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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. I apologize than. What I would like to say that for your case, it is best to try to gauge just how tolerant the folks around you are of such things as like any individual, different people respond differently to somethings. I was fortunate my parents were cool with my interest in ponies. Your folks may not be so try your best to keep your privacy hidden until you're certain they're going to accept it.
  2. They have a sneak peak of the next deathbattle up and it is:
  3. You should've seen how EQD, /mlp/ board, and even here reacted to those I listed. It was nothing but huge infighting by those who wanted to give the series a chance or those who hated the changes and called the series dead for it. We've lost many fans over that year. The other controversies like Unicon and Fighting is Magic receiving a C&D really took out alot of vigor from the fandom for how all of those were happening to it.
  4. True. there were dramas that may have been worse individually than the ones I listed, which I need to add Unicon to that list too, but considering how 2013 was infamous in the brony fandom for how much crap and drama that one year caused, if I were to say if there was any year in the fandom for a brony to avoid, 2013 would be at the top of my list.
  5. Probably and it's definitely for the best as they badly need to get over their love for anything Soviet. They had good tech that definitely influenced warfare and stuff such as slope armor, but there was a reason why the U.S and Soviet Union were trying to grab as many German Scientists as possible after the war.
  6. The entire 2013 year easily. Seriously you had the likes of: 1. Twilicorn controversy. 2. Fighting is Magic receiving a C&D from Hasbro. 3. Down with Molestia controversy. 4. EQG's being first revealed 5. Flash Sentry being first revealed. 6. The Unicon fiasco as Megas mentioned. Seriously, no year was ever as caustic for the brony fandom than the 2013 year.
  7. Ha ha, honestly, this is hilarious to see the time he put in for humor and to be a troll.
  8. You mean Cyrus: I will agree with you on that, level him up correctly and he can literally solo whole missions on his own as his explosives and high powered shot paired with his infiltration ability to stay hidden and there's literally nothing short of detecting bosses that can stop him. In chaos rising, try to have the FC have the ability to reduce cooldowns so he can make energy abilities free, and have Cyrus be equipped with energy based explosives, and the only thing you ever need to be concerned with him is patience and time. There's another character from DOW 2 that it's nearly as oped as him too in Tarkus: Let him level up his stamina to full so he can get invulnerability on his tactical advance, level his energy till at least he can use grenades as energy weapons, and he is quite possibly the most important member in boss fights and the 2nd most oped character next to Cyrus as he will not die while his tactical advance is active and his taunt ability is awesome as he can draw enemies attention towards him, making him oped as heck in boss fights as Taunt -> Tactical Advance = him laughing all the damage boss throws at him while the rest of your squad can take down the boss while he's distracted. He also makes an awesome Orbital Strike and Artillery beacon as he is immune to any damage while his tactical advance is active and taunt will draw enemy squads towards him so have no fear using him as bait. He actually even outstrips Cyrus in opedness in Retribution as Cyrus was toned down a bit while Tarkus got even more overpowered as he can cause crap loads of damage with any weapon he wields. Give him Shadowscale armor to infiltrate and a plasma cannon and he can solo whole maps on his own. Speaking of DOW 2, there was a time when these units = Assault Terminators were the most broken things in the whole game as their super heavy armor got reworked to being strong against anything that isn't power, plasma, and artillery weapons, 5400 HP pool, and their than new lightning claws were melee heavy weapons, and they could level up! Summoning even one squad on the field at any point in the game were considered an insta 'I win button' as you could send your whole army at them and the 'clawminators' will murder them with little difficulty. They did balanced them were they made the Lightning claws power melee and reduced their hp upon upgrades to 4500 HP, and they no longer leveled up. Now Catachan Devils: in the vanilla retribution are broken as they're a utility squad that is too good at too many roles. Also their shotguns cause the same damage at all ranges while the comparable scout shotguns suffers a damage penalty the longer the distance the target is, power melee weapons that allowed them to beat the crap out of many melee squads and paired with high explosive shot to knock them back to soften many melee squads up before they engage, along with their damnable ol reliable and smoke grenades to ensure nobody bothers them with ranged fire in melee, they're broken as heck. Thankfully, the elite mod and others rectified that and more. I've heard Gaijin Entertainment is infamous for their heavy favoritism towards anything Soviet/Russian stuff. There's even evidence to show for it on sites like ED to showcase that they're blatantly Soviet WW2 fanboys.
  9. That would a nice twist, though I'm sure the supporters of her reformation will complain of how DHX 'caved to the haters'.
  10. Sad to hear of your case with these deadly seizures. Do whatever is necessary for your health as you're right, no video game is worth the risk on your life.
  11. Dawn of War 2 is the one I remember that got me into Steam.
  12. Happy Birthday Wind Chaser =)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      The day is still young so I pray for it to be a good one for you.

    3. Wind Chaser
    4. Nuke87654
  13. Didn't Starlight Glimmer lacked the knowledge over what her actions were causing with the alternate universes? I believed the episode tried to at least make the point that she didn't knew that the mane 6 were that important to Equestria as to decide the fate of it as she wanted to ruin Twilight and her friend's lives, not ruin Equestria's. I can be wrong on this so if I' am, please correct me. Still, deciding to ruin several people's lives via time travel is a scummy thing to do so she's not innocent in that manner. My bigger issues with Starlight Glimmer's redemption that I consider one of the worst ones on the show is of how rushed it was, but more importantly to my decision is how it extenuated Starlight Glimmer's actions that we've seen from the pilot. I mean we've seen her: 1. Brainwashed the ponies of communist town to believe in her ideology. 2. Lie to them by hiding her own cutie mark, even if she did had a practical reason why. 3. Ignored how Starlight Glimmer had a plan for the mane 6's cutie marks that she stole from them. Which the finale never made mention of. 4. Tried to indoctrinate the mane 6 in turn, which without their initiative, she would've succeeded. Also, she crossed me as a fervent believer of her ideology. When dealing with such individuals, you need to convince them of just how wrong their beliefs are. Twilight never did that. All she did was prove of how Starlight Glimmer was messing up Equestria through her time travel shenanigans. As follows, the only thing Starlight Glimmer would've changed was her tactics in attacking the mane 6 upon realizing she was destroying Equestria, which to me would've revealed a good deal of her character and would've done a better job to make her interesting then to slap a redemption tale on her so soon. This places even more reason why I believe the staff should've let Starlight Glimmer's turn as a villain last at least another season, where the mane 6 try to let her see of how wrong her beliefs are and how Equestria's friendship is much better and stronger in comparison. Finally, her reason for turning to a fanatic for enforced equality was weak as all it did was make her look like a spoiled brat at best, a manipulative sociopath at worst that can't stand not having everything going her way, and like so followed this belief that allowed her to create this own little world separate from the rest of Equestria just so she can live in a society she has full control over. I mean, Troubleshoes from S5's Appleoosa's most wanted had a FAR better reason to follow the equality religion then Starlight Glimmer did in comparison as his cutie mark gave him nothing but misery and anguish as he was made into a laughing stock of town to an unfairly branded outlaw that lived a recluse life because nobody in Appleoosa wanted to give him a chance at all.
  14. To make matters worse, you need around a GTX 970 or a Radeon R9 390 in order to get the best out of your VR set so you need an already powerful computer just to pull it off. My comp that I built two years ago is considered only adequate enough with a GTX 780 and the steamvr check says to get a new graphics card! I honestly believe that only enthusiasts would get the sets this year as others will wait till prices and tech reaches a more acceptable level to jump into.
  15. I'm in the boat of 'which device is considered the best' as if I'm going to spend that amount of money on something, I want it to be the best one available. Thus it can be the SteamVr which does include the controllers in it's price, or Occulus Rift that is without the touchscreen controller that is expected to launch in the 2nd half of this year.
  16. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/02/reports-799-steamvr-powered-htc-vive-to-start-shipping-april-1/ With that price point of Steam's VR being at 799$, suddenly that 599$ of Occulus Rift's doesn't look too bad. What do you guys think?
  17. Can I say how annoyed and angry I' am with NOA treehouse for their shoddy translation work with FE Fates

    1. Megas


      Is it really that bad? I've been hearing very mixed things ranging from "this translation sucks" to "it's completely fine your overreacting" which seems to be the status quo when it comes to these things :P

  18. Nice job with your reviews for S1. I consider this episode in particular the best season finale episode this series has had thus far still
  19. It affects me and I appreciate Key Sharkz for bringing this topic up as being a Nintendo euthsiast, I agree with him as Nintendo games have a notorious reputation of remaining high several years later because Nintendo loves to produce low despite many of their products selling high. It's also annoying that Nintendo is the only gaming company where they typically do not have daily sales on their games, I mean 40% off after you buy one game at full price is considered an awesome sale by nintendo's standards. It's unacceptable for what Nintendo is doing to price gouge it's loyal customers and pushes me to try Sony for a change of pace.
  20. Aye, but another issue is relevancy as well. It would work with longer lasting cartoons and appeal like Zim, XJ9, SpongeBob, and Aang. The issue than further stems if you want to involve cast members that aren't so popular anymore and of course finding a script that can make it work somehow or the movie a severe backlash from multiple fan bases to put it mildly. That's also not counting how time may have aged the original va's enough that it would be problematic or circumstances demanding new va's to replace them.
  21. Good to see it won't happen anytime soon as I feel that the window of opportunity to do such a film is far too late and as others have said, many nick toons like The slice of life nick toons like the cast of Hey Arnold and As told by Ginger won't mesh well with more action oriented cartoons like Invader Zim and Danny Phantom's cast.
  22. 1. Stop redeeming villains in a lazy fashion. Really, if you're going to redeem a character, than at least give it the time and effort such a drastic change to one's character needs. I'm tired of seeing some lazy asspulls like Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer for the sake of wrapping within a time slot. Preferably, I'd like to see a villain pony that isn't redeemed and serve as a long term villain of sorts. 2. Enough with the Spike abuse. The guy is in dire need of some character building love, not a repeat of Spike literally getting crapped on just so he can learn a lesson. 3. Start using the mane 6 in two partners. They have gotten better in this regard in S5 where the mane 6 were used together in the season pilot and even in the finale, Twilight and Spike were forced into their roles by Starlight Glimmer and they did used the remaining five in the AU timelines so it was fine by me. Still, they need to continue this trend and not return to what the S2 finale started with Twilight being center and focus to solving problems.
  23. It depends as there have been many great games like Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Classic Doom that reused assets from Ocarina of Time and Doom 1 respectively. It really depends on simply if the game itself is still good as resuing assets is not bad itself. Using it incorrectly or badly will just be counted as among the things the developer did wrong in a game.
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