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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. For my main OC, the one in my icon, I base it off of myself. My hair is pink and white, so I simply matched the hair colour and eye colour to my own. For my other OC's, I had a general idea of their talent, and I used a couple colour pallette sites online that are my go to for art. http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes/search http://coolors.co/ http://paletton.com/#uid=1000u0kllllaFw0g0qFqFg0w0aF
  2. I've got multiple chronic life threatening health issues that leave me disabled. So I a handful of pills and inhalers everyday for stuff like my chronic severe lung disease, COPD, sinusitis, osteoporosis, gastroparesis and chronic pain, to name a few. Funny enough though, my blood pressue, blood sugar, cholesteral and heart are perfect. LOL Just about the only thing that does work in my body.
  3. I'm glad you enjoy this image, I worked hard on it, and I'm happy with the outcome. I draw in Gimp, many of my brushes I download for free from Gimp artists. I work mostly in layers with the path tool, and I created and did detail on lots of separate layers, colouring, and working from the farthest part of the background, forward, and the very last layer ending in highlights and shading. The background was it's own project, the ponies were each their own drawing, and they were all saved as their own files. Then, in the end, they were re-sized and accumulated into one picture. The ponies were superimposed on a semi opaque layer of the background while I sketched them on a invisible layer, so I knew where to place them properly. I finished the sketch, then did the lineart, and coloured them (then deleted sketch and merged layers). The items on the table where then sized, and positioned on their own layer. This is my largest project, and I've got a few others in the works. I'm glad everyone likes it. It certainly made for a good Christmas card for friends and family.
  4. Thank you very much. I worked hard on this image.
  5. (http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Merry-Christmas-2014-500502016) This is the holiday card I made and sent out this year. Derpy and Doctor Whooves were drawn by me, however, the background and items are a combination of vectors, and vectors I manipulated. Thought I've give it a share and hope you all enjoy it.
  6. I think the pony creator is a very useful base, or beginners tool. I created my OCs using the pony creator, then made original art from there. I think it's nice to be able to visualize your character and try different colours out until you find your perfect design, and then you can build original work from there.
  7. I'm practicing my line art, and figured while I'm practicing, I can offer my services to some fellow artists. I will line art your basic sketch or doodle. Nothing to big or complicated since I don't have all day to work on it, but basic sketches are perfectly fine. Here are two examples of my inking below. If your interested in getting an image inked, simply post the image on here and I'll take care of it. If you like a particular style, like the lines to look brushed, or solid (see sample pics) then just let me know, otherwise I'll use personal preference. (One of my drawings I'm doing solid line art on currently) (sketch I used for brushed lineart practice)
  8. I'm so happy to see that the Fluttercord mob is growing! Yay Fluttercord/Discoshy!
  9. I agree, I feel it in my shipping sails. Fluttercord will get stronger, I know it. I'm sure they wont come all out and say they're a couple, but I'm sure they'll imply it. I'd love to see a heart and hooves episode, but I know that's just wishful thinking.
  10. Hoping to save enough money to start my Twilight Sparkle inspired room redesign. First stop, painting my room purple royalty by valspar http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/cb/3f/ea/cb3feaa86d44fd23d9da5357f1e338e0.jpg

  11. Whenever I hear the term 'Touched By an Angel' I immediately think it should be an episode of Law and Order Special Victims Unit, crossed with an episode of Supernatural. "Where did the angel touch you Timmy, show me on the doll"----It's official, I'm going to hell.

    1. SS Patches

      SS Patches

      aren't we all?

    2. Antidaeophobia


      @Sir Derpy Knight- I'll save you a seat on the bus to hell. LOL

  12. @Kay Dreamer I completely agree. I think having the families on board was interesting. Of course I always wondered about the kids whose parents died, but still remained on the Enterprise. Were they 'communally' raised, or adopted by other crew members. Were there many children in that society that needed adopted, like we have now, or is there couples looking to adopt but not enough kids available because their aren't alot of 'unwanted' or abandoned children. Personally, I always thought Data should have adopted a human child. He'd be a great father as demonstrated by his interactions with children in the past. I always loved Star Trek best because even though in that universe, humans can pretty much have whatever they want; be it possessions, food, or education and travel. They dont have to worry about stds, money, housing, or poverty. I always found it incredible they managed to control themselves and live a simple lifestyle. I hate the outfits though!
  13. I think this is the first time in my life I've ever been bored on the internet. Please, no one yell 'blasphemy' at me. Of course I will accept cat videos.

  14. Dear Princess Celestia, Hard work is important, but making sure you take quality time to spend with your friends is important too.

  15. Thank you! You are so nice for saying so! I was raised on Trek and have been a hardcore fan all my life. Even though I'm only 25yrs old, I'm always been more into the old school trek and movies (Star Trek Voyage home is one of my favorite movies). I really don't like the new trek bandwagon. You should at least try to appreciate the original trek series and movies, otherwise, don't call yourself a Trekkie if you only like the new movies. My mother promoted me watching Star Trek as a child and being a Trekkie. She was a fan, and she figured that of all the heroes I could have, Mr. Spock and Data were ideal choices and it also had wonderful morals to teach me. I tell my friends that only like the new Trek (several of them are 10-13yrs younger); watch the original series, but watch it with a frame of mind as if you are watching a play, and not a movie/tv show. I think many of my friends have grown up expecting so much CGI that they miss the point of the story being important. Like the TNG episode 'Measure of a Man', many of them thought it was boring until I explained to them it was about slavery. I'm currently doing a Q episode marathon tonight while I work on some commissions. So much fun!
  16. I love Q. Admittedly, past next generation, I only watched episodes with Q in it because they were the only episodes I could stand. I'm NOT a fan of the new movies. I was very disappointed in them. Even though I love Benedict Cumberbatch, him as Khan was all wrong. I don't really consider the new films part of the canon universe. I've got a couple friends that are only Trekkies for the new films, not for the series. At least we have ponies to bond us together, although I really can't bare to listen to them say that 'like Zachary Quinto is the best Spock EVA!' It makes me cry in frustration when they do that.
  17. *shares hiding spot* I agree. Of course better than the both of them, is of course Data in his short lived ride as Captain on various occasions.
  18. I agree. A storm of canon shipping is coming. Brace yourselves.
  19. Glow in the dark Vinyl is the best nightlight

  20. I figure there has got to be more of us on this forum. Seriously- where my Trekkiebros at? I actually discovered My Little Pony through a friend on a Star Trek The Next Generation forum. This was even before Discord made an appearance. My friend kept insisting 'you gotta check this new show out, it's awesome!'. It was season 1 episode 5 that I decided to check out MLP, and I was hooked. Then my fellow Trekkie and I flipped shit when we found out John de Lancie was Discord (Why Q, what a large snaggle tooth and big beard you have). I'm into old school trek and next generation (Spock and Data- FTW!) and wanted to know if anyone else on here is also a big Trek fan too. Also, one more thing. I had a thought last night- the mane cast of your favorite Trek (TOS,TNG,DS9, etc), what would their elements of harmony be? Heres mine for Next Gen.- Honesty-Troi Kindness- Data Laughter- Riker Generosity- Beverly Loyalty- Worf Magic-Picard
  21. It's basically a term used for the worst of the worst of the fandom, the creme de la crap if you will. Sort of like I use the term 'mouth-breather' to refer to annoying idiots (Thank you Hey Arnold). But people want to assume that the worst of the fandom represents everyone in the fandom, even though we hate those few annoying people just like everyone else. Sort of like people assume Trekkies are weird nerds that live in their moms basements. It's not generally true, but there are a few awful people where the sterotype fits- and then when you see those dash-holes interact with the public, you just cringe and weep a little on the inside knowing they're being a representative of your interests.
  22. The pink pony in my icon and sig. is my pony Nova Star. I originally created her to represent me in pony form. She has pink and white hair like me, she's mischievous, and her special talent is astronomy. The draconequues is supposed to be representative of my best friend. I think he looks like a humanized Discord in real life, so I knew when I made him an OC, it would have to look like Discord. This is the first draft of his character, it's still a work in progress as well as my friend and I agreeing on a name for the character. Here is a picture of my best friend wearing a Derpy hat I knitted and trying to give derp face.
  23. I'm still rolling over ideas for cutie marks. But for your crystal pegasus that makes auroras- maybe you could call her Aurora Sun 'Sunny' (or Aurora Jewel/Gem). I'm trying to think of a cutie mark that would be easily recreated. Aurora's make tough cutie marks because if the image is too small, they can look like colored smudges on the flank and not a cutie mark. As for your green pony that controls plants and the wind, how about her cutie mark be a dandelion (cutie mark like this: http://i1.cpcache.com/product_zoom/548203502/blowing_dandelion_wall_clock.jpg?height=250&width=250&padToSquare=true). Dandelions require the wind to spread there seeds, so it would integrate both her abilities into one cutie mark.
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