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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. I never said that Starlight was completely innocent, nor that she didnt do anything wrong, I am just saying you are measuring two COMPLETELY different characters if you think comparing season 5 Starlight to season 6. As far as the introduction to her character, I mean, really think about it, she thought she was righteous in what she was doing. Really was this just second nature to being hurt and friendless? Or did she have some malicious cruel intent to hurt ponies and take things from them. She kept shit from them, and she tried to run off after lying, she was by no means innocent. But she does have problems with stress and anxiety, it seems evident, and it seems like s6 is her coping with this while also learning how to create genuine friendships.
  2. I cant decipher this, I am not sure what you are attempting to say?
  3. I believe Starlight experiences anxiety and or other stress disorders and I know her feeling I believe. You see this in No Second Prances, You see this to Where and Back Again, you see this theme with Starlight time and time again. She gets overwhelmed by responsibilities, outcomes, and pretty much any leadership or independent responsibility she is given socially. She is an organizer, and a team leader, anxiety actually helps those who may be destined for a managing position believe this or not, these people just need the balance of being able to fast ball a solution and trying to fast ball it so fast that they become overwhelmed with the task at hand. Starlight is great, I do not believe she is some narcissist, and when she was holding the town from their cutie marks she just hadnt understood, from her perspective cutie marks destroy friendships, and for her already have.... I dont even believe until her total vengence she had peaked villain levels. She did lie to the town without a second thought and hid her powers and resources from them, but she has come a VERY LONG way. I think Starlight just has to "STOP STRESSING!" haha you know
  4. Coming from someone left almost completely alone from past trangressions, and with my matured understanding absolutely, people that you have in your life are very important. Every day could be your last day to see a friend. Some people have serious falling outs and it just doesnt work out. Other people really put their all into being a better human and they always get mistreated, provoked, arguably harassed and slandered regularly. People think its intelligent to not recognize pain, make accusations, and allow a self confirmed perspective to assume itself on someone they have not ever experienced alone personally. Some people just truly arent the same and will never see things the same way, but the past is a different time, we have to learn how to forgive each other, give to each other, and be an actual friend, a lot of people have a lot of intolerence and distrust in their heart, and they never want to see a person for anything more than what they believe they see.
  5. More importantly what would your parents think if they knew that you watched MLP? Do you think they would be actually angry, or do you not want to confess that you really have a thing for something they would think might be mislead to believe is girly? I would probably just try to be honest about it, unless it would cause some kind of unprecedented scenario that you are absolutely afraid of. I think that being honest about this fandom is one of the best things to be forward about, I mean there are a lot worse things you could be going to see or doing in general. You got something positive, and you been a fan, I would confidently strike up a conversation about your being a fan of the show.
  6. If you ever feel like discussing MLP content or having a discussion or possibly making an mlp group discussion, add me @ ofthetreesandfromthecinder on Skype.
  7. I wish you success in any/all of your endeavors, and I hope that maybe we could perhaps become friends? I like to make new friends on the forum,(in general) and I look for positive energy far and wide. I know I am capable of making it radiate, and that is what I must do. and thank you very much, I didnt realize how much I was TRULY missing MLP, even though it surrounds me every day, one way or the other, my life without ponies would create a void in me. Its truly what has got me through the darkest moments of my life, and there is something about the fandom that, sometimes you just need to talk about it with people that will get it. You know, or perhaps have an ability to tolerate you for who you are, and give you a chance to start over and be the best you you can be and inspire your goals as an individual. You got a friend in me. Know this.
  8. Her face there is something about it, I have this gold shelled fillable zippo that I use with Sunset Shimmer on the front (eg style). I am about to make an impulsive and crazy and counter productive decision, and I look at Sunset, clutch my lighter, and in this case literally turned around. It literally plays with my heart when I see her. It has become the cure of my intent. once before, It was honestly kind of crazy, i felt like crap, but I knew what was right for me to do, and I always think about her when I am thinking about personal progression. Its like, Sunset Shimmer just genuinely makes me feel hope,
  9. I do not believe she will ever appear in the show, she is the face of Equestria Girls (imo) Her character inspires me, I feel as if she is an idol to me as well, her development in RR is honestly the greatest part of the Equestria Girls franchise. I am a regular to Rainbow Rocks, it is one of my favorite movies. I know how Sunset Shimmer feels in that movie every day of my life. I let it frustrate me completely a few times, but I am completely running with what I get from MLP and how i feel. I feel the same type of hot headedness and anxiety that Sunset sometimes puts off, and you know her intentions really have changed, shes just emotional and the stress gets to her at those moments. Friendship Games was equally as incredible, they really kind of kept up with developing Sunset and her new perspective, and its shown that, you know possibly with enough of that progressive effort to truly be a go to friend, it will work, as it did for Sunset. When she sings at the end of Rainbow Rocks, it can bring me to tears, every time when that mic rolls up to her and she puts off her verse. She sets my soul on fire, there, i get that feeling of anxiety in my stomach, its truly incredible, not many things have given me feelings as MLP has at certain moments, but this movie makes me revere the work of Megan Mccarthy, because Rainbow Rocks is just literally a muse for those persecuted, alienated, frustrated and alone.
  10. Pokemon, Ponies(FIM mainly), Tattoos (to a degree), Anime,(very much so Fairy Tail), Space, Science Fiction, World of Warcraft & Hearthstone, Body fitness and training materials.
  11. AIM, MSN, early lan games in quake.. Anyone remember Czones on cartoon network and the card game? Myspace.. (eventually) the old runescape, neopets (think about returning to)
  12. A positive outlook comes from the positive ways we can see our present and one even being able to invision our future and what it holds. I am excited for all of the new MLP content to come and answers with it, as it always holds, Perhaps something focused on anger control, because that is definitley something I am in the new at overcoming. I am positive I will start working at a new place very soon, and it is going to be another open door. I get nervous in my stomach when I begin speaking like this, especially upon this being a big return to the fandom, and forums and what not, I mean today/tomorrow is three years of my being a brony. Given the ability to reflect, and to really take the time to think about everything that has happened, my short comings, my strong suits. I am going to train and work out much harder. I am going to get more involved with the fandom, and make friendships, I am going to be socially forthcoming. I come back to the song "Right In Front of Me" and it makes everything seem so simple to me, everything about the fandom, how it makes me feel, what it has done for me. No momentary feelings, or anxiety could ever take away what it genuinely GIVES. I am positive I will find a way to the convention this summer. I am positive that this is going to be a moment of development and growth for me. I am positive that more of us will become friends, I am going to do something great and I am going to work harder than ever before.
  13. who wants to be friends haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      well we can change that if you would like, I more so am around and give my two sense on certain things, I have tried to be more personable if you know what I mean, I mean just letting people know, you know, dont be hesitant, lets become friends.

    3. Miss


      I wanna be friends :D

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      I added you, you can feel free to message me about any personal information, discuss content of the show freely, get to know each other as individuals.

  14. Many of us were born on the far backside of G. H. Bush, but most of our early childhood occured through out Bill Clintons presidency, and we gre into our early and late teen years till current from George Bush through Obama.. and now Trump.
  15. look man, if you are not going to like Equestria Girls, you are just not going to like it. It comes with loose ends, continuity errors, quick plot device usage. However, the songs are wonderful, the animation is great for those that appreciate the pony relativity. I am in love with Rainbow Rocks. and I dont know how much you have watched, or know, so I dont want to begin spoiling things for you, that I imagine you well know being in this fandom. Sunset Shimmer though, is a great character, and I love everything they have done with her, and she is very special to me. I think that the Equestria Girls movies are actually pretty good for what they are. and I happen to really love RR and FG, so much that I went to see RR in theatres. The music, the characters, the content, and for some depending the writing (me in many ways). I just love the Equestria Girls series, even though they over complicate and dumb down just to tie plots together convienantly, I can look away from that because I love the franchise, and everything else about the movie.
  16. This next couple days makes up my three years of being a brony, I may in celebration begin marathoning

    1. Miss



    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      haha its just crazy thinking about the first time watching it and everything I have been through, and really its guiding force for the redirection of my life.

    3. Miss


      Only been a year and few months for me but totally hve similar feelings on the impact it has had on my life.

  17. Possibly Ninja Gaiden. There are some other pretty incredible AIs out there. Nightmare In Quake Three Arena seemed like a task.
  18. No I literally drove almost over an hr into the inter city to go see Rainbow Rocks a second time in theatres. That movie is literally ectsasy for me MLP style if you know what I am getting at. Everything about it is perfect to me. I couldnt count on fingers and toes how many times I have seen that movie. A TRUE Meghan Mccarthy MASTERPIECE.
  19. The Storm King has a decent shot at being a legit villain, and I am liking some of the alternative animations for these new ponies. Seems thing is My Little Pony is really starting the hype phase, I think we get some previews for the season or something in a couple weeks. I feel as if this is the moment people are getting pulled back into the fandom for, it is perhaps some form of a new beginning or something to build off the upcoming content of the show. I don't know, I have a good feeling about the shell of the project so far. I think they are gonna mix some old and new, with style and character nuances, but ultimately I think this is something that is going to give this fandom its second pulse.
  20. A sense of hope that things can always change for the better, however they can also continually change for the worse. You come to find life is a bit of a gamble in itself, small decisions can impact huge situations, one person can impact many, many can definitley impact one. Hope comes from what gives it to us, things like MLP, some religious people who live by the extent of the things they believe, just genuinely kind people in general.... There are so many things that can give us hope. You live each day with the risk that it can be better or worse than it was yesterday, but the paradox is, a life is still a life, and it beats not having one. You have to keep going even after you screw up, badly, you have to strive for the best version of yourself possible, because actions make up for the lost time, and sentiment makes up for it. Better our actions, better our perspective, better our understanding on people and life in general. I get hope here, and take what you will with that, all forums to different degrees, I mean, less so a sense of conformity, more so the ability to come together over one common interest, despite all of our indifferences, at a place where can discuss our aspects about the things that highly catch our interest, our favorite shows, and to even this degree here being our aspects on life. There is more involved to making a life (this includes a living) than taking one. Life is about regrowth, construction, and idea, our human perspectives make this more emotional, and create personal biases and perspectives, that rival others self interests to our own. Hope in which case doesnt need to be vague, it just needs to be self relevant, it may sound disgusting what gives one man hope might give you chills, but having hope for and about different things, doesnt determine the type of people we are, our actions, and our long term decisions, and the ways we treat those closest to us usually describe a person for who or what they are.
  21. i am completely on the same note as you. I disappeared from the fandom (not in actuality, just the forums) for some time, started getting more outwardly involved with responsibilities and work place stress and drama and dealing with people and what not. I think it was in between that time it becomes more distracting when you cant distract yourself with discussion about new content, and new content itself. but (this goes to anyone on the forum) if you are looking for anyone to talk to about MLP, or any of its contents, I am for sure down, and I am not sure what makes some bronies seem to drift apart from time to time. Me that is all the same, but the reality of the situation is that above all things, MLP is something I come back to time and time again, and I feel as if I always will to some extent. I just want to talk to people more.
  22. I think objectively you almost have to say Twilight, but its more so the fact that, they have all 6 been incredibly helpful honestly, you find to many situations where, without the other not being able to have been involved there would have been disharmony in one or which or different ways. I think this more a hint to the greater message of the show really. However Applejack outside of her mind usually only solves problems, not creates them indirectly. but Twilight has created the biggest resolutions, the most "important" ones, many there may be. and pretty much is completely edged around the fact that her initial role of leadership is what created the Mane Six and those greater elements of them.
  23. Welcome to the forums, i myself have had my lost end of time spent here, noting im just now returning, but if youre looking to meet new people, im always trying to make new friends here. Also like your sig name, it reminds me of someone.
  24. Dont know if it is a combination of bad and good.Less good, but it could ALWAYS be worse. We just cant indulge the bad things I guess, because finding problems easier than solving them
  25. I would love just as much to be guided through the nuances of creating these said remixes or what all it entails. i have invisioned MANY times MLP mixes synchonizing with other trap or edm and even some hip hop chords I have heard.
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