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Everything posted by DATA EXPUNGED

  1. Try writing your name, over and over again with your weak hand, and eventually, your penmanship should be atleast passable with both hands. Also try doing some of the small things you normally do with your dominant hand (eg. Open doors, using remotes, using utensils, ect...). I was born ambidextrous and will often write two sentences at a time (given one of my hands has a head start so they don't bump into each-other). Edit: To grip your pen with the right hand , you use the exact same fingers as you would with your left in the same positions, just mirrored. You can make your right hand a little more comfortable, however you will never be fully ambidextrous unless you were born that way, or trained at a very early age.
  2. Ive grown up with Russian/Japanese parents who were not the most modest when it came to swearing (at least once every 3 sentences). And when my parents got mad at eachother, they would swear in their respective languages (my mother in Japanese, and my father in Russian). So I grew up thinking it was normal to swear that much. I usually say S**t and F*****g to emphasize things. However, when I am truly mad, I usually rage hardcore in Russian or Japanese with swearwords-o-plenty.
  3. I have this sort of feeling that it is going to be 1999 all over again. Disney is going to find a way to F*** it up. The Main problem the Sith Lords lightsaber. It seems that is going to be a main selling point, kind of like another movie...
  4. Greetings, and Welcome to the forums. You will find that we are all very agreeable people around here. If you ever get bored, feel free to PM me. PS. We are the Fluttershy Master-Race, lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  5. I practice Kendo and Jujutsu, and have dabbled in Systema.
  6. I am ambidextrous, so that helps alot. I love watching people fumble about as they try to find a comfortable position to write with their dominant hand, while i will simply switch hands when it pleases me.
  7. Pokemon that aren't completely and utterly ridiculous. Im growing tired of pokemon like Klefki and Vanilluxe.
  8. Game of Thrones, Monte Pythons Flying Circus, Ren and Stimpy, and a few others that don't immediately come to mind.
  9. My favourite? Probably my Chem teacher during my senior year of highschool. Taught me how to make 1,2,3-Trinitroxypropane (aka nitroglycerin or C3H5N3O9) and Cyanide (in near undetectable amounts). My least favourite teacher however, was defiantly my Calculus teacher. not only was she barely competent enough to teach basic arithmetic, but she never let us use graphing calculators even when the text specifically stated we had to.
  10. Shovelling the driveway Driving in 4 feet of snow I enjoy the solitude of my dorm during the christmas holidays.
  11. I hate the texters that only reply in 3 words or less.
  12. I dont know why, but I can drink cold coffee just as willing as i would hot coffee. my friends find it disgusting :I My grandparents would always eat Nattō and Rice for breakfast. when I was young, I hated it, but now, I get cravings for it about once a week. Its really hard to find outside of japan (at least in russia and canada, i don't know about elsewhere), so I buy a lot when I find it. Have you ever tried Amanattō? Its similar to Nattō but is covered in sugar and is more of a candy. Very tasty, and loved it as a kid.
  13. For me, its stepping barefooted on legos
  14. I speek English, French ( forced to learn in school because canada is bilingual), Russian (living there now for school), and Japanese (good portion of my family is japanese as well as russian). I know a few things about german as well.
  15. I usually buy one on the first of december, and take it down, chop it up, and burn it the day after boxing day.
  16. Id be a Cockatrice. Theres just something about being half dragon, half chicken...
  17. Muffins, them cupcakes are much to sweet for me.
  18. I used to be afraid of red wagons, yes these things After my brother gave me the idea of riding it down a flight of concrete stairs, i had been scared of them till well into middle school.
  19. The Orange Striped V-Neck for sure, however, the red V-Neck is another good choice.
  20. Greetings, and welcome to the forums. Fluttershy is Superior IMO
  21. Ive played countless times with my friends, however, half the time its just one asshole who moves the planchette around themselves to scare everyone.
  22. True Enough, however, I like cons for seeing the cool stuff and people. I usually wait till the last hour of the cons last day to buy stuff because its the least busy time, the rest of the time, i usually just stroll about, and awe at the sights and such. Its a good place to Nerdgasm in public.
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