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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. I think the idea for the story seems pretty cool and the whole counter part thing, seeing as the cmc lost their antagonist in diamond tiara... but seeing as fillies harass other ponies about not having their lives figured out, and many of the ponies seem insecure about not having a cutie mark, i doubt they would be "avoiding" getting their cutie mark.. this was more or less a flutter brutter type thing... now this could be explored by an adult pony that somehow still hasnt found their mark, but id imagine it would be more likely them helping him find his mark in some way rather than a pony that represses having a cutie mark, since it seems like something ponies judge other ponies about, you even see diamond tiaras mother referencing the blank flanks of the cmc...
  2. I didnt read the descriptions, I have only watched the trailers... but if it was the same story, i wouldn't imagine they would neglect to call it in two parts as they always have. I am used to the two parters, so it seems like whatever is going to happen in the first 22 minutes is going to be really condensed, I wouldn't pivot from the shows origins and normality. As long as the season is longer than 13 episodes, I will be cool haha.
  3. so its still two episodes without a two part opener? or just one condensed episode on the opening date...
  4. demons stapling on angel wings and crossing their fingers for failure. wanting someone to be worse, doesnt make you any better.

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      I base my sense of pride and achievement off my own accomplishments, not the failure or shortcomings of others. i base my sense of morale and identity on myself alone, we dont share the positive or negative traits of others, and i know my personal feelings have nothing to do with objectivity and justice, i just focus on bettering myself when i get the opportunities with people that will treat me right

  5. if the person was truly more important than the gossip, there would be zero questions would there not be?

  6. The question will reside as if her mistake is magic related, or friendship related. People hate Starlight to be nit picky because reform characters are a return theme, and to many hers seemed rushed.. a lot of this has to do with who she has always been as a character, not just who she has become. She has altered her perspective, but she truly did believe before that cutie marks were a bad thing. Her obsession with control and power is what made her a bad pony. Her perspective being changed on friendship is genuine, it isnt all that rushed to me... I mean if risking her life to save Equestria wasnt enough... I mean you see more of characters that need to learn about friendship because our Mane cast should be very developed at the point of a sixth season? She creates more and new plot dynamics because she has anxiety about friendship and is socially estranged.. She is powerful with magic(arguably more so than Twilight) She befriended Trixie because Trixie and her have a common ground, being senselessly hated when trying to better themselves. In s6 she was a student, becoming of her protagonist role. Hipster bronies do not like Starlight because they see a return element, and they must subconsciously have a want for a pony to remain with the same character dynamics in a show that is about bettering and developing your character.. Starlight is this pony, and she will and has already inspired change among other secondary characters. She embraces leadership roles, and is a very skilled and smart pony. Yes her character flaws reside in believing magic can solve every problem, and this leaves her socially indifferent, and people do not like the idea of Starlight as a whole.. they think she is like, stepping on the hooves of their favorite ponies, because she has more character developing to do, and in end this gives her added screen time.
  7. PlayStation 2 was good, do not get me wrong, I am not against Sony, I have a PS3. but if I had a PS1 laying around, I would be willing to trade it for a cheeseburger.
  8. Whoa, I dont even know where to start with everything that is wrong with this question... especially when it is literally one of the most magically talented ponies in Equestria.
  9. N64 LITERALLY had superior graphics at that time, more multi player functions, better titles, and N64 are selling for 50-100$ TO THIS DAY.
  10. In the mean time, enjoy the introductory episode that is essentially about her... "Main Character" xD haha, Starlight haters are the funniest hipster bronies in the fandom... what are you going to feign leaving because the writers are developing an awesome character? I wont be sad if we get less of her, but I certainly would love more... Starlight is great, but it is possible they are going to write her off in season 7, but I am hoping they dont exceed 8 or 9 seasons to begin with, you guys know what happens to shows with over saturated material. NOTE: this doesnt mean I want the end of MLP.... but they are going to need a new platform and new centered characters. we will get cameos from our faves, and maybe it will be a "next generation" thing, but we cant have repeat plots and more reasons for nit picky bronies to complain
  11. Haha not a good one, whats your reason, never playing n64? and you still like some good games, but disliking n64... either you were high or you grew up when Gamecube was brand new... ps1 sucked... n64 was incredible
  12. I think one of the seven daughters of Aku will end up joining Jack or at least siding with him

  13. Three times. Most noteable was the one with Rainbow Dash at this like Mall housing type thing.. i have cartoon characters in my dreams pretty frequently, but the atmosphere collides and so much is cartoony, and so much is realistic.. but this one had AJ Pinkie and Rainbow Dash in it. And it was longer than momentary.. i dont remember all of my dreams, but i do make notes about important ones or lucid dreams. This. I was told to follow and we went inside a living duplrx that was literally infused with a mall and a hospital, i dont remember everytging she said, but i remember following and this huge caged in section of the store..
  14. People have to know the difference between a KNOWN problem and suspicion.

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      or learn I should say... problems shouldn't be controlled, especially if it effects others negatively who are already struggling to earn trust, or peacefully assimilate.

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      I mean you dont need assy mcgee on the case, sometimes you just need one or two people to connect the dots... but you cant turn a blind eye... people act like there is this suppression going on, when behind the scenes, dirty money is protected.. if there is enough of it

  15. I literally was about to like your post because of some of your games, until I saw the cancer beneath the list
  16. 1. Banjo Kazooie 2. Banjo Tooie 3. Donkey Kong 64 4. Warioware(well say franchise, because its comprised of mini games) 5. Pokemon( Same deal, but Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire is my favorite, Hoenn is best region) 6. Quake 3 Arena 7. Time Splitters Future Perfect 8. World of Warcraft 9. All Super Smash Bros, (but Melee is where it is) 10. Kingdom Hearts 2 Also... Diddy Kong Racing, Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts 1, Starfox64, Hearthstone, and Sonic Battle Adventure 2.
  17. So I guess De Lancie was just throwing people off track, and eat it up Starlight haters haha, Hopefully they arent doing this to write her off on her last season, but I HIGHLY doubt this seeing as, they are emphasizing the friendship of her Trixie and Thorax there toward the end..
  18. I agree, people are often times untrustworthy, but more often people are just self righteous and judgmental... kind of look at Twilight in No Second Prances for example, she was just being a snoody self righteous jerk and being a poor princess of friendship.. but mlp has explored the elements of betrayal.. with Discord and what not.. i was just thinking of a way to make an alternative villain and giving Thorax a real in the position moment.. like maybe giving secondary characters their own villains would displease fans but i think it would be cool
  19. Proficient would be pushing it.. but if there was a real bind and you had no other way, I would be your final option... lol

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      I wasted my life and my time, sometimes I wonder if it's to late, and I remind myself, yes... economically... yes.. this was your decision.

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      second natures miracles lol, and some questions are better left unanswered... lol

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I say that as opposed to being a non option of course... lol, a lot of people in this world are underestimated in many areas of their life, i am one of these people

  20. I can see a dynamic (in the future) where Thorax has a successor or disciple directly in line with him, but staying very close and I am saying introduced as the shifty one, who is really working as a sleeper for Chrysalis... hits on themes of betrayal, conflict of interest among followers, and these two end up having a sort of stand offish moment, Caesar Koba type themes... (dk if any of you guys like or watch or have watched planet of the apes.)
  21. Star Wars Episode III and Rainbow Rocks I think are the only ones I watches in theaters more than once...
  22. You dont have to be a bleeding nationalist to want good things for your country and the people in it... people separate social circles by race, religion, political affiliation, class... this is just an extremely divided country, and it isnt solely the alt right, or far left sjws.. everyone is contributing to this in our country currently... blame games, finger pointing, and no personal accountability and high levels of self interest... but to think about what America could be, you have to at least have it in your mind that you want good things for people... that you want people to progress in their personal lives.. to want peoples families not to be under the boot of the society... anyone can publicly sound like a smarmy kiss ass, or you can be a complete ignoramus that lives inside your own self comfort and act as if there are no problems with our society... or you can continue the shame of our country and what has us so divided... I agree the current pecking order isnt going to bring people together... but the people have to want to make actual progress... the problem is the opposing sides are extremism... and you have to kneel to someone elses belief to have a majority approval, because people dont know anything about individuality and they create identities based off other peoples political beliefs because they agree about one thing... dont make political identities based on things that are just a part of you, and hope for good things... even if you dont like the person... or the leader... approval comes from doing well... but our country already has the perfect figure of blame picked out... dont think about the things that are getting you down... take a break from smoking... quit doing hard drugs... start putting in apps through temp agencies and job and family services... spend time with your kids... stick up for the things you believe in, and do it in good moral, with good intent, and stay focused on the best resolution you can for your country, dont talk about how bad it is, do any one small thing in the big world of life to make it just that littlest bit better.
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