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Everything posted by Ryzu

  1. I also tend to use this when I get REALLY depressed. This song is the reason I joined this fandom in the first place. (One of them at least) This song is from RDP: Bittersweet
  2. Derpy has a twin named Orange Box

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. luftschloss


      Probably from Winter Wrap Up. There were like three different Derpys in that episode.

    3. Ryzu


      There are like 5 o-o each a different color hair. I demand fanfics to explain this.

    4. luftschloss
  3. Note that this is for Hasbro's toy line, and just like the Rainbow Power is spoiling some future events. There clearly will be the mane 6 and better artwork.
  4. Thank the lord (although I'm athiest so thank luck I guess) that I don't have science class tomorrow. Stress relieved.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monsoon


      I would but I'm sure we live in different countries and stuff lol well a teacher shouldn't hate you

    3. The Peculiar Derp

      The Peculiar Derp

      Thank the magical immortal potato in the heavens! :D

    4. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Thank the flying spaghetti monster.


  5. I attempted to brohoof this twice o-o that's how good it is. "Can you do that? Can you brohoof twice?"
  6. Wish my school has a cartoon club... Anime club is filled with judgmental people and if you don't have the same views you have a terrible time with them.

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      Our schools "Anime Club" is just my best friend dragging me and her other two to her house to eat candy and barely pay attention.

    2. Bourbon Brisk

      Bourbon Brisk

      I went to an anime club once that after seeing a flyer up , but everytime I went they never watched any anime or or mentioned it except maybe one time. All the times I'd been there it was just talking about computers specs and hardware.

    3. Ryzu


      Lee can we trade lives because that sounds like paradise to me

  7. That's easy, wait for Gen 5. Mlp will still exist when we are all dead, just not the same one we know today. I'd like Lauren Faust to give the show another sort of set up to make it a bit more exciting like the season finale (but not too much.)
  8. My problem keeps getting worse. If anyone has any experience with death or at least wants to try to support me please go to this thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/122900-my-loss-is-haunting-me/

  9. There is a poster of the friendship games showing each team, and pony-tail twilight is on the other team with the shadow bolt logo on her belt. No doubt she's the antagonist.
  10. Star Swirled the Bearded. PLEASE make him the antagonist in the season 5 finale and have him face off in a magical battle with discord where the stakes are high and everyone is depending on the reformed discord. And honestly I feel discord is the most magical being in the show (naturally, there are things like the alicorn amulet and Tirek's power stealing) because if Celestia and Luna can't beat him and Twilight can't beat him alone the only one who stands up to his level is chrysalis, but seeing the state he can put ponyville in a matter of minutes he's much more powerful as he doesn't even need to use effort. That's already a thing in EQ3 other Twilight is the antagonist.
  11. Wau season 5 starts in less than 20 days...

    1. Steelstallion


      YAY!!!!!!! =D :) :3 :D π€×¥∆

    2. luftschloss


      I know, I'm so excited! Sadly I won't be able to catch it right away. I'll be at BABSCon that day.

      SO EXCITED FOR SEASON 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      /) BROHOOF!

    3. luftschloss


      *ahem* Erm, please excuse my overenthusiastic outburst.

      *puts on poker face*

  12. I think I'm gonna relearn guitar just to play let me drive my van into your heart. My sister gave me her old electric before she went to college so I already have the equipment plus it should be a generally easy song to play.

  13. So sometimes we all tend to have bad days and just feel bad in general whether it's something that did, something someone did to you, or something that happened in general that made us feel this way. We all have our different coping mechanisms but I'd like to know how you try to cheer yourself up when you feel this way. Personally, I always find myself ending up back at this video from my favorite cartoon (OMG it's not MLP) Steven Universe in which Steven put's in his fathers CD of his old song "Let me drive my van into your heart" which most of you may know from that one fluffle puff animation. I honestly can't feel bad listening to it. For some reason it makes me feel at home when I don't even have a place that I call home besides maybe the forums. It's a nice feeling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq0kzI2DPgk Oh and here's the fluffle puff version if you haven't seen it yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQWhJrkgXII
  14. Taking a nap bbl



      Have a good sleep :)

    2. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee


  15. 3697 profile views. Wau. o-o Not sure if I should be proud or terrified lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      *Embarrased* 42620 Views, I have more, woops ...

    3. Ryzu
    4. ghostfacekiller39




      atm i am in the lead >:3

  16. And I quote; "Besides you're a mighty good athlete, I'm just better!"
  17. I can't Stand my science teacher. I accidentally say I don't have my homework and she refuses to let me turn it in. Plus she always bitches at me about my low grade. FML

    1. Probably Lee

      Probably Lee

      First of all how do you accidentally say that, second of all, what the fuck is wrong with her.

      Was this the same homework you were working on last night?


    2. Ryzu


      I just misheard her and yea it was. My school knows how to really piss me off sometimes.

  18. How is it that I haven't fallen asleep in class on a day where I didn't sleep but on the days I do sleep I seem to always fall asleep

  19. I think it's awesome and has a lot of potential, just needs some polishing. If you want I can help you with that, I've had experience with an old friend, helping her edit her wattpad stories until she... let's just say... vanished. I tend to be pretty skilled when it comes to polishing although not as good when it comes to writing according to the results from my english class. I got an A+ on my narrative but only because of the polishing, the story as I would reread it felt like it was missing too much, although I was rushed. Anyways if you need any help just say the word. Atm all I spend my time doing is work and practicing art.
  20. Can I just say that's the most adorable OC I've ever seen, and it was done in MS Paint, one of the most limited art programs out there. You must be using dark magic or something. Don't lie to yourself; this is a lot more creative than most OCs. Do you have an art blog or something? Cuz I honestly wanna see more, especially since I'm getting into drawing again.
  21. Just found a direct lead to find out the answer to whether that girl I've talked about to a few of you commited suicide or not. Hopefully I'll get a response tomorrow, but I am a bit terrified of the results.

    1. Probably Lee
    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Damn, hope things turn out well.

    3. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      hoping for the best

  22. Join the all-nighters and watch random videos with us on equestria.tv! http://equestria.tv/r/All-Nighters

  23. Starlight Glimmer is staring into my soul... and for some reason she reminds me of the old version of pacifica (until the latest episode) from gravity falls.

  24. Is anyone else mad Kevin hasn't been on grumpscade or steam train yet? I don't even care if he isn't funny I just want to see what he's like. Oh and I found this:
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