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Everything posted by DATA EXPUNGED

  1. Warning, If you are easilly offended with the Occult or other such subjects, read no further. As the title says, what subjects are you interested in that others may find disturbing? For me, i am interested in strange or mysterious religions. More specifically, Cults. I find Neo-Pagan and other Cults such as the Warlocks very interesting. The Occult and the Satanic Church are all so fascinating. I am an atheist myself and don't actually practice or believe the religions I study, I just find them interesting. Anyway, what are you people interested in.
  2. I am naturally a very secretive and convoluted person. On the outside, I am just your typical person. However, on the inside, I am very oddly wired. I am fairly sadistic, however I wont go into detail. So Id say id make a good villain.
  3. >wake up >shower >get dressed >eat breakfast (usually cold take-out chinese food or pizza) >brush teeth >lock dorm (always the last to leave anyways) >walk to lecture hall >take notes and listen to morning lecture (Nuclear engineering lectures are fairly lengthy) >eat lunch usually Teremok (popular fast food chain in russia) >go to afternoon lecture >go back to dorm >check forums, reddit, youtube, grand internet adventure ensues >order pizza or chinese food >eat said food >play various video/computer games with bros (LoL, WoW, WoT, Don't Starve, Dwarf Fortress. TF2...) >Brush Teeth >Shower >Sleep
  4. Pulling all-nighters is a common practice in the college/university world. Sometimes, before a test ill pull 2 or 3 in a row studying.
  5. Cold coffee. I don't really know. Maybe its the cold weather always making my coffee cold, but i find i always end up drinking half a cup of cold coffee.
  6. Tim Horton's coffee is my personal favourite. An XL double-double with a Boston cream donut. Haven't been to Tim Hortons in over three years though. Im Currently residing in Obninsk Russia. Nowhere near a Tim Hortons... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
  7. I personally think the great Onion himself is the best pony.
  8. Hello. welcome to the ever pleasant MLP forums. Fluttershys my favourite but...
  9. Greetings and welcome to the forums. IMO fluttershy is best pony.
  10. I Have always wondered about the inner mechanizations of the Equestrian political system. As we all know, the country is "led" by a royal family (Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Cadence). However, two people running a kingdom would seem problematic. So does the Kingdom of Equestria adopt the policy of Feudalism? Does the Royal Family appoint Lords to govern small fiefs? And if Celestia is a true monarch, is she in favour of Absolute Monarchy or Constitutional Monarchy? Maybe the royal trio is just a public figure and the true decisions are made by a different government, as is the case with the UK. And if that is the case, where on the political spectrum does it fall. Is it a Nationalist body governed by Fascism, or a United Soviet Socialist Republic? P.S This thread is not tethered by the restrictions of factual or cannon information.
  11. Since I live in the great Руссии. It would come to no suprise that I believe the russian accent is superior in terms of manliness. You also get a bit of a Malicious vibe from it as well (thank you american media)
  12. Gyorg, Oh my god Gyorg. That fucking fish is the reason i cant sleep. I was only 6 years old when i first came across him. and ill never forget it. He was worse than Bongo-Bongo. Anyway, I really liked Majoras mask for its dark and unsettling feel. The only thing that scared me more than the Happy Mask Salesman was the Dead Hand from OoT. Wonderful! It is nice to have a non constrained thread. Unlike other devoted TLoZ forums where you get ripped for straying slightly off topic.
  13. So is this a theory thread, a walkthrough thread, or a TLoZ worship thread?
  14. It would be interesting to see the outcome of WWII if Churchill and Roosevalt went through with "Operation Unthinkable" (the British and American plan to invade the USSR after they took Berlin). Considering the fact that the US used up its only two nuclear weapons in its arsenal on japan, i believe it would be a very agonizing and casualty heavy conflict for both sides. I dont think the US and UK would have the abuility to take all of the USSR without help from other nations. However, many nations would most likely take the USSR's side due to the fact that the US and UK attacked preemptively. I believe that the victor would be the USSR mainly because the US and UK would have to conscript men who don't want to fight, in a war they stated out of cold blood. The USSR would have some determination to destroy the allies. Perhaps the USSR would push past Berlin and take all of central and some of western europe. I am curious as to what others may say.
  15. Alcohol is the nectar of the Gods. For me it goes Triple Distilled Vodka > Scottish Malt Whiskey = Cognac Brandy > Dark Spiced Rum > Gin > Dark Stout Beer = White Wine Drink up my friends P.S. drinking Водка straight is the true way
  16. "Plumber's Dont Wear Ties" for the 3DO was fucking terrible. It barely qualifies as a game and has nothing to do with plumbers, or their apparent inability to wear ties (which is Bullshit). I says that it has FMV but is just a collage of poorly shot grainy pictures. k, im done.
  17. If I included everything i hated: this post would be 3 Terabytes, so ill restrict myself to 5 things. Rant Mode Engaged 1. Cheap flash/Facebook games like Angry Birds, Farmville, and Clash of Clans. They are pointless cheap knockoffs of other games (Crush the Castle, Harvest Moon, Tribal Wars). I especially despise the games that send you requests on Facebook (Farmville, I'm looking at you). 2. Non Alcoholic Beer/ Decaffeinated Coffee. I paired these to together because they piss me off for the same reason. Whats the point of drinking beer if not to get smashed? Why would I pay MORE money to make my coffee useless? </p> 3. Any CoD game after 4. (during the time of CoD 4 MW, the modern setting was relatively new). It seems like they are selling the same game with renamed guns, a different linear lazy 15 minute campaign, and slightly improved graphics. They also have the tendency of having the same Grey and Brown colour palate. Also, the enemy is always "the big bad evil russians" or "them darn terrorists." </p> 4. Wheat Grass. I cant possibly fathom how people can drink this stuff. Its like taking the caked on grass clippings underneath a lawnmower, and chewing on that. People honestly think it the the miracle food that will cure all your problems. I Tried it once and it made me sick for a week. 5. Modern Marvel Movies. Let me start by saying that I love Marvel just as much as I love DC, but holy shit, the later movies have been shit lately. It seems that they aren't trying to please the loyal fans, and they aren't sticking to the source material very well. It seems like they are just trying to give the prepubescent 13 year old fanboys something to clop too (seriously, Black Widow is the most useless character ever). Rant Mode Disengaged
  18. Shrek is love, Shrek is life...

  19. Falicitations. I am under the impression that you are relatively new here. Anyway, i hope you have a Grand Ol time here on the forums!
  20. Of course they use real chicken. There is no such thing as a fake chicken. As to wether they use simulated food to taste like chicken, I dunno.
  21. From the various information I have gathered on my long and treacherous journey through the Vast and Infinite Internet, There seems to be quite a large number of females who identify themselves as Bronies. I think one of the mane controversies is the use of "bro" in the title. I know that some women consider themselves "Pegasisters," but I don't think you should HAVE to call yourself something just because of your gender. I believe that anyone should be able to identify themselves as a brony regardless of gender.
  22. Greetings, And welcome to the forums. P.S. Awesome OC. Very reminiscent of Tron and the Dwemer architecture...
  23. Greetings, and welcome to the forums. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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