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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. aye matey, the link be workin' I fixed her hair and added her cutie mark. Everything seem alright?
  2. I agree. I also always saw her as a bit of a conspiracy theorist personally. The sort everyone would just roll their eyes at her ideas, but maybe those ideas might have a grain of truth to them. Her love of humans equaling many humans love of bigfoot, and her being similar to a fan of cryptozoology and discussing the latest 'human sightings'. Perhaps trading blurry human sighting photos with her fellow crytozoology friends.
  3. Made roasted purple baby potatoes tonight for dinner. First time eating the purple variety. Very flavorful, I highly recommend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Never even aware they existed. Sound tasty!

    3. Shanks


      There is also blue ones too which I have also eaten before and orange ones which I haven't tried yet.

    4. Antidaeophobia


      I'll have to try the other varieties in my store. The purple ones have a buttery flavor, and even though they looked weird, are just as good as the regular variety.

  4. I'm with you pony friend. We'll invade the studio with torches and take the writers hostage.
  5. Yes, I've got my sketches done. Just got some last minute paid commissions and had to handle those first. I'm doing line arts and getting everypony coloured up next. Sure, I'm you like it so far. I'll fix her bangs to go over her left eye. Any particular pose, or just artist choice? Sorry if I'm missing your post on that.
  6. I never do black because I look dead. I have a very pale complexion to me, I blame my Scottish and Nordic ancestry. I'm so white that if you tried to find me in the winter, you wouldn't see me right in front of you.
  7. Hi, yours is almost done, except the cutie mark, I had some issues with the link for the cutie mark. Do you have a different source I could use. Heres what I have so far, if this isn't what you were looking for, let me know so I can make changes. Send me your cutie mark link when you get the chance and I'll add it.
  8. I'll post them here on this forum post.
  9. I'm preparing to dye my hair my summer colour. My hair is usually pink and white IRL, but every summer I try something new. Last summer I did my hair like Vinyl Scratch, aqua and blue, and the year befor that, blonde, pink and purple. I'm considering doing lime green, aqua and purple. I've done just about every colour there is. My hair is short, but I'm going to probably shave it down to a faux hawk because it's looking a little mullet-ish LOL It's grown out quite a bit from my mohawk. Anyone got any good ideas on colour?
  10. My oc is really based on myself. When I created her (pink pony in icon), I wanted a avatar that could represent me in the pony forums, and in rpgs. Her hair, eye colour, and piercings are like me. Several years ago, I took Astronomy in college for a fun class, and it turned out to be my special talent in real life. I ended up loving it and having a knack for it. So my Oc's talent of astronomy is based on my own personal discovery. I also based my oc on both the positive and negative aspects of my own personalty, only exaggerated.
  11. Alright, because I've gotten several messages from various people asking. I finally signed up for skype. My contact is on my page. I haven't got video, but I can text chat.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Hmm...I wouldn't mind adding another contact if you;re fine with it. ^^

    3. Monsoon


      My contact info is on my profile at the bottom

    4. Antidaeophobia


      Sure, both of you guys can add me.


  12. Short rant but; if you go to another persons country, you should learn the customs and language of the people living there. That means that the chinese family of the landlord that does the yard work, should bring someone that speaks decent english with them, should not treat me like shit just because I'm a woman, and respect my space and objects- that means not walking into my home, or destroying my garden!

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Delete your comment

    3. aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q


      @Wyllow, I don't know... Go ask a mod or an admin. Or maybe you can temporarily set your notifications system not to notify status updates at least until things settle here.

    4. JonasDarkmane


      @SunBurn: You delete your comment on the said status

  13. http://www.Alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com This link is my art account where I post all my finished pictures and crafts.
  14. Nice to see a parent taking an interest in their childs interests. Even though there are many adults on this forum (I'm 26/female), ladies consider themselves bronies too. We're a very mature, friendly group of people, and bullies and cruel people are dealt with quickly. I found the forum through google, and by reputation as so many people I knew said they liked it. This is my favorite forum because people are very kind to each other even if we disagree sometimes. I'd recommend you monitor some of the art sites your child visits though, but deviantart is a fairly safe art community if that is something of interest your kid has. Feel friend to message or friend me if you have any concerns at all.
  15. Welcome to the herd, here's your complimentary gif basket.
  16. I use GIMP and I really like it. I download free brushes and add ons from deviantart all the time. It's a fairly easy program. I use the 2.6 though because the newer version was glitchy with my tablet.
  17. I hope to have all the pics done by Monday.
  18. Wow, filled up fast. Thanks for all the messages. I'll get to it.
  19. Antidaeophobia

    request shop 5 Free pony requests

    Requests filled- However, if you are interested in getting a design, check out my deviantART account for more info on my pony art: http://www.alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com <-My OC <- OC I made for someone I'm taking 5 free requests for pony art. I will do canon characters, or original characters. 1 drawing per person of 1 character of choice, no background or accessories. Indicate a position you'd like them in sitting, laying, prancing, etc. I will draw it in as show accurate as possible with basic colour. If you want your OC, please provide a drawing of them if possible with cutie mark. That, or descibe them in detail, such what character their hair, eyes, colour looks like to help me with drawing. 1) KrazyDashie 2) Mars Orbit 3) SunBurn 4) Rarity is Queen 5) Seaswirl10 ---------------------------------------------------- If you missed the chance for a request, or you'd like more added to your drawing such as a background, check out my deviantart account for info on my pony drawings.
  20. Name: Antidaeophobia/Nova/Sami Age: 26 Gender: Female Style: Punk/my hair IS usually pink and white. State: Iowa/South Eastern Iowa Likes: Crafts and Art. I'm a professional artist and knitter. Writing scifi/romance. People that don't walk to fast for me (4' 10"). Trees and nature. Music: All sorts of music; punk, rock, power metal, folk, etc Movies: Action movies. Horror. 50's B Scifi, V for Vendetta, Stranger Than Fiction, District 9, Alien TV: Doctor Who, Star Trek (original and TNG), Sherlock, Adventure Time, Bullshit!, MLP, Futurama, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vicious. BBC in general. Books: Scifi, Adventure, Feminism. I read just about anything, I love books! Dislikes: self righteous know-it-alls. Judgmental twats. Immature assholes. Disrespectful jerks. People that make me carry the conversation all by myself. People that interrupt me when I'm speaking. People that talk over me. Poor listening skills. I'm not really into video games. Romantic movies. New Star Trek. Bars or places that are loud and crowded. People that feel the need to obsessively talk all the time, or assume I'm mad because I'm quiet. I can just be quiet and in someones company and I'll be happy. People that judge me for how I dress, my gender, or being disabled. Hobbies: Lots of creative endeavors; writing, knitting, painting, drawing, etc. Reading. Nature walks. Adventures. Other Info: My element of harmony is Loyalty. I'm a great best friend, and great fun to be around as long as you treat me with the same respect I give you. I'm always willing to try new things. I'm very progressive and accepting of different people and ideas, but I don't tolerate stupid real well. I enjoy doing activities like art fairs, museums, day trips; generally getting out of the house. I can also hang out though and talk. Yay, Another Iowan. Nice selection of interests.
  21. I took astronomy on a whim for a college credit. Figured it would be fun and an easy way to get credits (turns out the school considered it one of their hardest classes). That's how I discovered my special talent (IRL), and found out I had a love of it, as well as a love for making graphs and looking at data. I ended up getting a B in a class where 80% of the people fail. My teacher even wrote me a recommendation so I could get more funding to pursue more classes. It was a wonderful class. I took a class called Biblical Literature my first year of high school, and it taught the Torah, Bible, and Koran in terms of the the culture of the time, not as fact. The teacher I had was fantastic and told me she was moving to a lovely new house with her growing family. Imagine her shock when she showed up at the house and I was sitting next door in a lawn chair with my mother LOL Her family and mine ended up becoming close friends, and they still are. I helped name her youngest child, and would watch her kids. Her husband took me to the ER for 8hrs when I fractured my back and arm.
  22. My new landlord is wonderful, but his family that does the yard work is another monster entirely. Only 1 out of the 7 that comes to work speaks english, which makes it very difficult for me to tell them to stop cutting branches off my trees. My beautiful 70yr old maples are in such a state they'd make Fluttershy cry.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antidaeophobia


      Last fall, some dead branches were removed to protect the house and they cut the hell out of our trees. But you never trim major branches in the spring, and instead of doing it properly, they lassoed ropes around the branches, tied it to a truck, and broke them off in the cruelest way, splintering wood, and shaving bark off. It's mutilated our trees, and they are pretty much in serious risk of disease. Our neighbor is a horticulturalist, and the state of our beautiful old trees is enough...

    3. Antidaeophobia


      To make you cry. And the family that works on our yard doesn't listen to women, and it's just my mother and I, so we have no men to speak on our behalf that they will respect. It's awful

    4. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Well that is a really crappy situation :(

  23. Will this doe, a deer, a female deer- work for you. (Sorry, I'm required by law to quote lyrics from The Sound of Music when referring to female cervidae). I at least hope this is something you can build off of.
  24. Alright, I'll keep going then.
  25. This is just a basic sketch of what I could do for you. Of course inked with proper colouring.I understand if this isn't what your looking for though.
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