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man dude man

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Everything posted by man dude man

  1. We need less right and left race baiters in this world (primarily left) gets me worked up... as a person who hasnt stopped being any less human an having an ethnicity... we need to drop these topics.

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    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      and I still watched Turks channel despite watching other channels that completely disagree and shun them... I am actually progressive so, focus more on the goals you claim to have, than the media anomosity and outrage you create that gets you views and lines your pocket... collectively these goals cant be reached like this

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      it should even be more insulting that these people will get donations from these people belong lower middle class, and you are nothing but an affirmative appeal to them...

    4. man dude man
  2. I am against controlled evolution, and honestly, I do not want to live forever... in this body or a robot one, the question was hypothetical.... and obviously..., you would have to biologically engineer a body that can keep your consciousness active in any go between in trying to keep any aging organ alive... biologically engineering super humans would give us the ability to reproduce, and our children would continue to naturally develop as beings, (evolve) I however believe death is natural, and it is a gift of silence, not like I am chasing it, but I do not repress the day it happens. controlled evolution is more plausible than creating eco specific formulas for beings to inhabit non Earth like planets, especially without any ground perception of the planet... but I am not one for playing god, but I will indeed play doctor.
  3. This is where the Cyborg conundrum comes from, what purpose is there to be in this fleshy vulnerable body when I can transcend such a thing, including more worldly desires and convictions, my body will live forever, and create consciousness electronically..(which our brains already do many do not know. ) and as for keeping the brain intact to speak, this is what I mean by creating a medium to keep your consciousness alive whlen going from A, to B, for Immortality, there would INDEFINITELY have to be a C...
  4. It is already organically conceivable....you just have a new medium for your consciousness. as it stands, your body will die no matter what, and many of your organs continue to deteriorate, this is about continuing your consciousness with new organs except for your brain... humans also have been cloned before, but the last wasn't particularly successful, and there is a large outcry against such a thing, for moderately good reason... it depends when or if we get to a point where we can replicate our own organs, and keep them electronically functioning in an artificial medium for the man or woman.. this is currently more plausible than trying to infuse bionics internally with our human organs... you can recreate your consciousness and become your own donor indirectly, by cloning a comatose version of yourself, which indirectly has the entire make up of your consciousness, and even memory.. Right now, patchwork is possible... the only thing that is beyond home work is creating a means to keep the brain active when transferring bodies, which biologically... IS POSSIBLE.... your consciousness is not from your heart, and in a long run, if there was a hollow medium for your brain, your consciousness can live in many things, if you have a way to keep the electric pulse in your mind.. duplication an artificial life already exist.. but the methods are a lot more complicated than just taking dna, and taking it from A to B. You need a lot more than just DNA, unless you want to create a malnourished abomination that cant live long term or yet even control its consciousness.(some minds have been preserved... for this reason) and also, you will have to bionically or organically find a way to give your nerves response, and at the very least create a way to create periphery all the same... but as I spoke about using duplicates of ourselves, would be the most efficient and compatible way to achieve conscious immortality. Being a home surgeon however is just an inefficient way to improvise with the anatomy you understand, without sanitary clearing, or years of practice and credentials, on your own, you will most likely never achieve immortality, but you are capable of more than you believe as it stands...
  5. There is a big difference between not wanting to be alone and wanting to love someone

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    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      Sometimes you have to be alone for awhile to figure out what you want in a relationship, and what you are willing to do to keep it... so often do we commit ourselves to something.. before we realize, well id rather been alone than in something that only serves one purpose.. someones company has to mean more to you than anything they can offer

    3. Snow


      hmm.. i don't know what to think after reading that..

    4. The_Gobo


      I fully agree, save for the implied means of attaining such a mindset.



  6. there is nobody more racist than someone who makes you the victim, its one thing to be the victitm to injustice, but dont let anyone put it in your mind that you cant do anything

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      trust you me, I have done what I have done for great reasons and the only people in this world that need to be victims are suppressors. its not every day (almost any day) that a voice of oppression is silenced but any day is a good one..

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I call racial debates, religious debates... "low level" territory... you need to join the reason, it is much bigger than "my dad can beat up your dad" (not as a literal, but you understand what I am saying) People are divided cleverly... nobody has a louder voice than the public enemy... but cause needs organization, and a way to make a statement, by not being another loud angry consumer.

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      street drugs are peddled by corporate out runners and pushed on to the people as commerce, and a way to simultaneously peddle capital gains through the prison industrial... people react with anger to the human condition but are also pawns in it.. this is often times aided by local business owners behind the scene, and these people make tribal associations, not realizing that self reliance is our right, it will take a lot of work and discipline..

  7. If one of my wishes could come true.... This is what I want to happen, when FIM ends... we get into Sunset and Twilights world... the only reason it couldn't work is because of continuity and people who haven't seen all the movies
  8. I am making this topic in reference to "Make new friends, but keep Discord". I will understand if it needs to be moved, but I believe Discord does live in an alternate dimension that is "beyond Equestria".. The question at hand comes from the mail pony who arrives late... How would this pony have a way to deliver the ticket to Discord if there was no immediate connection from the Chaos world(wherever this alternative dimension is) This is something that always has rested on my mind in accordance to the show... So maybe Discords fascination with Equestria in particular stems from the possibility that these are twin realities, and this could indirectly have something to do with a world that posses elements of pure harmony... I do not know, you can say alternatively "its a kids show, looking to deep into the show" but Discords origins concern me more than any other... and it is possible that this dimension is made up of other Draconequs...
  9. Not particularly, but I used to be on the XBL leader boards for speed running Banjo Kazooie lol... that and Banjo Tooie (I know I would have for), I literally know where every single collectible item is, and the fastest and most efficient ways to clear the bosses. Someone unfamiliar could clear it in a day or two if they spent nothing but all their time playing, but I had that shit between 2 and 3 hrs, the record beats me by like 13 minutes
  10. 1. For your 4th wish to never come true...(dont need to do much wishing) 2. For return villains from previous generations 3. To create a separate platform for MLP, after season 8... (indefinitely) 4. For Zecora to have her own episode(not by herself, but a centered episode) 5. Idk if any of you guys watched PPG... but I would like a season finale to be made up of villains joining forces and overcoming the Mane Six, but just like the "Beatles" of PPG, have an internal conflict that makes them fall apart, proving that their friendship is not as important to them as individual power.. Idk, I can see that same plot making for an awesome season ender, and give us a chance to see villain interaction...
  11. They could do inequality, I could see that... bringing in a poorer family, and emphasizing on how unfairly they are treated for their service, poverty is something that can be addressed in a childs show among all the topics you discussed above...
  12. Starswirl, Grogar, and Scorpan... I feel like they have a story for Scorpans return if they bring back Tirek as a villain, we know they will re use villains, obviously... but I feel like for this upcoming season, we need a new villain in between... and maybe in the finale of MLP there will be an alliance of villains or what not.. I think Sombra is underdeveloped but I think its supposed to be assumed hes deceased.... maybe? and Starswirl, through like was mentioned, a time travel or alternate dimension arc...
  13. What I could possibly envision, are parents that do not care about her passion as me much as she does, or alternatively, extremely nit picky parents, that are off setting to her self confidence.
  14. "everyone i dont like is a nazi" is no different than "everyone i dont like is a terrorist, or a lazy bum"

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      in regarads to druids, shamans, users of white magic and grey magic are commonly associated with neopagnism as well, but so are nazis... but connecting the two, would be like saying a klansman and black panther both like burgers, so now they are related in some way... you just dont get it

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      in fact... if we dive into ritualistic origins... and older ages of tribalism there are believers of the same things that are completely and utterly ethnically different... there are correlating "origins" to voodoo, white magic, black magick, and what developed into a much bigger thing...

    3. man dude man
  15. You can not say what "pride" is or is not about or who is entitled to it, and who deserves to be persecuted because of it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      I am an independent progressive... in case if you were wondering, and I acknowledge income disparity and economic inequality... and I do acknowledge there is a large demographic of whites that ARE privileged, but many under privileged are impacted by lifestyle choice, and inherited circumstances

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      People have to get in the mentality of not putting, ANYONE ABOVE OR BELOW them...

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      Natural inequality IS NOT race specific, and it has NOTHING to do with economics... many people are naturally stronger and smarter than others and there are just people that do things that others can not, but this shouldnt impact anyones lifestyle or day to day well being... economics is not natural inequality, we are crossing over to greed and corruption

  16. Mighty Magiswords and the new cartoons they show on Nickelodeon...
  17. I hate more than anything when people pretend I know what they are thinking, or talking about...

  18. Yes I am pulling a lot of video game quotes as my favorites, I havent began to scratch the surface but these are the best two.
  19. It depends on how much he values his left knee...

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      And how many arrows are in it.

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      ^^^^. You can recover from a kick, not an arrow... haha and nice reference to elder scrolls

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      well hopefully... atleast

  20. New season of Samurai Jack is gonna be incredible, getting very dark and sentimental

  21. Pretty much the entire Unconditional album by Memphis May Fire and the song Legacy, True True Friend (mlp) Right in front of me (mlp) the Blackout album by Hed PE, and the Nobodies a Nobody song from the Amazing World of Gumball... Id post the lyrics but there would be a lot to post xD
  22. Turn on Adult Swim tonight @ 11, the conclusion season of Samurai Jack

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      How did you like it??

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      it was great! imo loved it

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      Same... that is how you bring back a show.

  23. "You arent what you have done, you are what you do" "the difference between claims and reality, you cant will something false into being true only the belief of others"

  24. If the Jetsons can cross over with WWE Smackdown, anything in the cartoon world is possible.

    1. CheeryFox


      Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, John Cena?

  25. The only thing wrong with Starlight Glimmers character is that, she was compelled to become "evil".... because her friend was talented... The way I see that though also, is maybe that heartbreak REALLY DID cause her to believe she was doing the right thing ridding cutie marks... yes she lied to them, and took away what made them special and tried to condense those ponies and water down their characters.... She got caught up with her obsessive and controlling side of her personality, which is honestly to me, Starlight is more of the zero negative Twilight than Sunset(i love Sunset Shimmer dont get me wrong).... Starlights character is great... people hate because Sunset couldnt come back to Equestria... and they feel that villains shouldnt all be reformed... and they wont be.... but people just seem to forget the theme of the show is literally about friendship, making friends, bettering yourself, and becoming a better person. You just got to see why she developed the philosophy she did. I think she could be the "new girl" in EG might exhibit traits of jealousy and competitiveness rather than being outright evil... Even in the finale of S5 you see when she goes back in time, one of her alternative methods to changing the future is getting the bullies to leave fluttershy alone... she has an alternative personality because she is lonely, and hurt more or less, not menacing and sociopathic... she is bitter a and vengeful that is what makes her a villain, but when you see some of these villains expose themselves, they really got a reason for the feeling, with the exception of Sombra, Tirek, and Chrysalis(to some extent she was doing what she knew to do to care for her people, still evil though...) and Discord, the thing is, he has the power to destroy equestria, he is just a d*@! and likes to have things his way, disharmony is his harmony because its also the nature of his character, his growth in friendship is genuine, but his perspective is just indifferent, you see he cares for his friends by the way he pursues fluttershy, but he also is willing to banish somepony to another dimension to be closer to her... its just the nature of some characters isnt the same, this doesnt necessarily always determine their moral dynamics
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