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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. I'll give it a shot. Let me see what I can sketch up, and if you like the sketch I'll finish it for you.
  2. I appreciate the compliment. I've been working to improve my drawing skill set this year, and I'm trying to do a picture at least once a week.
  3. I usually find anthro ponies a little creepy, but yours totally adorable. Well done! Keep up the good work.
  4. Nova sharing her special talent, astronomy, with Troubleshoes. I certain that Troubleshoes is a Clydesdale, and Nova in my mind is a Shetland pony, so I made her much smaller. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Troubleshoes-and-Nova-Stargazing-531335981 Alright, I stayed up way to late, I'm gonna go to bed now.
  5. https://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/shelves-shelving-units/decorative-wall-mounted-shelving/35-5-white-decorative-shelf-kit/p-1466939-c-12664.htm I bought these, and also the corner free standing wall mounted ones. They're great! I put all my Star trek and pony figures on a bunch of these shelves. They are big enough to hold my tea pot collection too.
  6. I open display all my action figures and other geek stuff. I'm not into collecting for money purposes, just fun, so all my stuff is out of the box. My blind bag ponies are on my floating book shelves next to my Star Trek action figures and Doctor Who posters. I'm not afraid of what people think. Although, I do frame my posters and art just because I think it looks more adult and gives a cleaner look. I feel the same. I buy figures because they make me happy, I can't imagine keeping them boxed and shoved in a closet somewhere.
  7. I just spent 30 mins trying to get the ear on my pony drawing just right only to realize it didn't matter because it was covered by the mane *face palm*

    1. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      It happens to the best of us ;-;

  8. Humans were wiped out by a horrific nuclear apocalypse, and ponies rose as the new dominant life form.
  9. Peter Capaldi! Mr.Capaldi has filled the space in my heart once occupied by Leonard Nimoy.
  10. LMAO thanks, I know those feels. I had a magical dyslexia day myself. LOL
  11. Thank you so much. I work hard to make them show accurate. The nice comments have been lovely. I'll totally draw more.
  12. I love earth ponies. My OC is an earth pony. I think earth ponies allow for lots of character development because they can't simply solve a problem with magic or flying. Earth ponies are very under appreciated.
  13. Thank you so much. I've been working really hard on my drawing, and I think I've really improved my pony art these past couple of months. I'm hoping to improve my expression range though and I'm hoping a comic will force me to do that. Thank you. I plan on making the Doctor Whooves drawings like the ones featured. He's not terribly difficult for me to draw, but I might not colour every panel as making show accurate colouring is rather intensive, but I will do manga like colouring, and possibly throw in 1 or 2 full colours a chapter. I appreciate all the nice notes people are leaving, it builds my confidence to keep drawing.
  14. Here are some drawings of the 12th Doctor. I'm making a Doctor Whooves comic this summer, and these are some of the practice images. Also, at the end, is a quick drawing of my OC and Troubleshoes. (Please don't use these designs. Thank you, but reviews and comments are nice.) http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Doctor-Whooves-12th-513604599 Doctor Whooves and Clara. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Doctor-Whooves-And-Clara-528060548 http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Doctor-Whooves-Reading-Sketch-529006378 I've never shipped my OC, but I feel like her she'd probably have a crush on Troubleshoes, and I really wanted to draw him. Thus this creation came about. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/art/Nova-and-Troubleshoes-530941241
  15. The older I get, the more "Mom" my mother gets. I'm 26yrs old, and she treats me like I'm a 12yr old, it's a little weird sometimes because this is entirely new, because when I was 12yrs old, my mother wasn't like this. I routinely stayed home alone on weekends while she visited family, cooked my own dinner, and cleaned my own clothing. Now, even though I still live with her, I completely care for myself, have my own business, and pay for myself. So having her come in the kitchen to "make sure I have everything handled", or asking me if I've fed my animals (which has never been an issue), or telling me to 'Go to your room!' if we argue- it's a little weird. Told her last month I was planning on moving out next year and she was like 'Are you sure that's a good idea?' Don't most parents get excited when their kids are independent, are going to move out, and don't need to be cared for, it's not like this is new development, I've been pretty much taking care of myself since I was 16yrs old. I get that my interests are fairly juvenile, given the pony obsession, and my Doctor Who and Trek love, and my room looks like a geek explosion, but I'm very mature, good with money, and all around responsible. I don't understand why I'm being treated like a child.
  16. I was surprised to see a Clydesdale in MLP, and showing it with a cutie mark. So maybe ponies aren't the only ones that get cutie marks. I feel bad though that his worst memory is him being laughed at, and he find out that's his special talent as well. Seems sort of mean spirited. I'd like to see him later and see his character develope. Also, where were the bison? I thought they'd become friends with them, I was surprised they weren't around. Braeburn, you beautiful idiot!
  17. Breast feeding mothers are so rude; They never smile in the pictures I take?

    1. Thunderchild


      You're not right.

    2. Ashen Pathfinder
    3. Antidaeophobia


      @Thunderchild- Yeah, I get that a lot.

  18. I've got chronic Clara face; It's a very serious condition where my face is round and all eyes. Teachers at my school would tell me 'Stop trying to be cute and giving me puppy eyes, you're not fooling anyone' when they were yelling at me, or 'don't play innocent, I know you're up to something' when I'd be sitting there normally, and they thought I was hiding something because of my resting face. My friend says I have Chronic Cute Syndrome; which is why no one takes me seriously when I'm angry. I think I'd prefer having Resting Bitch Face.
  19. Yes, I am incredibly smart, and I don't think it's arrogant to have some pride in being intelligent either. I'm also loyal, kind, and pretty frikkin hilarious. Personally, I find IQ to be fairly interesting, mostly because people have such a serious misunderstanding of what someones IQ means. IQ doesn't guarantee success, my uncle has a 180 IQ and by societies standards would be considered a loser since he's a alcoholic, and is living in a halfway house, and he's not a great whiz at math either, nor did he do well in school (since most people assume people with high IQ's were straight A students). He just has fantastic logic, and detail recall. People often assume IQ means you'll be able to do complex math and science perfectly, and if you can't therefore you're stupid. I had to deal with this growing up because I had gaps in my education due to illness, and I had serious dyslexia growing up. People were very cruel to me and called me terrible names. This article on IQ was fairly interesting: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390444032404578006612858486012 I had several IQ tests done at Mayo Clinic, because since I'm chronically ill with severe pulmonary issues, they wanted to make sure I wasn't suffering memory loss (oxygen depletion does that sometimes LOL), so I had to do routine testing every couple of years. My last test at Mayo Clinic was when I was 15yrs old and rated 165. I haven't had the need to get another one since, given my health has improved so short term memory loss isn't a concern, and I really don't give a shit about joining MENSA or similar programs. I get really annoyed when people try and use their IQ number to outrank someone and belittle them. Being a genius doesn't mean you can't be wrong and you're intellect is wasted if you aren't willing to listen and learn something new.
  20. If your a fan of mine on deviantart; I'm offering pony sketches on my page. Link to DA on my profile.

  21. I really liked this episode. We'd been wondering for awhile how Tank fared being Rainbow Dash's pet, and now we know how close they've become. I remember my hedgehog, and my tortoise both going into hibernation, so I understand how Rainbow Dash feels. I really loved the expressions this episode, and it was really nice having a RD episode where she isn't a total insufferable dash-hole, but an actually decent sensitive person with real emotions. Sure, she's still being selfish, but it's nice to see is because she wants to keep her friend, and not just being arrogant. I really like the little song, but it was a bit over auto-tuned, but still nice. LOL Pinkie Pie walking through the wall, and that picture in the factory locker was amusing. Also, can we talk about how adorable Tank's little Rainbow Dash slippers are. OMG
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