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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Well this is awkward to see.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nuke87654
    3. MasterSpark95


      Whoever that troll was, he's probably banned from the forums for good. ;)


    4. Nuke87654


      Indeed he was.

  2. Happy early birthday to you and I'm pleased with the score of this review too . It's easily one of my favorite S2 episodes.
  3. A fandom that gets too much hate simply because they have a hobby that many consider weird. Other than that, they're a harmless bunch of fans that put great effort and care to their devotion as fans of Furries.
  4. Hey Buck Testa, to show proof, here's the letter I wanted to show you earlier:
  5. Nuke87654

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    While I'll put the tweet comments on hold, I'll explain why introducing femenism and promoting it over what made Ghostbusters great, a cast of characters that had great comedic chemistry with each other along with an awesome theme and use of special effects is bad. The fact we have heard or seen nothing to indicate what kind of plot it would have, the trailer not exactly painting the new movie in a good light, and how they seem far more concerned with brownnosing the femenist crowd and politics, I'm especially terrified that it will result in a terrible movie that panders to the wrong crowd that will kill whatever potential a reboot of the Ghostbuster's franchise would have while we have those folks complaining at how it failed cause of some so called patriarchy in excuse to their terrible decisions.
  6. Nuke87654

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    According to Key Sharkz, whom I trust very much, they were in response to fans who offered points of criticism for the direction the film seems to be going to which he responds with the usual 'misogyny' card whenever they're backed into an uncomfortable corner. Does every film or so go and promote Ellen Degeneres clothing campaign? No and the fact that he and the rest of the production staff was willing to join in would suggest he approves and supports her, which would include the promotion of feminism considering the photo in question.
  7. Nuke87654

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    That, but it's also affected if said director is pulling the usual misogyny card on anyone criticizing him for casting women into his role for the sake of it as it shows off his mindset being one similar to one who is part of the social justice crowd. Also the photo promoting girl power just screams to me they're trying to cater to the feminist crowd which only further supports my belief that's what he intends to do with this film.
  8. Interesting to read one part in Jayson's Q&A about his loathing hate for analysts that are clearly riding an issue just for fame and clicks. Hmm rather interesting to hear that.

    1. Metemponychosis


      I have a theory that DHX is tired of MLP and would rather do something else. But Hasbro bought their souls. XD

    2. Nuke87654


      If so, than it's probably for the best if they do end the series with the movie. That's just asking for a seasonal rot.

    3. Metemponychosis


      Yeah. I don't think we're quite there yet. But that is something we can only see in retrospect and you're probably right.

  9. I wish for that too as Celestia badly needs some good time in the sun as you're right, it's been going far too long that Celestia gets her butt kicked on the show while we know next to nothing about her without using other characters to paste the puzzles in. I sincerely hope that they finally give us a good Celestia episode that the show badly needs to do.
  10. Nuke87654

    movies/tv New Ghostbusters Movie

    Key Sharkz third post on page 2 gives greater evidence to support that it is trying to cater to that crowd considering the director is blasting legit fan complaints as misogynistic and there's been more proof such as having one photo of a group of women spouting girl power in response to criticism of having an all female cast.
  11. True, but Cadance needed help doing it unlike Celestia who owned Chrysalis and her army on her own, it still does not shake that Cadance lost to her when they fought 1v1 where the other Alicorns have shown that they can beat her in such terms. I agree with your point on the crystal heart and tree of harmony on the other hand.
  12. 1. Being able to move a star and moon is a very impressive feat of telekinitic strength. Celestia, Luna, and Discord are the only individuals shown to have moved such bodies without recieving some significant power up like Twilight at the season 4 finale. Such feats are considered extremely difficult to pull off in Equestria as outside of those three, it took the unicorn tribes strongest mages to pull it off, and they were losing their strength for it. If Celestia and Luna hadn't shown up, it would've likely resulted in some catastrophe once the unicorn tribe lost the means to move those solar bodies. 2. It was implied that Cadance lost to an unpowered Queen Chrysalis considering where she was situated at and can presume it happened before she started siphoning up Shining armor's love for Cadance. It took a powered up Chrysalis to beat Celestia, which she was even shocked she won. Without such a power up, the comics show Celestia stomps Chrysalis as she caused those holes you see in her legs when she originally didn't had them (though why her subjects do is a case of writer failing to note that) and Celestia actually imprisoned her and her changeling army inside a volcano. From the recent seige of the crystal empire arc, both Luna and Twilight (heck, Twilight defeated Chrysalis as a unicorn in the comics) were shown to be able to beat an unpowerd Chrysalis on their own so even more evidence to suggest Cadance is the weakest of the bunch. To be fair, even the weakest Alicorn Princess is nothing to scoff at as she did held a city wide shield spell for an undetermined amount of time without rest against a powerful malevolent being in Sombra and does posses some powerful transmutation hacks as she turned water into crystals in Princess Spike and we can presume she at least has all the abilities Pre Alicorn Twilight and Trixie with Alicorn amulet possessed and shown via power scaling. Hope that helps explain why Cadance is conisidered the weakest of the Alicorn princesses. As for your other point, I agree the Crystal Heart is extremely powerful if it was able to hold a deadly blizzard all this time and defeat Sombra as well.
  13. Not after the recent characters of Starlight Glimmer and Radiant Hope. Twilight never had such an extremely favorable narrative that those two managed to pull off out of their plots.
  14. While there are certainly justifiable reasons to fear the premiere, the Alicorn baby getting oped magic is similar to how a baby Unicorn magic will get sudden bursts of magic powers while they're infants. I'm just hoping that they don't forget that part of the episode and have some magic disarm spells in place that fails, or it's going to make them look like idiots for forgetting about it. Also, I'm interested in Sunburst and how they're going characterize his relationship between himself and Starlight Glimmer. After all, we need an actual reason for why Starlight Glimmer turned against cutie marks and went extremist on the equality ideology, not what the finale showed to all of us.
  15. Good to know even the show will bestow me a gift with the S6 premire confirmed to air there. Now I'm guessing that magic thing talked about in that Baby Cakes episode is what's affecting the poor baby to go out of control with her magic.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nuke87654


      I'm just hoping said baby doesn't wreck stuff without rhyme or reason just to look special.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      me too. available for chat or busy?

    4. Nuke87654


      Busy at the moment, sorry.

  16. So Bethesda is hosting the art cover contest on Twitter to decide which of the two art covers go on the reverse side of the art sleeve cover for Doom. I can't post the pics here from twitter but it is on there if you wish. Of the two, Option B is no brainer as it screams Doom and pays huge homage and respect to the classic Doom art cover. Vote for Option B folks on Twitter.
  17. So the mlp comics made the fanon name for Twilight's dad canon. That's fine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Night Light

    3. HereComesTom


      I'd always wanted his name to be Astro Sparkle, but Night Light is another pony from another generation with his coloration, so I have to admit, it fits.

    4. Nuke87654


      Aye, I agree.

  18. 1. Fanhate dumb reaction to anything that's popular is part of it. 2. Fluttershy suffered some bad character stagnation in S3 and S4 where it seemed that her episodes not only reverted to her problem of dealing with social anxiety, but the fact that none of them are particularly great only makes this issue worse. 3. The lack of any notable presence as a secondary character only makes the hate worse.
  19. Do you recognize what joke was I referencing to? If not here it is my fellow poster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflategate My fault if I was not transparent in my attempt, Equestrian scholar.
  20. Liar for how could anyone doubt my clearly unbiased investigation for how Rarity committed these heinous crimes against the forums. Pay no attention to the fact I have fellow reviewer commissioner DQ who is part of the forums shield reviewing my findings as his ties to the forums has no basis of any possible bias in my review for this investigation
  21. Says the fan of Rarity, who will clearly defend their beloved idol from any defamation no matter how well deserved. We shall also take away Rarity's first round of spa treatment, a 4th round with a tub of ice cream, and fine her one million bits as befitting of such a clear violation of equipment that damaged the integrity of the forums.
  22. The poll inflation numbers clearly indicate of a nefarious inflation scheme going on. To compound Rarity's guilt, she had Spike destroy the letters that would have given the forums clear proof of Rarity's guilt, thus she is guilty!
  23. It is more probable than not that Rarity was aware of an inflation scheme that clearly violates the integrity of the forum.
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