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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. People dont have to be religious to religiously form a group entity based on subjective opinions.

    1. man dude man
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      the sad part about that is, if some people invested that hate in an actual faith, they might find some positive reception haha

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I wouldnt personally suggest an in particular if any, but nothing positive comes from hating anyone, or anything lol

  2. MILD SPOILER I love the idea of developing a cult dedicated to aku with times passing, peoples bonded will of conformity and tendency to create an allegiance collectively to one opposed entity... (people do this in fear and there is more reassurance with a majority) However the new antagonists for Jack, it kind of helps you form perspective, they see him as the antagonist... I love that Samurai Jack can create perspective and tell a story at times without having to make the characters speak.... Its a visual masterpiece at that... The New Aku reminds me strongly of Discord, he has become less menacing and seemingly has adopted his new role as king and ruler of all timelines and dimensions... and he sees to have a quirky joking side of his character now, and they bathe this in his vanity...
  3. My Little Pony The Original Teen Titans The Amazing World of Gumball Samurai Jack American Dad Futurama Bobs Burgers Powerpuff Girls Indigo League Pkmn and yes Teen Titans Go is my guilty pleasure and I do enjoy We Bare Bears, Honestly I love Cartoon Network, not that fond of Mighty Magiswords though and Clearance is like, monotone low brow, its odd... Anime.... Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Fairy Tail Inuyasha Code Geass Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  4. personal leverage is more important than personal opinions.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      People assume I am ignorant, sheltered, weak, childish, and "fake"(to this being, artificially understood), who knows maybe you are accurate in some ways that you dont understand, just not in the ways that you believe you do... I am ignorant to things more important, than the lingering presence of this worlds personal over involvement. I am sheltered by my own justifications, and weak to my own desires, I am childish in my sense of pride, and maybe my personal interests. I am not real...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      in the sense that I am becoming of myself, not in the sense that I seek social conformity, or choice to resemble of what I am not, because what I am not, and what I am, are literally the same thing.

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      Ive recited conversations I wasnt supposed to hear... lol but, learning is important, and understanding the perception of others isnt about becoming the prom king, it is understanding that people bind together when they feel threatened, and it is to make myself less threatened because I am the one provoked while being deemed an antagonist in every corner of my life.

  5. the sad truth about America is that none of your politicians want to discuss the sad truth, its better your mad at one person or a group of people, than your existence

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      They get paid lots and lots of money to not pass certain laws or to lobby for certain laws.

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      right, and we are already past the point of no return, so the war machine keeps trucking, the only thing that is expendable besides make believe money to these people, is a product of what they have been siphoning this money into, the only fair exchange we represent are bullet holes and sleeper drones. lol, so with that I am expecting the incentives to heighten for our services mildly the next few years.

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      of course with that its known what will follow suit, but they are going to realize soon, what provides us with what we need, takes from others, and its pretty much always been that way... literally...

  6. "In the moments" I think a lot of people say "this is the best moment of my life" frequently, and as time changes circumstances of a situation change, and so much as your perspective of "that best moment", I am much better at pin pointing these events inside my memories than the feelings I had in those moments.
  7. Sure there are a lot of other both fictional and real individuals whose circumstances i wish i had, but i wouldnt rather be anyone but myself. You are what you live with and there is a greatest outcome you have for yourself, not all of us were built or created on the same foundations, but you have to make the best of what is at your reach and disposal, i wish direct verbal communication wasnt as psychologically taxing, or that it wasnt as hard for me to preform in public collectives, but i have many things about myself i wouldnt trade for anything, your individuality is greater than the sum of our desire, because the grass is always greener for the average mind, and this is still a learned revelation to the above
  8. We have a difference of opinion, it is that simple, sorry I am focusing on what objectively makes the console better, there may be things among gamers that objectively make it worse, but those things dont have anything to do with console interface however. I am not going to rip nails trying to get you to admit n64 is better... we just have a difference of opinion, but I mean successful video game and console sales aside, there are just certain interface capabilities that one has... and the other, does not...
  9. People form collectives when they are afraid, they co

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      "There is no bigger villain than the man who truly believes he is a hero." I think when I heard this, it had a lot to do with modesty and responsibility.

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      *looks to Garrosh Hellscream, and Arthas Menethil" self righteousness is corruption that is the representation of such...

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      ^that and pretty much every communist dictator, and fascist nationalist.

  10. The numerous times she risked her life to save Equestria... and when she continually stands up for her friends in the do or dies... They took her character over the top and exaggerated for the point of the plot, like a post above mentions, she stated she would not prank Fluttershy due to her sensitivity.... well so much for that Character trait.... just trash that eh? No they acted WAYYY worse towards her if anything, trying to emotionally manipulate and cattle prod her into a situation where she could have done something hasty or dangerous knowing her nature... some of her pranks were distasteful, but forming a collective thats all in on some big organized secret plot against one individual is infinitely worse...
  11. Im trying to quote your quoting me, but apparently im not allowed or something.... lol I personally do not want Sunset in FIM, but Sunset Shimmer (the one we know and love) has absolutely no connection to anyone in Equestria that we are acquainted with personally but Twilight and Celestia.... I think making her and Sunburst siblings would be interesting... have Starlight have already known of her existence or something, but returning (the one we know and love) would feel forced and out of place.... more so than instating new reform characters, I feel like a lot of fans would be disappointed all the same, imo Sunset is the face of EG.
  12. Its an episode you wish was forgettable, and that is saying something, it seems like when Rainbow is to learn a lesson, ponies seem to think it is okay to take it over the top and borderline do something mentally scaring (in this case) or do something to totally psychologically manipulate her feelings.... that aside, the zombie cliche in ANYTHING is watered down, unless the content is ABOUT zombies, refrain from getting them involved....
  13. Life in preceding eras was more objective in a less objective way, not less stupidity, stupidity stems from people that trust misinterpreted history in a westerners world, aka, outright misinformation.... but life was much more simple, and your responsibility and duty to society was inherent... people believe they would be more useless, because they arent focusing on the positive aspects of it...
  14. I often thought that they can return Sunsets Character to the show, somehow having made the human worlds Sunset travel to Equestria as an end result or product of Equestrian magic exposure. Pony sunset stays human no matter what, however if they get innovative enough they may have a story as to why human sunset has become pony... this would be a less ditch effort to combine audiences I do believe though and could either be an MLP miracle or abomination.
  15. Either roughly 8000 years ago( predating the first modern society and reinstatement of physical objectivity) or I would highly follow suit, or maybe I am trying to pin point when grecco roman wrestling first peaked, and I would say probably 500-600 BC. alternatively.
  16. Waiting for someone to make a fic about Starlight and Sunburst based off the S7 premiere, altthough that circle is a little bit more runic rather than alchemical, that is still one of the coolest fandom photos I have ever seen.
  17. Im not one for the "let someone else tend to my battles or problems" person, but there is an equally fair point to be made about

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      I mean I am sure plenty are criminals, but anymore it is the bully way to have calculated malcontent for other individuals while acting a victim to any response, but acting a hero so long as they prevail.

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I try to be in any position that fronts or evades the bully, because, to me its more of a psychological thing, dealing with the zealous self righteousness of people who are in all actuality on the darker side of the darker side of the darker side of the spectrum...

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      you have to have some evil or violence in your heart to do inhumane things, you are truly dangerous however when you self righteously justify your assault on moral and humanity.

  18. toxic bad intentions. your enemies tend to be your best friends.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      I suppose you are indeed correct there, i dont hold any grudges, but i sure do deal with them being held against me. The large majority of the hive we call our society do indeed have "u.s history syndrome." As long as the bully is the favorite, hes a hero... th nerdy tycoon and inventor naturally assumes societies role for him as villain

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      people believe that someones character is willed by how a majority perceives them. not by the actual person they are, or the things they actually believe in. 1. Follow the law. 2. Work Hard. 3. Be loyal to your friends, partner and family. Everything else is subjective to succeeding individually

    4. The_Gobo


      Again, oddly worded, but I think I see what you mean XD

      I almost agree with that last bit, though I think it lifts people in general to a point where God should be. ^^;


  19. when someone that doesnt pick up on the vibe starts getting a bad one, you probably have bad intentions for them.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. The_Gobo


      Well it sounds like you're headed in the right direction :D

      Just need some tweaking lol


    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      We have spoke before havent we? Think we may have a mutual friends on here, if you would like we could be friends

    4. The_Gobo


      I am okay with this :V

      Though It's usually easier to just send me a request, I tend to add whomever on here XD


  20. Its disgraceful to the original series, but it is BY FAR not the worst kids show ever made... lol... I think its kind of humorous honestly... but dude Johnny Test, Uncle Grandpa, Dave the Barbarian, Mighty Magiswords, whatever they are doing on nick now... lol
  21. only one more cold day t

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Messy Mane
    3. ThunderCrush


      I do not like the cold *shivers*

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      im glad its coming to an end, get out and take my walks

  22. There are more constructive hobbies than disliking people and things, its interesting that people will do so even among things they like lol.

    1. Messy Mane
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      if its a topic, its a different story, but I just dont blame my feelings of self insecurity, or failure on anyone, but me. I also try to realize that, if I dont like someone or something, its not necessarily like an objective description of someone, just... how im feeling

    3. Messy Mane
  23. it was so bad that we all forgot... then them shamelessly plugging it in Gumball lol, I thought that was extremely weird, that show was like, I think sometimes Cartoon Network thinks that its pure randomness that hits, I mean silly random works, but that show is a complete mess... lol
  24. I mean did you see it yet? for the most part i absolutely agree, but Im not going to judge a movie by rotten tomatoes or my own biases lol...
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