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Bird Mom

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Everything posted by Bird Mom

  1. I like Fluttershy, she isn't that bad. I like EmoShy a lot. I made a wallpaper that I want to share:
  2. I get where you are coming from, but that's not always the case. In Fairly Odd Parents she doesn't, and same with PPG. My favorite voice actors have to be Cathy Weseluck(Spike/Nate River) and Tabitha St. Germain(Rarity/Minty).
  3. I rolled a 4! Looks like I'm with Twily and Rares!
  4. I think I would humbly disagree. Rarity has gotten more fame and fan base build-up since Season 3. I think it's fair to say that she is now one of the most popular of Mane Six. Just look at her fan club, more posts than any other pony that's for sure! But yes, I think most of us are quite surprised with the amount of Rarity's votes. But true Rarinators didn't doubt her for a second!
  5. About to watch Annabelle, wish me luck..

  6. I made this out of randomness, about 10 minutes ago. It was fun, but now I am bored again with nothing to do but play the Kim Kardashian game. Enjoy!
  7. There ain't no party like a PewDiePie RARITY party!
  8. I wear them quite regularly along with occasional MLP accessories.
  9. "Dear God(s), Please give us Rarity, and you can have Justin Beiber in return". xD LOL. I bet many of us would do it!
  10. My throat is hella sore. I guess from singing so much..

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Lightwing


      I'm hearing one random song,and is sounding really good so far.

      I like your voice.

    3. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      @Sir Cacklefruit :)


      @Roseluck Thank you. :)

    4. Lightwing


      It's nothing,dear v:

  11. Human Rarity is so beautiful. She looks like royalty of England.
  12. I would agree with a few others, she get's it from Princess Celestia/Luna/miscellaneous. They're royalty, so I would expect they get some money as gifts, or as mentioned, tax payers..
  13. Sometimes in life it may seem tough To find the diamond in the rough But in the eyes of this young mare There's hidden treasure everywhere Using the magic in her soul She frees the diamonds from the coal The burning flames of charity Burn in the heart of our beloved RARITY Rarity is a true beauty, let's cheer her on, Rarinators!
  14. Honesty: Paula Deen Generosity: Taylor Swift Kindness: Oprah Winfrey Loyalty: Gabby Douglas Laughter: Bart Baker Magic: Barack Obama These are based on the alternate names and just my personal opinion.
  15. Next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to include yourself! Rarity is only one of the many landmarks of beauty, there are many. But I'll assure you, that Rarity is one that is unforgettable.. Now, rethink your life decisions and slowly creep towards changing your vote.
  16. I love the Japanese culture. So much I even ate shishimo a few times. shishimo = pregnant fish in which it's entire body including head and tail are edible I particularly favor This Day Aria in Japanese. I like anime dubs and everything, and I think MLP should be really popular now. Let's face it, they'll buy most anything..
  17. I have QUITE a few: You know you're a brony when.. 1. You suddenly like Dubstep 2. The Brony fandom increased(because of you spamming your friends). 3. When you lift something heavy, you say: "Watch out, here comes Tom!". 4. You care more about Princess Cadence and Shining Armors wedding more than Kate and William's. 5. You remember Canterlot, rather than Camelot 6. You react to bad things by saying "This is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!", and then proceed to find a couch to faint on.
  18. I just looked at the poll standings, and I start hyperventilating(of happiness). My mom be like: You okay? I be like: Just dandy..
  19. I have nothing against these fans, because maybe they went through rough times before becoming a brony. I know that I have no right to disrespect them, because I used to be one myself.
  20. I'll be posting a load of Rarity images/fan art/whatever for the next week. (I hope I don't break the Internet doing this. xD)
  21. I feel like an old person when I drink straight black coffee. .-.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      @sergetoxic Though, sometimes I get mine iced, but not to where it is chillingly cold.


      @Roseluck I agree, but there's other coffee that's good, but not as good. But I think we can agree it is the best smell in the world.

    3. Lightwing


      I didn't meant that other coffee wasn't good,but the most pure way to enjoy it is just as it was made.

      Just black coffee,eith maybe a bit of sugar.

  22. YAY! I just made my own Death Note. xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      It's a fake copy, plus shinigami aren't real.










    3. simply creative

      simply creative

      I suppose so, but tell me where did you find that picture for your avatar?

    4. Bird Mom

      Bird Mom

      I did some browsing on Google (Images).

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