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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. You agree with him that Celestia is stronger than Luna when the journal of the two sisters was one of my key points to my case for it!?
  2. Than explain why Andy Price said the comics were canon according to Hasbro? Also the Op never mentioned that the comics weren't allowed to be discussed here. In a debate, if nothing has been stated to not be allowed, I can use it. This is why I'm getting tired of this debate because it feels no matter what I say or how many evidences I gathered to prove my case, you and Sbaby won't listen to anything I say because it directly goes against your interpretation of Luna that none of you are willing to change anytime soon.
  3. Hasbro, the owner of the franchise and one who monitors what stuff is being into anything FIM word doesn't matter? Explain how? I don't agree because the word of a major writer stating that's what Hasbro is the most compelling argument for it. Another thing to note is that Hasbro views everything officially licensed by them is canon. This a thing that Hasbro has done with their works like transformers and now FIM where anything they officially license is canon in some form with the only rule being they're all b canon to the progenitor (usually the show) a canon to ensure that if anything contradicts the progenitor directly, it will take priority over the offending b canon.
  4. Whether you like it or not, and trust me I don't for the reasons you stated, but Hasbro gave the comics permission to write the story and that's how it is written and accepted in lore. I'm not going to refuse it considering the canoncity of the comics and trust me, if it were up to me I would put it into a separate spot away from anything the show has done, but like I said a fan's wish such as mine means nothing to what Hasbro does with FIM lore and I'm not going to refuse it because that's how it is and how the op allowed it to be used here.
  5. In other words you want me to show a direct link that does not exist in the show. Okay, let me tell you why that is a bogus statement: A. There's other evidences to support comics being canon to the show yet you want me to find one direct reference to a certain controversial storyline in the show to be convinced. B. This is you cherry picking and moving goalposts around. Frankly it's rather distasteful that I continue because you're refusing to listen to anything I say due to being very biased for Luna as you don't want your headcanon disproven. I feel you cannot be reasoned with no matter what I say and I do not wish to argue with someone who does not wish to learn anything that contradicts their viewpoints.
  6. Except all of that is nothing but conjecture with no basis on your part. I actually went and dug up evidences to prove my point. You on the other hand are just throwing headcanons and theories around and acting as if they hold higher precedence than: A. Direct photographic evidence of a major comic book artist stating Hasbro considers it canon. B. A direct link of a comic story being referenced in the show. C. A major show writer writing a canon journal out. D. OCs of the comic artists from the comics being shown in the show. E. The fact we have the EQG series coinciding with the show too so why can't the canon b comics work? Frankly I'm busy with other stuff meanwhile and I grow tired of arguing with someone who clearly is set in their mind that they're right and no amount of convincing will say otherwise. Really, what's the point in arguing with you anymore.
  7. Now that I actually pinned your argument for the a comics story never being mentioned in the show down, now you're switching to 'they exist in a multiverse,' as a crutch now despite you admitting that the show and comics writers have interacted on which to present or not? You're essentially admitting that I was right while still clinging to your belief that is somehow concrete despite you admitting that I was correct and can't refute it. Really this is funny to me seeing that post.
  8. Except again you're not presenting a case but attacking my points. Also your DA analogy is wrong as my evidences are the equivalent of presenting irrefutable photo evidence but yet folks don't want to believe that is actually what is shown here because it didn't happened on video. You claim hearsay but yet I presented photographic evidence of the claim. Connected, is Babs Seed's scissors cutie mark the show as mentioned in the episode Bloom and Gloom and actually shown in Made in Manehattan: This was foreshadowed first in the comic Friends Forever issue #13: If you want to question it, the comic came first as it was released in January last year compared to Bloom and Gloom being released in April of last year. Now answer me this, is this not the proof that the comics are canon to the show's timeline that you're looking for? The show has made a direct reference to a comic story with Babs Seed in that issue liking cool haircuts which resulted in Babs Seed being mentioned and shown in the show getting her scissors cutie mark.
  9. You're attacking my points here. Playing the victim because you still have utterly nothing to prove your case while I have plenty here but yet you're still insisting I have nothing. It's the equivalent of you saying you're winning despite launching no effective offense against your foe. You're forgetting one thing but let me say it again the op never said comics weren't allowed. Whether you like it or not, the comics are b canon so thus I can use them as I please here. Until you're the op himself, you can't change the rules here as you like because of your cherry picking antics. They're all mentioned and done in the comics. Okay I'm getting tired of your incessant attempts at disproving this point of how the show doesn't mention despite how: A. The comics themselves don't mention every episode that happens in the show. Why aren't you complaining about that too. B. They operate separately in the timeline so as to not bother them with each other and to keep things in cohesion together to ensure the canon is at least stable. Also it helps to ensure writers aren't too overburden with learning both sources in writing an issue or episode for their respective media. C. The comics are 'b canon'. That means it exists so long as the show makes no contradictions to the issue. The show does not need to make mention of the material nor vice versa in order for it to be canon. D. A major comic book artist said that 'Hasbro' the company that monitors and determines everything both the show and comics have considers it canon. This is what drives me up the wall with your denial as you're denying word of a creator from a major employee that the comics are canon. As I have said before, Hasbros word >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a fan's wanton wish. There is definite proof the comics are canon by Hasbro. Their view is the only thing that matters whether you like it or not. You can try and deny it all you want but I'd take the word of a major comic book artist who has worked with Hasbro over a fan. E. Equestria Girls exists too and we even have a character in Flash Sentry being shown in a S4 episode yet the show has done nothing to make any direct mention to them. Why aren't you attacking Equestria Girls in the same manner or is it because it would actually validate the point that the comics operate in their own separate timeline much like how Eqg does the same too. F. A little tidbit to add. Remember how Babs Seed got her scissor cutie mark that was mentioned in the show? That was first established in the comics. So here's a direct reference the show made from the comics if the pony ocs of the major comic book artists aren't enough for you. The only thing that is question in canon with the Journal of the Two Sisters is whether the Alicorn sisters were born alicorns. The rest is fine. This was explained over in EQD where Amy had to be dragged in to explain it: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2016/03/amy-keating-rogers-explains-her-ideas.html As for Josh Haber, he was being coy and is letting fans decide for his own amusement about the whole thing and considering how it's worded. It could be argued it didn't removed it from canon as it can be explained they have no idea how to create an alicorn baby naturally. After all they were just babies so the fact the sisters have no idea can be explained that getting an Alicorn baby conceived takes some special circumstances to get it done. Also in the S4 episode Castle-mania, it was shown that Twilight was busily reading a book called 'the Journal of the Two Sisters'. Thus it's still very much canon as the show itself mentioned it's existence. Yet Luna didn't so thus whose fault is it that decided to be lazy with studying magic while her sister was busting her flank off trying to learn as much magic as she could? You're just throwing antagonizing statements at my case and yet you have none of your own to really prove. Here's the thing, in a debate, it doesn't matter how many points you can prove or disprove on my end, if you have no case of your own to prove your points, all of your attacks and conjectures means nothing. Until you can actually have a case at how Luna is more powerful than Celestia that does not depend on some faulty and not similar analogy, I don't see any reason to agree with anything you have written against me.
  10. ^^ Listen to Coffee Pony on this. The transformers fandom, fans of a hasbro brand, has lasted for 30 or so years and still going strong. Also, as much as many in the fandom like to pretend that the previous generations weren't good, many of the minds behind G4 were fans of the G1 MLP and cartoon. Also I don't view G3 as being terrible (G3.5 on the other hand) as it had it's appeal and fandom too. The fears of many worrying the brony fandom won't last long obviously haven't been part of fandoms before. Fandoms have a long life shelf as we have many famed ones like Star Trek and Dr. Who going on 50 years strong. Hell we have the Sherlock Holmes fans which are fans of a near 125+ year old brand just to emphasize it.
  11. Happy Birthday Jonas Darkmane :D

  12. Happy Birthday, Nom Nom.

  13. Mainly for how a unicorn managed to handle her in the S5 finale. I don't think she's above Twilight as Starlight had plenty of advantages going for her in that battlefield in: 1. Had advanced warning Twilight is coming so she can prepare on the spot unlike Twilight who needs to go in there guns blazing to avoid an ice spell to the face. 2. Due to Starlight's mission, Starlight doesn't even need to fight her at all. She just simply has to alter the time events at even one moment to win. 3. Twilight cannot fight her for a long period of time or the filles will get distracted and thus time is altered. It's not to say Starlight is a fraud, the fact she's able to even fight Twilight pretty evenly should tell you she's a powerhouse. But I do think those who say that Twilight is less powerful than Starlight aren't looking at the whole picture for Starlight's success.
  14. 1. The op of this post never said only use show stuff so anything that is considered canon can be used. 2. Andy Price himself had Hasbro's word that the comics are canon 3. The comics and other licensed material are the b canon to the show's a canon apparently. As such they have no obligation to directly mention each other for business and story sake (You don't want to have to burden your a canon writers to learning stuff from the b canon that only certain members of the audience are going to know.) 4. I have shown that the show mentioned the ocs of Andy Price and Katie Cook in a MLP episode. 5. You still have no evidence to anything you have postured such as Luna having this hidden power that we've seen nothing to indicate it to be true while there's plenty of evidence in the Nightmare Rarity arc to indicate Luna received a major powerboost from the Nightmare Forces. Since you love to throw this 'use the show to be canon', how about you actually use it to prove your point instead as I've done my homework, now it's time you do yours instead of relying on a headcanon. 6. The Journal of the two sisters have shown that Celestia has studied harder and learned more magic than Luna who on the other hated to learn magic if it were difficult. She's likely a better flier too considering Celestia loved to fly. Honestly this has been disappointing for me because no matter how many times I've shown and proven my point while you have said nothing for your case while attacking me ineffectually, you refuse to acknowledge that perhaps your favorite princess is not so powerful as it's apparent that you're motivated by this desire to see Luna rise above all the princesses simply because you wish to fulfill it, even to the point of ignoring all the canon material stating as such.
  15. According to this, it does give more legitimacy to Nintendo's reasoning to firing her. She definitely broke rules 4 and 5 with her other business. It can be argued that she broke all the rules listed here too. Either way, I can definitly see and agree with Nintendo's decision based on Allison's actions.
  16. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-19665-fim-the-crystalling-episode-review/ Here's my review for the Crystalling. Come and see what I've done here.
  17. Well my rank is a pony now

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. PiratePony


      You are just a pony. You make mistakes from time to time.

    3. HereComesTom


      Gratz on that!


      I don't really pay attention to the rank I have---I almost wish I could go back to being a Parasprite so it'd show that rock I have for an avatar falling down on it again...!

    4. Nuke87654


      Roger that, and thanks for the gracious compliments folks.

  18. https://mlpforums.com/blog/2981/entry-19658-amy-keating-rogers-elaborates-on-alicorns/ Well this blog entry has a link where Amy explains more on this. It does seem more likely now that either Josh Haber didn't paid attention to it, did acknowledged it and was doing to troll fans with how he worded it, or something drastic happened while Amy was out. It does give more credance to the belief that Luna and Celestia were born Alicorns considering how they had discussed and agreed upon it. I don't see much reason for why Josh would make it non canon if they had such discussions.
  19. It's now a written rule to have optimus die for the autobot sins and be resurrected for he is autobot jesus.
  20. https://mlpforums.com/blog/1519/entry-19647-fim-season-5-review/ Here's my S5 review blog entry before I jump into S6. Come and see what you guys think
  21. Happy Fetal Transmogrification Day, Randimaxis!

    1. Untitled Goose Q
    2. Nuke87654


      Thought that was on his profile page :P

    3. Untitled Goose Q
  22. Nuke87654

    technology iPhone SE

    Alright than. I'll go for Iphone 6S instead. Thank you very much for taking the time to inform me on this Key Sharkz.
  23. Nuke87654

    technology iPhone SE

    Alright, got one final question for ya before I switch over to the 6s. The 6s plus while bigger also has a better resolution of 1080p compared to the 768 resolution of the 6S. Is there any actual notable difference you believe for an Iphone user?
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