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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

PE Brony

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Everything posted by PE Brony

  1. I love this forum banner!

  2. I'm of a slightly differing opinion: I don't care for those glasses, but love the rest of that first pic. However, the middle picture has to be the winner of the trio this time for me.
  3. I can't figure out if I should sleep up until I go to work, or if I should do stuff before work, then sleep right when I get home...2pm-1030pm is an interesting shift!

  4. Easily my 3 favorite visual scenes:
  5. Dashie in rappelling gear! XD Not my favorite shot of it, but I'll have to re-watch it so I can get some more
  6. Yeah that's been really strange! Love the gif though! haha And the other pics got fixed! Hurray! Dat 2nd one...mmmm...
  7. I never thought I'd live to see the legendary Quintuple Post! 'Tis glorious! RD was too slow to escape?! What is this madness! (Oh yeah...the dress...)
  8. *droooooooooooooool* <<<<===== Am I allowed to do that? If not, I'll settle for... Ehrmehgherd! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7FZjTJIFH4&feature=youtu.be&t=12s (of course, with the exception that I did not fall out of love...)
  9. It's pretty simple: love Pinkie, talk about Pinkie and Pinkie-related things, but most importantly--post pictures, gifs and videos of Pinkie!
  10. But, but, but! It's not even tomorrow yet! (on my clock...) Your hyper-efficient customer service is unparalleled! And I love it! I love him! I love you! They're so pointy it makes me giggle inside.
  11. ^^^ That there's a cute pony! Not sure if I think so because of the style, or because she shares a color palette with Apple Fritter... :okiedokielokie:
  12. I'm curious to see Wind Sprint in this style...sound good? Please!! Yes? Thanks!
  13. Did somepony say..."lightning"...? In video games I'm usually a shield+one handed weapon kind of guy. But if I had real magic...you could use magic to make fire and weapons etc...like Rarity's bracelets in the Comic Book episode (which I can't remember the name of atm...) As for runes... they don't look like what comes to mind with fantasy or medieval runes...oh well
  14. Magic > Fire, thus you should always fight everything with magic! They're some sort of symbol, but they're too small and indistinct for me to figure out! :okiedokielokie:
  15. I did a re-count...I have 541 Luna-related pictures or GIFs, Luna's folder comprises 20% of my entire MLP collection...by herself... and SOOO much beauty in that pic! *hnnggg!*
  16. I came across this short gem while reading a book of tongue-twisters. I thought it was quite beautiful, especially compared to the rest I had been reading through! There's no need to light a night light On a light night like tonight; For a night light's a slight light On a bright night like tonight. Simplicity!
  17. Nope! Not a clue! I wish I did though! Looks like the guy was pulling an arrow out of his shoulder. I wish I knew if that was a pattern or even runes on that sword (I'd guess pattern)
  18. The protection one? Yeah...I love seeing her combat-ready pose!
  19. I keep looking at these pictures...despite new art, I always come back to these ones...these make the core of my collection for sure. So, despite knowing I've shared them before, it's time for them to appear once again:
  20. I'm not much of a troll (most of the time) but I don't like it either. I find it more annoying than anything. I loved her Wonderbolts rap, but there's just some fan content I can't quite stomach with the rest...some of the lyrics were decent, but...hmm, needs more Pinkie Pie...
  21. This is from Downey's official fb page, if that's what you mean. I'm certain he has media agents and all that jazz. As I said, though, I just think it's fun of him (or his entourage) to share these sorts of things, even in jest. I bet somepony has already made a Tony Stark inventor pony on pony creator or in fan art. I should hunt for it (unless you beat me to it...I'm playing Portal 2 atm...) Either way, I'm sure he's enjoying the comments it has inspired (I'd read them if I were famous and being talked about)
  22. My brother in law showed me that Robert Downey Jr posted this on his fb page earlier today: Poster enlarged: Now, I like to be realistic IRL, so I can't say he's necessarily going to join the herd simply because somepony did a crossover-comparison chart matching Tony Stark to Pinkie Pie... But what I do know is that I like RDJ even more because he's willing to acknowledge all his fans and coverage, even if it is jokingly. Any thoughts on RDJ + ponies?
  23. Ah, must've edited it while I was gathering my pics for my post (I also changed pages for a few mins to input some score for a soccer match I just finished). Lovin' the ava!
  24. First off: I couldn't agree more with the first pic being EHRMAGHERD AMAZING! Second, you double posted the other awesome pic. Third, you weren't the first to post that double-posted pic. I don't know if I was, but I posted it the other day, on this very page...under a spoiler...though I do believe yours may be a larger version...(see post #1513 above) Fourth, and as promised, I found more of her in pony-form...:
  25. I used to sleep with the radio playing until my dad took it from me, saying I was using too much electricity...I never agreed with that... Twelve years later, I like falling asleep to the sound of the dark. :comeatus:
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