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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by purple.teal

  1. Discord suffered because of what he did, so everyone could tell he was genuinely sorry for what he had done. That is not counting the fact that everything discord did worked out for the better in the end anyway. Every move he made pushed Twilight closer to opening the box.
  2. Heroes of Might and Magic III. I believe that was the greatest one in the series. And... The original starcraft. I undersand there is a second and it is pretty good but the first one had much better online play. All i ever get now is people trying to get to higher leagues then dissing those in lower leagues. What ever happened to playing a game to play?
  3. Getting up after Silver, Everlast turns back to the mare. "Alright Amaya, looks like we've got a goal for today. I still got time to spare so I hope you don't mind if I tag along. I just have to finally return these books to the library. It won't be long, and I'm sure I can find you again. White tone, It was a pleasure to meet you albeit a fleeting one. And I hope I am not appearing rude leaving as you come in, perhaps we can meet again later for a dinner if we do not see each other again in the day?" With that, he takes a bow and leaves toward the library.
  4. @ @Ochre_Dust "I'm only 34. I just deal with a lot of stress." A thin smile is given to his new friend. A sigh. "And the blank flank... Apparently being a rebel without a cause does not constitute a talent." I had a very good cause. "But what happened before doesn't matter. What happens now is important. We've got no idea what could be around here and while it is true that the only native we have met yet has helped us, she does seem to be trying hard to impress how dangerous this place is. By her reasoning our survival chance is zero. So we have to work together. By the looks of it we now have a leader, so let's get organized."
  5. After rising from the pile of sand he crushed as he fell, Everlast looked around to see everyone else suffering the same Aftershocks? That he was. Ok, nothing to worry about then. So long as he has a spotter to help him through. He waked over to the nearest pony who happened to have a brick wall on his flank. A solid wall. A smile. Just right. @ @Ochre_Dust Now standing beside the brown pony he spoke, "You there, you said your name was Dust? I apologize, I wasn't quite paying attention before the last bout of what ever dementia it is we suffer from this place hit us. I would like to get to be frank with you. If something like that happens again, perhaps worse, we may not be able to handle it alone, and I understand that if we are both hit at the same time my hope may be worthless. But I propose in any case we spot for each other, watch each other's flanks if worst comes along. What do you say?"
  6. Everlast gave his largest grin. This is the place magic comes from? We 'leech' power from this place, drawing it between worlds, but now we are in direct access to it all. Direct access to raw power! Of course, this power is useless if we die attempting to tame it. One step at a time. Even dragons start out small... Another unicorn was speaking to the native and trying to create a plan. Alright I'll leave that to him. Let him create a plan, if he has insider information from that- he glanced toward the ethereal pony. -Then it is sure to be the best course of action. He begins checking himself over and then glances around at everyone else. With everything that the ethereal pony said about never making it here alive, they all seemed to make it through without much harm. With nowhere to go, and no goal in sight, Everlast sits down and scratches at the ground. No physical damage may have been done but is everyone's Intelligence and mental abilities alright? It seems so, being as everyone was awaking sane enough. he himself seemed alright, but the most important part, his magical abilities, remained untested. He stops scratching at the ground and begins to concentrate. We already know that this place seems to be filled with magic energy. A limitless ocean. and one may not be able to handle it all, so perhaps if I could just do some small spell, just use a small drop... He focuses on the ground around him in a childish attempt to form it into a sand castle. Maybe this could be a vacation after all.
  7. Pony Fortress Forever! Hats For everyone! Magical Mercenary anyone? Fluttermedic is best class.
  8. Everlast After getting over his shock of seeing the apparition, Everlast continues forward to the group collecting around it. It wasn't harming anyone, it in fact seemed to be helping organize the ponies. Strange times make strange bedfellows I think is how it goes. He listened to it and took its advice. @Everyone conscious "I am Everlast. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. All of yours." @Cinderscribe "You seem to be the least affected by this place," A glance over the figure in front of him and a shudder. Or perhaps the most affected. Either way our best lead. "And at this point I couldn't care less about what happened, I want to know what happens next."
  9. With consciousness regained and the pain gone, Everlast sits up, using more will power than normally necessary. He finds that he is not, as much as he may have dreamed, on vacation at a beach. Far from it. He stands up and suffers a recurrence of his pain, tolerable this time. You've prepared for a time like this. This is just the adventure you've always wanted. A giggle. Put first things first, understand the surroundings. Normally, that wouldn't be so hard, but this time there isn't much to understand. A blank world with a population of one. Turning at the sound of voices, he sees a silver lining. He is not alone at least. A few other ponies seem to be suffering the same fate as himself. About to call out and ask what was going on, he stops himself when he notices they look about as confused as himself. Naturally seeking a leader, he begins to walk toward the most confidant looking one in the group, but again stops himself short when he realizes it isn't exactly a pony.
  10. Everlast opens his eyes,finding himself laying on rocky sand. "I always meant to take a vacation..." His chuckle turns into a cough as he spits out some of the sand. A throbbing in his horn made him squeeze his eyes shut and clench his teeth in pain. "I wonder if this will count this against my sick days..." He sits up and looks about him, but the pain in his horn blurs his vision to little more than blurs. He lies down again in an attempt to dull the pain. Could that be other voices? "Leave me alone or bring me some sunscreen." He begins to fade back into unconsciousness, but manages one last whisper, "An bit of ice won't hurt either."
  11. "I'm a pencil pusher, paper weight, rubber stamp, The worst of bureaucracy. I work for the magical differentiation division where I mainly have to decide what is considered 'black' magic, and how restricted it should be." I pause to take a sip and smile, "A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to keep unicorn magic advancing while preventing the magic from harming others."
  12. I'm wondering if Trixie could continue on with her travelling magic show or if she would be willing to settle down...
  13. We're bronies forever, bronies together, we're fans but so much more!

  14. I Roleplay everything. It is just so much more fun to get more into the game. for myself anyway.
  15. "White tone? Might have heard you before, You do piano compositions? Will you performing in the musical battle here? Have a seat, If you are going to be giving us a show, I can give you a good breakfast to get you going." I turn back to my look alike. "Silver, you said blacksmithing, What kind of jobs occupy most of your time?"
  16. I suppose it all depends on how much power Tirek absorbed before the battle. At the beginning of the episode, When he is the tiny cloaked unhorned centaur, Kratos would beat him. But at the end... Kratos is gone. No contest. Of course, Tirek might be able to just sap all GoW powers anyway buffing himself and taking away Kratos's saving grace.
  17. It's Discord, he will always be the random Draqonequus-of-a-wizard he is, but even before he turned "evil" again he helped twilight with research. He is probably like captain Sparrow and always knows it will turn out in the end.
  18. Well now comes the time of fan art to carry us through the silence.

  19. 1. Twilight Sparkle - They should have letter her keep the starry flowing mane thing that they kept teasing her with. 2. Pinkie Pie - Adds the color but keeps her style. 3. Rainbow Dash - Kama Hama HA!\ 4. Applejack - She gets a cool matching hat upgrade 5. Fluttershy - She can't pull off fancy. Her sytle is simplistic and I think she likes it that way. 6. Rarity - She got a second tail?
  20. That was awesome. The whole fight between Twilight ans Tirek was a little stereotypical, they always have to rebuild the mountains after them. By far my favorite episode so far, So many references to the earlier generations, (besides the villain being gen one.) I hope they do more in later seasons.
  21. I would like to see more of starswirl the bearded in later seasons, But I think we already see him in a few episodes already. In modern episodes we see a pony named Time Turner hang around in the background. Most know that this pony is also called Dr. Whooves and is clearly based of Dr. Who. Dr. Who is a powerful and eccentric lord with power over time, A flying and time-travelling Police Box, and the power to regenerate. Starswirl the bearded was a very powerful, and eccentric wizard. He was powerful enough to merit a castle wing dedicated to him. What is in this wing provides the theory's base. A centerpiece in the shape of an hourglass, and shelves filled with time-based spells. Is it possible that Starswirl is a previous regeneration of the Dr. Whooves we have grown to love?
  22. Season finale today... :\

  23. "I'm here for a few weeks on a business trip, Research and such." I smile at the waiter as he brings a tray to the table and pay for the food. "It doesn't hurt that there is a little musical competition here. I've been noticing musicians coming into town over the past few days in preparation for it. Are either of you here for it?"
  24. "I'm Everlast." I give Silver Dusk's hoof a hearty shake. I introduce him to Amaya who is currently trying to convince a lone pegasus behind us to join our little party. "Hey. we have room for one more, and unless you're waiting for someone else to show up, there is no use using up a whole new booth." The waiter arrives and I order for myself a breakfast hayburger and a mug of fresh apple cider. "What will you guys and gals have? I'm talking to you too lonesome pegasus behind me. What is your name if you don't mind me asking?"
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