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Dan Loves You

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Everything posted by Dan Loves You

  1. Ooh, snazzy! You'll fit in just right around these parts. Shame the other one didn't fit, it was so cute!
  2. Welcome to the forums Cadence! I notice you got your muffin, and I guess you'll be using that signature now! Anyway, have a nice time, plenty of friends to be made here.
  3. There was something going around a while ago about Gaben- sorry, Gabe Newell being a fan of the show. I have no clue of the legitimacy of this and I could very well be wrong. Well I'm off to research this a little bit and I shall return with my findings.
  4. I don't watch it so frequently these days, however when I do watch it I'll pick a single episode at random while lying in bed after a long and taxing day. Always puts that smile right back on my face. If I'm in the mood and have the time I'll spend an evening watching a couple of episodes and just relaxing.
  5. I was just formulating an answer in my head but it turns out somebody already posted it! But yes that's exactly my thought process when seeing someone.
  6. I'm not entirely sure on how to word a response to this... Welcome to the forums buddy! Don't go causing trouble.
  7. Welcome to the forums, buddy. So you like video games eh? Console guy? PC? Do you have a picture of your OC anywhere? I'm curious! Anyway, have a nice time Solstice, I hope to see you around sometime.
  8. Oh wow, this is so cute! Those eyes... This makes me wish that I could draw. Even seeing awesome little sketches like this just tickles my fancy! p.s. I also hope you had/are having a wonderful day!
  9. Although I do own a few e-books and enjoyed them fine enough, for me it doesn't feel like a genuine reading experience, just reading. As weird as it sounds I like to smell the book and feel the texture of the pages on my fingers... I can't explain it. But damn, the smell of books.
  10. Welcome to the forums JasperLee! (Can I call you Jasper? ) I sent you a friend request on steam, I might hop on TF2 with you some time! Anyway, have a fantastic time here - I'm sure you won't find that a problem.
  11. There is always room for anybody, come in, come in! I was also a (very brief) member there! Shame about it going down. Hope you have a fantastic time here - it isn't hard - and wish you all the best for settling in!
  12. My XBL gamertag is oSpanielo, if anybody fancies that. My steam is just Spaniel, I'm the one with a companion cube for a profile picture. On the XBox | mainly play FPS games... CoD, Battlefield and Halo - just to unwind and relax for once.
  13. I dwell too much on forums rather than posting.

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      I post too much rather than dwelling.

    2. Dan Loves You

      Dan Loves You

      Haha, very nice. Makes me wish I could brohoof comments on status updates.

    3. CrescentCake


      I sometimes dwell too much on dwelling on things. :L


      CrescentCake out!


  14. There are so many badass weapons in games that I was clueless. With a little more thought that if I were to use said weapon in real life, it would only be for fun or for a laugh. This left me with only one logical answer - The Wabbajack from Skyrim.
  15. I thought about it for a little bit then abruptly came to my conclusion. I would only need one song in the soundtrack of my life to play at any time. This, of course, is the Rocky theme song.
  16. Ooh, I'm liking the music! I hope you don't mind if I have a little slide over into your channel for a look-see...
  17. [rant] One of my friends, let's call him Colin... Well he irritates me so much. Might as well start with a big one. He is a compulsive liar, but he's so easy to see through. However, on those rare occasions when I'm in a bad mood and I seek out to prove him wrong, he just dismisses it or covers it up with another lie. Also, it seems that sometimes he aims solely to bring me down just for his own pleasure, nobody finds it funny but he's in hysterics. [/rant]
  18. Welcome friend! I think you share at least one interest with everyone on these forums (aside from the show) so you'll get on great! I have to say I had a little giggle at your profile picture.
  19. I would certainly go with wings, and become the squishiest superhero to ever live. I would die almost immediately to some dastardly criminal. After I die however, I would go down in legend as WINGMAN - the worst superhero to ever live (worse than aquaman). I don't like swimming either.
  20. I feel so simple (and hungry) after reading these posts oh my. The last thing that was eaten by me was homemade lasagne. The last thing I drank was tap water. So exciting.
  21. Awesome, I listened to most of the other songs on your channel and grew accustomed to the length (it actually works well) and I'm amazed by your style... you see, it seems different and ORIGINAL - nice and refreshing after the scores of generic dubstep (not to say that its bad) Long story short, keep doing what you're doing and keep doing it well!
  22. Can I just say that you have a wonderful name, I've never heard it before! There's loads of friendly people here also, so don't go too far! What made you want to join the forums?
  23. Hmm, too right. I hope you don't mind but I added you as a friend, I'm not sure how it works on this site though! :S
  24. I'm perfectly okay with this hehehe. Thank you very much kind sir! I can see that this is a nice forum community which gets along well! (Doesn't seem too common these days)
  25. This is fantastic in the way it relaxes the listener (me hmm)! I hope that you find time to perhaps make an extended version however, it was a little too short and left me wanting more of your work - which I'll go check out now.
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