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Bird Mom

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Everything posted by Bird Mom

  1. I like this. He looks like the dress. Hm? HM? No? Okay.
  2. Rarity: She is practically the embodiment of generosity. She just has that spark that most ponies don't. The other ponies are pretty special(in their own way), but none such as Rarity. She can brighten up a day by just thinking about her smiling. I think she has been there for many, and they didn't even notice. But how could you NOT recognize such a gorgeous and not to mention fashionable pony? It is near impossible if you think about it.
  3. I am usually happy about my gender, but sometimes I'm just like: 'ehh?.. idek'.
  4. I wish I was better at being myself. I tend to change to often for others. I think I find that unfair to others and most importantly myself.
  5. I'm not going in depth about the following sentence because this isn't in the Debate Pit, but.. Both would work because of sexuality differences.
  6. A Game Stop card? I officially fail at life.
  7. We are closing in on 900 pages! :grin2:
  8. Why say no? I mean yes, the chances are pretty slim, but there's still a chance, either way. Unless someone has proof they went into the future and saw all the up and coming seasons, there is no right or wrong answer. Rant end.
  9. Any Wattpad users? >Doing follows! ^.^

  10. I'm bored as a board. (Idek xD)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      Yeah. Eventually. Until something else happens.

    3. Lightwing


      The Dress II: White and Gold


      I see it happening,for reals.

    4. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      I see someone photoshopping another dress to cause more ruckus.

  11. Her eyes are pretty. It's my favorite part of the drawing. :3 I need drawing advice. This is one of my better pieces. So.. advice? Yes I know there is no cutie mark.
  12. I looked at this last night. Science proves that it is black and blue: http://www.wired.com/2015/02/science-one-agrees-color-dress Every single Vine is about this damned dress. It's getting annoying. But I looked at the dress at all different angles and it is still black and blue. I turned away to talk to a friend a bit, looked back at the picture on my phone and it had been magically been changed to white and gold. I was freaked out so I rubbed my eyes and it turned back to black and blue. My eyes were probably out of focus. I have serious eye issues and could have been a malfunction of my eyesight. Silly eyeball..
  13. I wouldn't exactly say I wear shoes in the house. I make my own tradition to keep them beside my door or in my room. But I wear slippers in the house all the time. I sometimes wear socks, also.
  14. I have to type with all ten fingers. It's how I have been taught in all of my lessons of keyboarding throughout the years. At least since middle school I've typed like this. I used to type with semi-Cherry Pick and semi-Ten Finger. It was some weird and demented looking method. But I currently type with Ten Finger Method.
  15. I. Am. BACK! I was having.. *sigh* more choir issues. We had a really bad teacher, and we were so annoying that she quit. xD

  16. This.. this made me happy. It reminded me of so much! Enjoy.. PS: Excuse the printer marks on the edge of the page..
  17. My typing is going to be off for a while. My teacher is forcing me to type 'properly'.

    1. Lightwing


      Typing 'properly' sucks l:

  18. As much is a dislike Twilight, I seriously doubt Hasbro would do this. They would likely anger the Sparklers. Now, I can see Twilight being 'possessed' by the Nightmare Forces if they were to magically come back. But other than that. Not going to happen whatsoever, I'm 99.99% sure.
  19. My "Holy List of Bae" is almost full. Gee, thanks Cryaotic

  20. Valentines Day. St Patrick's Day is something everyone can celebrate, but Valentines Day is for people with a special someone. You should show admiration and love for them year round, not on one day of 365.
  21. The rule that I hate most is that the dudes have to tuck in their shirts. I'm not male, but it looks tacky after a while. Seriously. I also wish that the 'No running in school halls' rule applied to everyone. My vice principal just LOVES to get a day of workout while he power walks throughout the school. And by lunch time, his armpits are sweating tremendously.
  22. I was born in July, so I'm a Cancer the Crab. I looked up on a site about Cancer and a summary of what I got is basically: "You are ruled by the moon and you are also bipolar as shiz". Flattering. I also have a little bit of Leo because I was born on July 22nd, a cusp(last day of this sign).
  23. Yeah, I've met quite a few at school and seen some in society. I also have friends that are bronies and pegasisters..
  24. I just figured out that to much Amnesia on high volume can cause a headache..

    1. Lightwing


      I swear that half of the times my whole life is just a bunch of amnesia .-.

    2. Verily British

      Verily British

      To a metalhead like me, there is no such thing as too loud.

    3. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      Yeah. I know a lot of people like that. But my screams of terror when that jaw-broken thing came at me didn't help my cause.. .. yeah.

  25. You mean Brad? He's not the most developed character out of the movies. There's been better. He only bothers me when it comes to the TwiSentry ship.
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