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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Sunlight

  1. I'm pretty sure 90% of the forums are admiring your avatar... xD I think a few weeks ago.
  2. Usually I listen to music or search for art online to give me some inspiration. Other times I rage quit and play video games instead. Or just go on instagram and wait for the inspiration bug to bite me again.
  3. I voted traditional, because I find traditional utensils much easier to work with. I've tried drawing on tablets out before, but I never really got it.
  4. I'd hit you with a tire, because then I wouldn't get electrocuted.
  5. Robot?... Would you rather run naked through a football game or be banned from all social networking, internet and television for the rest of your life?
  6. Gets a pencilcase made out of said metal. Inserts pillow.
  7. I don't think I could do too much hard labour like he does. I'm too out of shape. ^^; I'm pretty sure living in the 50s or 60s would have been better than now though. Apparently there were much less dangerous people about, people would have been healthier in general as well. More modest clothing too.
  8. I don't mind them. I think they're pretty well designed, but since they haven't had many speaking roles they naturally don't have much of a spotlight on them. Derpy didn't talk much either, but she was picked out because of an outstanding characteristic that made her unique. Bon Bon and Lyra don't have overly unique designs, despite the designs being well-done. They just tend to mix in with the crowd.
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