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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Skycoaster

  1. @@Hypn0ticD, Oh, I think you'll be pleased with the post I have in mind.
  2. @@Hypn0ticD, Exactly where would you like Luna to appear? :comeatus:
  3. @@Hypn0ticD, Seeing the need for a Princess Luna... :comeatus: I'd like to play her. It will be fun, and a challenge to play a Cast Character outside of EQE. Equestrian Application Form Name: Princess Luna Species: Alicorn Approximate Age: Over 1,000 years old Mare or Stallion: Mare Height 6'5" Weight 190lbs Eye color: Deep Cyan Mane color: Flowing Midnight Blue with speckles representing stars. Physical Description: Princess Luna is taller than all other ponies, with the exception of Princess Celestia, her older sister. Luna’s eyes are deep cyan. Her fur is dark sapphire. Her mane is a deep blushing purple with a violate outline. It moves as if in a breeze, similar to her sisters. She is always seen wearing her signature black crown and chest plate, as well as her silver shoes that shimmer like glass. Occupation (Optional): Princess of the Night and Pony of Dreams Other distinctive features (if any): Backstory: Detailed Back story here. Cutie Mark: A white crescent moon on a black background.
  4. Finally hit Changling. 1200 posts!

  5. I'd like to put my OC in if there is room. This is Skycoaster.
  6. Yesterday I quit drinking Soda. Today I am feeling the effects.

    1. Jeric


      Two weeks later ... did you make it?

    2. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      I don't really like soda, so I would drink unsweet tea, but this country doesn't have it. So now it's either tap water or soda, and that sucks.

  7. @@Khajiit, Princess Luna smiled at the white mare. "Imagine a time before we where able to print books rapidly. Each book was a work of art because of the time that was consumed to make it, hence is the case with this book. If such a decree would be made, it shall only be for my personal collection. It would not be wise to hinder the production of tomes." The princess could not help but think of her collection that mostly still remained in the musty old library of her former home. Perhaps in due time an expedition to retrieve them would be made and they may once again grace the shelves of a well kept library such as Twilight Sparkles. As the princess began to read, Luna put her full concentration into the words on the decedent pages of the ancient book. Unbeknownst to her, the book be soon began to glow the same color as her horn, Luna's eyes white. With a flash of light, the two ponies no longer found themselves in the confines of a library, but somewhere else. The princess shook her head and opened her eyes in shock. Luna let out a deep sigh as she started to remember why the book was locked away in the old castle. "It appears my curiosity has gotten the better of me. I must apologize, but it appears that we are trapped." as the Princess looked around trying to judge which story they where in. It appeared to be the Equestria of old. Ponyville was only a few small shacks. "It appears that this book must exists for a reason. Shall we find out?"
  8. @@Khajiit, Princess Luna smiled as the purple maned mare as she took her seat. "Tis quite all right," she assured Rarity. "There is no need to apologize. The daily activities of a Princess of Equestria can be quite unpredictable, as I am sure you and your friends know all to well." Luna could not help but thinking back to all the times that the Elements of Harmony where needed to save Equestria since her return, as well as the unexpected adventures that they must have embarked on since the group had become friends. "If the letters that I have read with my sister are true, than I would say it is a safe wager than if something unpredictable where to happen it Equestria, odds our that it shall happen in Ponyville." The princess nodded to the mare on her request to help. "I would most appreciate the help Rarity. These ancient books can be quite unpredictable." Luna found herself staring at the book once more. "Tis a pity that books are no longer made to the elegant standards of the past....Perhaps I shall make a decree to remedy that..." Luna's horn began to glow a soft blue as she looked to Rarity. "A simple unlocking spell that both I and my sister have used should allow us to open the book."
  9. @@Khajiit, Hearing the door creek behind her, Princess Luna lowered the book and began to address the pony who had just entered, though she must admit it was not the one she was expecting. "Twilight I-" as she herself was surprised to see the white mare that had entered. "Greeting Rarity. I was expecting Twilight Sparkle. It was she who invited me here today. Nopony was here to greet me, so I allowed myself in. I hope that did not cause an issue." The princess smiled and motioned for the mare to come closer and have a seat. "I must admit that I was taken by surprise by the vast size of Twilight Sparkle's castle. Its size rivals that of Canterlot or the Crystal Palace." Though she had not seen much of the newest castle in Equestria, it was clear that the Princess of the Night was impressed by it. "I believe the reason that Twilight requested my presence may have to deal with this book," as she pointed a hoof to the table. "It was recently discovered in my former home, the castle of the two sisters, and It bares my crest and appears to be sealed by magic." Princess Luna's smile slowly turned into a frown however as she continued. "Oddly though, I do not remember such a book being in my old collection."
  10. Empire is still best of War of the Stars

  11. OOC @@Khajiit Princess Luna had finally arrived in Ponyville. Judging by her sister's sun, she would guess it to be sometime in the early afternoon. Normally she would have been still asleep at this time, however she would make an exception today. One of Princess Luna's spell books had been found during a recent expedition into the castle of the two sisters. Normally this would not require the princess's attention however this particular book had a magic lock, one that only Luna herself placed many moons before that dark day. As the princess walked up to the door, she knocked three times and waited a few moments. She turned her head to each side, smiling awkwardly to each citizen as they passed. Knocking once more, she would wait once again before looking up to the clock tower near by, watching each moment tick away before deciding to show herself in. "Twilight Sparkle, I have arrived as requested, though nopony appears to be at home," the princess of the night would say in a voice just loud enough to be heard throughout the castle. If somepony where there, they surely would have heard her. Looking around, Luna would eventually find the library, the book in question sitting on the table. She would stair at it a few moment before being taken in awe by the shear size of the collection that Twilight had amassed so quickly after her previous collection was destroyed, along with the library. Make herself comfortable, the princess levitated a much newer book off a shelf. 'Daring Do and the Eternal Flower...Chapter one...' as she began to read to herself, hoping that somepony would meet her eventually.
  12. Princess Luna has arrived at Twilight's Castle in Ponyville to give council on a magical matter. Upon arriving, she shows herself into the library and makes herself comfortable. Nothing could possibly go wrong with magic from books as old as the princess herself, could it? RolePlay is now up. It can be found here.
  13. Another year older....

    1. Leonard Smix
    2. Fender


      Happy late birthday. How've you been, Sky?

  14. Trying to find a room with good acoustics. "Winter Wrap Up. Winter Wrap Up!"

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Plato's Pony

      Plato's Pony

      You make music? *sent friend request* It is my mission to friend all Luna fans.

  15. Found my 3DS after about a year of MIA. I guess cleaning the house for Christmas has at least one benifet.

    1. Cloud Strife

      Cloud Strife

      You should add me.......................

    2. Kulstor


      Always nice to find something you had lost or forgot that you had.

  16. I am currently employed by the empire, aka Walmart Stores Inc. I have been there for over 6 years in the entertainment department. Currently, my stress levels as well as my hours are up. Next week, Thanksgiving week, I will be working almost 50 hours.
  17. Well, with the holiday season fast approaching, it means that the coldness of winter will soon be upon the the northern hemisphere. As a coaster lover, it is hard to go the many months until the big Amusement Parks are operational...or a trip to Florida or California...Counting down the days till spring. Anyhow, Enjoy a free ride on Black Widow. I know I can't wait till May to ride it again.
  18. Hehe. Best topic ever. Disney Magic Kingdom Epcot Disney's Hollywood Studios Animal Kingdom Cedar Fair (Cedar Fair Platinum Pass Holder) Cedar Point Dorney Park Kings Island Kings Dominon Sea World Park and Entertainment Sea World Ohio (Yes, There used to be one) Busch Gardens Williamsburg Six Flags Six Flags New England Others Kennywood Knobles Hersheypark Walameer Lake Compounce Quassy Delgrosso's Amusement Park Lakemont Park Darian Lake Geauga Lake
  19. Hello there Tyranosuarus. I have read over Mirror Image, and there are some things that would need fixed to make him Equestrian Empire acceptable. All Oc's must have an appearance uploaded. There are plenty of pony creator apps that would be able to help you with this. Second, we do not know how long ponies live in Equestria. Please remove any references to a physical age and just use the appropriate adjectives for age. As for backstory, saying he was proficient as a thief would be adequate. Also, you mention that he started taking jobs from other ponies. Are these thief jobs or just general ones. Lastly, there are a few typos and spelling errors that would need fixed. Make these changes and I or another staff will be willing to look him over once more. Thanks, Skycoaster~EQE Staff.
  20. Ordered my Funko Princess Luna. I am a happy Brony!

    1. Dewdlz


      I have to wait to buy in stores. Congrats though. :D

      All hail moonbutt!

    2. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Awesome! I might get one :3

  21. That moment when you have so many ideas to RolePlay but don't want to use them all up...

    1. Oblivion


      I know that feel!

  22. Well, lets see...If real life is any indication of my talent....I do not know. I went to college for IT but pretty much 'coasted' through it, though I did graduate. Retail or a Travel Agent I guess.
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