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Everything posted by Deathmark1999

  1. Can I join this RP as well? c: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-arrow-r4704 Thank you so much! heard this rp us goin slow, hope you guys will eventually continue c:
  2. Silver Arrow and Gumdrop Swirl entered the borders of the Pony Pavillion. Such pity, a pretty name for a Town Square and hosting the start-ups of the bloodiest game in pony history. When the pink mint hued pegasus dropped down beside the rose gold unicorn, they stared at the huge stage afar: a huge wooden stage, a humongous television at the top right, and the whole big screen was a fat image of the new icon of the dictators here: Griffins. Even when Gumdrop denies from her shell, she herself can feel the freezing sensation of dread trickling in. "I guess their decorations suck. Even Feather Thrust can do better than that." Arrow muttered. "Well, Griffins aren't the first choice when it comes to designing Princess Celestia's ball gown." Gumdrop smirked bitterly.
  3. I agree with @Charcoal Embers . We can have a character interaction while a few hours before the selection, where the main selection stage is located, our OCs can gather and talk c:
  4. Arrow and Gumdrop exited the house after a failed attempt to talk about anything but the Games. "What's the point of going out?" Arrow exclaimed, against Gumdrop's opinion that 'she needed city air'. There was no point of going out,actually. Either the view of Canterlot was filled with closed windows and doors with expensive patterns, or people walking, dragging around with the faces of fear, or black circles decorated their eyes. Well, we still have... 45 minutes left, so let's spend the rest of the time... looking around! Hey, what about let's go see Sugarcube Corner, I'm definite they're open!" Gumdrop exclaimed, and pulled the grumpy unicorn along as they galloped through the gloomy streets of Equestria.
  5. Arrow leaped to the nearest artificial target, whipping in front of it, before stabbing it with her hind legs. Prst-crk. The whole dummy flew out of its position, hitting a tree like a baseball to a bat. The ragged statue then fell onto the grass, now in pieces. Arrow muttered a mild curse under her breath. "About time..." The dummy begin to levitate into midair to her magic's will, and as Arrow gritted her teeth, the statue's body glowed in a intense barricade of light, sparks igniting like a wild release of fireworks. When the light finally died, where the old, dirty dummy stood, there was a brand new dummy, alongside a new cloned version of it. She was too much in dread to be proud. Her heart beated so painfully, like a horse galloping with a lost leg. Before she could sink into all the fear that haunted her mind, a loud, obnoxious rap on the door woke her up. She blinked. "Coming!" She cried, and galloped to the front door to answer. When she opened the door, there was her friend, Gumdrop Swirl, standing at the front of her door still having that ridiculously wide smile that was too much for her. "How, exactly are you able to smile at the day you could be killed?" Arrow blurted with a mild tone of rage. "Oh, easy, there's like, thousands of thousands of ponies outside and its funny that everyone thinks that they're the one that's gonna be chosen. That's funny." Gumdrop stopped smiling and frowned. "And kind of weird." "Well, you never know." Arrow whispered. "It might be you. Or me." "Oh, c'mon, Arrow! You used to be so happy and optimistic, now look what this stupid game did to you?" Gumdrop moaned. "You need to cheer up and be even MORE optimistic! Besides, you're like, the daughter of the legendary hunting clan! And you're like, the most stressed out one here!" "Wow, how about when you're that incredibly lucky one being chosen and you have to kill your friends? Does that sound fabulous to you?" "Well, no... but probably won't be you! Nor me! Try to believe that way! I mean, its reasonable to stay happy while you're in a desperate situation, better than being all gloomy and fearful!" Gumdrop grinned, and begin to dash into Arrow's house. "So, are you ready for the selection?" She continued, staring at Arrow's simple yet cozy living room, at the goldfish she bought recently. "Not really...." Arrow sighed. "I wish I can just disappear into the woods until the reaping day is over." "You know they'll find you." Gumdrop huffed. "They have alicorns to chase you down. You'll be caught, by hook or crook." "How long till the selection?" Arrow turned around, tweaking the topic a little bit.
  6. Saturday sunlight filtered softly as Arrow landed gracefully down to the floor from her bed. As usual the soft chirps of the birds sang like lullaby to her, but today, as all years are to be, she was leadened with fear. A fear a huntress is shamed to have. She trotted to get ready, brushed her silver locks, washed her coat of rose gold. Today is the day. Entering the kitchen, she simply whipped up a sandwich of juicy blueberries, but as she chewed it, it tasted no more than ashes, or probably nothing in her mouth. After that moment of silence, she reminisced the days when she was living a glorious life beyond Equestria, far from this mad daemon's game's grasp. At least her family had to live, to assure her that she won't be picked. Trying so hard to recognize this as a normal day, she went to the embrace of the woods, letting the trees welcome her back with their warm arms. She smiled at the canopy of leaves, letting soft seeps of sunlight glide in, ever so beautifully illuminate the whole forest with its morning call. They were the closest family they had ever since her family died. She sighed, and gathered her weapons from her back door, before getting into shooting practice. Arrow's horn glowed a steady silver, and her favorite bow rose from the grassy floor. Today is the day. I won't be picked. I won't be picked. She gritted her teeth as she shot her last arrow,hitting the bullseye on the tree trunk with incredible accuracy I didn't need those stupid food rationing to get myself into even more risk to be killed. I have the forest.The bushes give me everything I needed. I just need luck. A little bit of luck.
  7. no bacon? ;-; nah, just kiddin. XD Welcome to mlp forums, where you'll spend a nice time here! I'm new here as well, and quite enjoying this place! Hope its buckin awesome for you too!
  8. Hey guys, check out the Hunger Games roleplay, they're finding members! :D

  9. @Grand_Finale Oh my gosh, thank you soo much! This is actually the first role play I'm in, I can't wait for the roleplay to get started c: hope its not rushing you or anything XD
  10. Oh, its okay. C: didn't expect to actually get the position, since so many people were fighting for it XD
  11. Well, its already really good for your first attempt on drawing ponies. My profile picture displays how terrible I draw for ponies in another style and it was my first try. Dunno why I put it as a profile pic though. 3_3
  12. May I join as a... pony, pwetty pwease? c: Name: Silver Arrow Species: Unicorn Age: 17 Gender: Female Height: 6 feet Weight: Sharply 50 kilograms. Eye color: Silver and willow grey Mane color: Silver Appearance: A dashing coat of a color similar to a blurred version of rose gold, her mane tied to the side in a ancient maiden Greek style and held with a copper band etched with a emerald. She also has another amulet on her left hind leg, to hide a physical horribly jagged scar from a past. Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): She has grown to a six feet and two inches teenage girl, with her hair now a straight pony tail with a wavy fringe. Her face is almond shaped, sharp and subtle cheeks with a faint sprinkle of freckles. Instead of her left hind leg, the amulet turned into a thick armlet at her left arm. She usually wears a denim jeans, combat boots, a simple shirt and a vest. Cutie Mark: She gained her cutie mark at her late filly age, when she successfully created a trap designed for two small creatures. Backstory(a little more about your character): Back in Equestria, she was trained to be a huntress for her legendary hunting kin that masters the hunting world, catching mythical creatures that were said to cease to exist. A little bit about her ancestors and present: Her kin had no supernatural powers whatsoever, despite the convinced audience that they had. Most hunters kill what they see in the wild world, The Silver kin only do so upon desperate and reasonable request. They simply catch and either contribute to museums, sell them to collectors that promise to keep them alive, or release them once again. Arrow's family, a small fragment of the incredibly large tribe consist of her parents Silver Fear and Emerald Bow, her brother Silver Thorn lived in a simple, cozy log house atop the green mountains. As a filly, she lived a ridiculously happy life, pampered with her brother's love while parents are out, and even more love when they were in. She loved hunting, as the rest of the family does naturally. Not all of the children of the Silver kin loves hunting, but Arrow had her genes fused to it. Along her filly years she had plunged herself into hunting, weapons and chasing rabbits or foxes around her backyard, and also practicing how to use the stubborn horn that sat atop her head. Entering teenage, she was finally allowed to enter into the dangerous world of hunting. She failed to catch anything worthy, but she didn't want to give up. Her first rare catch was a silver phoenix with the help of a drugged arrow, though it went against their killing rule and the phoenix died after the drug. She still didn't stop trying to catch those objects. Arrow was purely happy with her life, but a agonizing interruption of Discord had wrecked it all. He plagued the whole Equestria, turned her parents to silver, and, slowly, turned her beloved brother to one as well, leaving her with a scar on the outside and both inside to survive in the now cold world without her family's love. for more information about her: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-arrow-r4704 Thank you so much!
  13. I don't know if Silver Arrow deserves to be representing perseverance but I'll go ahead and try since this sounds fun! c: Her bio: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-arrow-r4704 Thank you!
  14. My OC used to live beyond Equestria, but since she moved to Canterlot now, can be be the girl tribute for that place? c: Here's her bio: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-arrow-r4704
  15. Deathmark1999

    request shop Dil's requests (Closed)

    Ello c: Can I request a version of your style from my profile picture (my OC Silver Arrow)? It'll be so nice of you to make it, thank you! CX
  16. its really surprising to see that everyone was so enthusiastic about the movie AFTER it was out, considering there was quite a large mob that judged the whole thing 'racist (wow, you guys)' and 'it's gonna suck so bad' BEFORE the whole movie. Well, honestly, I think there would be much less fans of Equestria girls if there wasn't that lovely relationship between Flash and Twilight... C: Overall, it was really nice! I half thought Twilight was gonna learn how to walk almost immediately, but all was very adapted to the situation! I love the song in the canteen where the girls made a catchy and awesome song to help Twilight win the crown. ;-; its so epic I feel like singing and dancing and flipping my chair over.
  17. Can my OC (http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-arrow-r4704) join as the Huntress? She's calm, sharp and mysterious, but turns friendly when you start knowing her. There's more info in the profile, ya would like to check it out Thank you so much!
  18. Oh, I've saw in DA some of the bronies have a live countdown gadgets, with the ponies dressed like... superheroes? XD I seriously dunno if its the 90's style, but I guess I can say its ridiculous. Spike imagining things again?
  19. Exams coming. 3_3

    1. Lisa


      Dem HSE exams, mang.

    2. Deathmark1999


      I have mandarin IGCSEs, darn them.

      Know how you feel, bro. >.>

  20. *reads fluffin long strings of replies* So i guess rule 63 is... genderbent version of ponies? XD Well, I guess its cool! XD Applejack and Rainbow Dash had its own interesting appearances as a stallion, but I can't being to Fluttershy. o.O Well, what if the whole mlp was introducing the genderbent mares at the first place? >8D
  21. Oh my gosh, yes! The rhythm is so catchy, so inspiring and awesome I felt like dancing to the song while I was listening to it (And I was in class XD) Next monitor election Imma gonna gather pegasisters in mah class and do it too XD
  23. Pies are awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deathmark1999


      *swallows in one big glomp*

      I have a wide throat, y'know. C:<

      Outside school? :o

    3. QuirkyUsername


      XD I don't go anymore :) I graduated 2 years ago and won't be going to uni till 2015 and I'll be damned if I wait that long for an apple pie XD I have to enjoy them outside school :P


      :o teach me your power of instant food swallowing

    4. Deathmark1999


      2015? Whoa, why? XD



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