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Everything posted by IHazTommyWiseau

  1. Do the D.A.N.C.E. Live -

  2. There are some episodes I prefer to watch over others but none of them are distracting enough for me to flat out dislike. Although if I have to pick a character that has the most mediocre feeling episodes as a whole, it may have to be most of Spike centric episodes (Particularly the one's in Season 3).
  3. I spotted two pony things in this video.Can you find them? -

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Before I start, are the two things Michael and Ray?

    2. IHazTommyWiseau


      No. I spotted a AppleJack figurine and a pony T-shirt. Not really sure which one is Michael or Ray.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Twiliscael
    3. Batbrony


      I can agree with this. ^^^

    4. MiStErUnMeRry


      You have no idea how much this sounds like the stuff before Silent hill went to hell.

      Also that picture was funny man.

  4. I do want to point out that the second tweet is partially false. The second line in that picture is clearly not from the original tweet. https://twitter.com/Fyre_flye/status/296399665627271168 I still don't think a few sporatic tweets can properly judge the full situation behind her leaving the show. For us to be so certain that she is unhappy with the show from this just seems ridiculous.
  5. You mean Megan McCarthy and this tweet? https://twitter.com/MMeghanMcCarthy/status/302576012804366336 I don't see how that confirms Twilight giving up her Alicorn position. All it really confirms is that Season 4 will likely be a 2- part episode continuing directly from today's season finale.
  6. Do you know which developer leaked this info? Was it from one of the main writers / anyone who works with the cast? That is a considerable spoiler if its true.
  7. I have to ask, where is your proof that she doesn't like the way the show is going. I don't recall hearing that she left the show on such negative terms.
  8. I feel that the show has managed to keep it's enjoyable factors high regardless of the lower episode count. Even though having a 26 episode count would be better in quantity, quality wise I wonder if the staff can continue making 26 strong episodes for each subsequent season. Regardless, season 3 has been fun so far and I expect season 4 to have plenty of enjoyable episodes. The hard part will be the in-between season waiting
  9. So what you are saying is that you are unwilling to accept the idea of a Tulpa and that anyone who believes it is not in the right mental state? Hate to say it, but you are being incredibly immature and disrespectful to the people who dedicate their time to post in this thread. If you have some legitimate concerns why not ask them in a respectable manner? I may not be much of an expert on this whole Tulpa thing, but at least I don't dismiss the entire thing as crazy whilst also insulting the people who are open minded enough to give it a try. Trial before judgement would be suggested here. In regards to my Tulpa, progress hasn't been too significant. I do notice responses from Danielle from time to time and I have moments where I feel someone watching over me,but I still have my doubts that most of these responses are truly coming from a sentient part of my subconscious. Is there a way to tell if these responses are unique? Maybe the skeptic in me is preventing Danielle from becoming fully sentient? Guess I will just have to continue with experimenting to see if these responses will lead me somewhere.
  10. I will say that I thought Season 1 & 2 were better in various regards but you lost me at the whole "pandering to Bronies" part of your opinion. I don't think I will ever understand why giving attention to your fanbase is considering "pandering" and how this is a bad thing.
  11. (Jon Tron has such a beautiful voice)
  12. So I am looking to create a voice for the Tulpa that I'm trying to create. Seeing as how she looks like a mix between Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy & Twilight it looks(see earlier post for specifics), how do you think her voice should sound? I don't really have any idea as to what would fit personality wise. Since I have no skill with drawing, here is a rough image as to what she is suppose to look like using Pony Creator.
  13. Thank you for the response Its funny to imagine how much of an impact your thread has had. The amount of Tulpa's that have been created from this could be near hundreds if you count the people who mostly don't talk about it (like myself -_- ) OT: Regarding my Tulpa, I don't know how to approach the responses I get from her (if any of the responses I get are truly her's). Should I focus on giving her a distinguishable voice so that way I know for certain its her thoughts rather than my own or maybe I just need a better way at understanding the difference?
  14. I'm curious, why even make a Brony related comment on a Sonic related video? Commenting about unrelated stuff within Youtube comments doesn't always have good results.
  15. I'm not sure if I can explain what happens in this video but I will try. In a nutshell, Skyrim mods can create various levels of insanity. Here is a fun example of said insanity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA7QQtkSy4o
  16. Considering how I have been lurking on this thread since it's inception back in May, I'd figure its time for me to become part of this discussion For the most part, I have been trying to create a Tulpa for quite some time, however my final results have been questionable at best. I don't have any clear defined character traits for my Tulpa, I don't have any wonderlands created for Tulpaforcing and the supposed Tulpa I have been creating feels like nothing more than an extension of my own voice rather than part of my subconscious (if that makes any sense ) The only certain aspects about my Tulpa so far is that it likes the name Danielle (Girl's name?) and it looks like a mix of Vinyl Scratch with Fluttershy's Hair and Twlight's body within my mind's eye. From what I have described here, should I just restart this whole process or do you think I can still have a decent Tulpa from the little success I have had?
  17. At the current moment I am watching Youtube videos. Since I don't have much to say right now, I'd figure its Youtube video sharing time! Also this.
  18. Both. The show and the community have been great additions to my life. I give credit to the show for it's charm and I give credit to the community for its creativity. I could go on about all the various things I love from this experience, but I'd like to keep it short and basic.
  19. I have a Ebay store now. Wanna give it a look? I may have the best Ebay seller name ever. http://myworld.ebay.com/smile4pinkiepie

    1. TailsIsNotAlone


      It's official. You DO have the best Ebay seller name ever.

    2. IHazTommyWiseau
  20. (Time for Ashens and a fake iPhone review).
  21. I gave it a vote. If it does win, how soon will it be before I can get the full version? Any idea as to how much he wants to sell it for?
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