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Admiral Regulus

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Everything posted by Admiral Regulus

  1. I hated it enough to make me question whether or not life is really worth living, if that's any indication of things.
  2. I'm feeling like playing some Star Wars Battlefront... And coffee. You're neither. You're a madman in a box.
  3. Today should be a national holiday because of this episode.
  4. I wouldn't exactly say vaping is harmless. https://student.societyforscience.org/article/vaping-may-harm-lungs?mode=topic&context=39 Personally, I have no interest in it and I never will.
  5. Hmm... then wouldn't that be a sufficient way to say it in your story?
  6. A little cold, a little irritated, a little bored, a little sleepy, and a little saddened by some of the subtle signs of misanthropy I find on this site sometimes.
  7. I really hope I didn't make that mistake I think I might have made on the exam. Welp, I'll find out in a minute or two. Edit: Nope, didn't make that mistake. Got a 27/30.
  8. A little tickle in the back of my throat and sinuses. It's either allergies or I'm going to have a cold tomorrow.
  9. I personally don't find any EQG characters any slight bit attractive. They're designed to look sexy, and that's why I don't find them sexy at all. Their bodies are all completely out of proportion and they don't look real.
  10. I am soooooooooo tired. I'm even more tired than I was last night and the night before, so that's really saying something.
  11. I'll admit it. I totally lost it and cried at the end.
  12. Curious and confused. Why is everypony a party pony now? EDIT: Oooooooooh. I get it now. Because today is the Forum's birthday. I'm really dense sometimes.
  13. Mother of Celestia... That looks absolutely amazing on my smartphone. I seriously can't tell that isn't real life, aside from the camera angle. Only in a video game do you see a horse's plot like that.
  14. I believe the idea of utopia is more a philosophical concept than anything. In short, there's no such thing. I know some people can imagine such a thing, but I sure can't.
  15. I tend to avoid people with avatars and sigs that are like yours. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it.
  16. Why do I have to comment on comparisons between quarter bridges and half bridges in the results and discussion section? The experiment did not involve testing the differences, and that type of comparison is completely unrelated to the results we gathered.

  17. I think it's funny how a year ago, everyone would complain Twilight has no character flaws. Now, we're complaining that she has a character flaw. Oh, come on you guys.
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