her home, right? Scootaloo: I don't care. Finally, I can be held... Applebloom: I'm out of here. Starlight Glimmer: Come on it was just one cigarette. Applejack: One, you lit it up around my apple trees and burned down an entire section. Rainbow Dash: You really like to hang out with me a lot. Where's your parents anyway? Scootaloo: They're around somewhere. Mainly as ghosts.
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