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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Nuke87654

    technology iPhone SE

    Thinking of the 6s plus. Her hands are smaller than mine and she has used Ipods before hand so I don't think she'll mind size. I'll need to look those up.
  2. Nuke87654

    technology iPhone SE

    Hey folks, i got question for ya. I'm trying to find the best Iphone around so I can get one for my sister who is returning from her mission from Costa Rica as gift to her. Which Iphone that's currently selling right now is the best one. Note, I don't care about price as that's what payment plans are for.
  3. I do agree that they may still be born Alicorns but they have no idea of how it's possible to conceive one naturally (ala sexy times have failed). Still I wouldn't pass the possibility that they weren't born Alicorns up as that statement still can mean that too.
  4. Why do I have to watch Little Einseins for a homework?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Nuke87654


      General studies in college right now. Planning on getting a bachelors in computer science or so.

    3. PiratePony


      So weird...your professor must have an odd sense of humor. Good luck - summers only a few months away.

    4. Nuke87654


      I'm hoping to do more work than, including college if I can stick to Workstudy.

  5. To counter your assertion that Hasbro won't carry the lessons of Gen 4 and why it was successful to gen 5, I'll say is this: Transformers.
  6. Metroid, Lara Croft, Beyond good and evil, Freedom Planet, and Heavenly Sword are a few others I know. If you like a game where there are a cast of female characters, Fire Emblem, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, and the super mario and especially it's rpg spinoffs are good too. And yea, I know what he asked for pc games and of course there are methods that exist for it.
  7. Dude we got a new husbandro in Sunburst My rankings are: 1. Cutie Map 2. Return of Harmony 3. The Crystalling 4.Princess Twilight Sparkle 5. Friendship is magic. 6. The Crystal Empire As alphys and Dq said, Celestia treating the next part of Twilight's, saving the citizens of a whole kingdom from a poorly developed but great potential villain, as some sort of test was especially dickish and cruel to the citizens. Than with how it treated the remaning five by kicking them to placate a group of citizens while we see Twilight failing miserably without Spike's involvement, than finally as added insult, Celestia goes back on her previous order and said how Twilight learned not to be so selfish. Yea those are my reasons why I consider this to be the worst season premiere
  8. According to the comics, their dad's name is Night Light, though with the title naming him Mr. Sparkle does put a bit of a damper on that cannoncity. Still it may be true still as the episode credits card never quote said what his name was other than he's Twilight and Shining's Father ala 'Mr. Sparkle' as was 'Mrs. Sparkle'.
  9. True. This topic can lead to a bunch of different possibilities and headcanons for how can either case can be.
  10. It's a possibility now that I've seen this topic. It would possibly be another answer that perhaps concieving an Alicorn without ascension realm is probably even the two Natural born Alicorns lack the knowledge to and have lost the means to learn how it can be possible.
  11. Perhaps, still that would mean that giving birth to an Alicorn is something that is naturally concieved by what the ponies know. This would mean also for what would cause Flurry Heart to be concieved as such outside of Hasbro wanting an Alicorn baby.
  12. Applejack: Yeah. How can you just be born with 'em? Princess Celestia: The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen! Princess Luna: It is beyond even our understanding. I don't know, that quote seems pretty telling that they were shocked such a thing happened. Sure we can assume that perhaps they aren't sure how such a thing can work (ala sexy times not producing Alicorns), but I'm more convinced with the wording that Luna and Celestia aren't born Alicorns according to show canon.
  13. Considering that the Journal of the Two sisters had stated that they were born Alicorns but the show itself has all be declared they're not born Alicorns, this is a good case for folks to take. When we see a direct contradiction like this happens the show canon takes priority over it. Meaning that the Journal of the Two Sisters point that Celestia and Luna are born Alicorns has been retconned and replaced by the show's take that they weren't born Alicorns.
  14. I always set my expectations low for any premire or episode in order so that I cannot be disappointed of an episode failing to meet expectations but to be surprised by what an episode does right and see if it can contrast with the rest. The season 6 premiere was a pleasant surprise for me.
  15. I Loved the characterization and backstory on Sunburst. This episode helped me to like Starlight Glimmer more. Spike had one of his best characterizations in the series, the mane 6, royal couple, and even the Alicorn princesses actually played important roles in the episode. Still biggest problem with the episode is that many of the conflicts, particularly with the Crystal Empire citizens and the Flurry Heart wrecking stuff without some quick telekinitic spell, felt forced. Still while not as strong as Season 5's premiere or even as good as the finale of Season 5, it's still a pretty strong season premiere. Probably the third best in the series. What a gift from MLP to me on this birthday Honestly, I'm starting to think Josh Haber will do just fine as the head writer.
  16. Loved the characterization and backstory on Sunburst. This episode helped to like Starlight Glimmer more. Spike had one of his best characterizations in the series, the mane 6, royal couple, and even the Alicorn princesses actually played important roles in the episode.

    1. Nuke87654


      Still biggest problem with the episode is that many of the conflicts, particularly with the Crystal Empire citizens and the Flurry Heart wrecking stuff without some quick telekinitic spell, felt forced. Still while not as strong as Season 5's premiere or even as good as the finale of Season 5, it's still a pretty strong season premiere. Probably the third best in the series.

    2. Riganthor


      I agree those where the good things of this season opener, I kinda like how sunburst was characterized, hell he is now my favourite secondary character.

    3. Nuke87654


      He's starting to become a favorite for me 2

  17. Twilight's and Shining's parents speak!

  18. Biggest issue with the episode thus far is how forced and the duration of the conflicts. Other than that I'm liking how Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst's conflict, Spike

    1. Nuke87654


      Spike's use is good, and the mane 6, the royal couple, and even the Alicorns are getting some use to help alleviate the conflict.

  19. Yokwondo....

    1. Nuke87654


      Martial Arts with Yo Yo's !!

  20. This episode is doing a good job at making me hate the brat.

  21. Well the Crystal Heart is a fragile little shield device. A loud sound spell can break it into millions of pieces.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Also, I would be disappointed if the baby somehow saves the day because of some random deus ex machina spell it does

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Thank Luna that wasn't the case.

    4. Nuke87654
  22. Seems like Journal of the Two Sisters got retconned with Luna's comment.

    1. Nuke87654


      Or at least retconning Luna and Celestia were born Alicorns.

    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Yay for Flurry's sneeze not causing the blizzard!


      But boo for the retcon!

  23. Looks like a new ship has been christened in the show!

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I am strangely okay with that. :P

  24. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-19622-fim-cutie-re-marked-episode-review/ Just in time for tommorow's s6 premire, here's my review for S5's finale. Come and see what you guys think of what I put into my review.
  25. He's actually alot better than one would think. The guy did survived being submerged inside his own star and apparantly he tanked a blackhole too. In fact, if not for Ganon's hax such as possession, I personlly believe Bowser would be too tanky for Ganon to really hurt.
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