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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. Hello everyone. Haven't been on much because I'm updating my computer system to something better, and this one I have is running awfully slow. Also gonna see the doctor this week for some pain I've been having. Anyway... Most of you are fans of my artwork as well as being friends, and I'm planning on setting up a Patreon account for my artwork, crafts and writing. This will allow me to make money for supplies, frequent updates, and to spend more time working on what I love and making more artistic content and crafts. It will also allow me to get the equipment, and supplies needed to start web streaming, affording better computer supplies, and going to conventions and shows. Also to generally be able to take care of myself and my service dog since I'm going to have to move next year. Offering incentives to patrons is part of the site, and I'm just wondering what you think some of the incentives should be, and for different levels. Some of the ideas I've thought of are things like: -Entered to win one of my hand knitted pony hats or custom figure -Free character sketches -First viewing of my projects before posting -Access to my works in progress -Special tutorials -One on one chats about projects or getting help on your projects during the chat/general art and writing assistance. -Access to my brand new chapters before posting, or spoilers on the story progression -One shot chapter for your enjoyment Please feel free to suggest some of what you'd like to see offered as an incentive. I'm really interested. Recommendations are welcome.
  2. I didn't like the episode, and that's saying quite a bit. I feel like Spike never really learns his lesson, and I wish that sometimes Twilight would just send him to a time out, or give him a spanking as a proper punishment, because he never learns. I'm not saying I don't like Spike, I just don't like the things he does. He's got way to much freedom and decision making abilities for a baby dragon. I wish Spike had been actually punished for his behavior. Somebody should have stepped in and taken over if they knew Twilight was sleeping. So I'm going to have to put some of the blame on the other Princesses
  3. Even thought this was obvious fan pandering in the extreme, I still think it was a wonderful nod to the fandom, by which a 100th episode might not have happened without our interest. Derpy was so cute and adorable and I really enjoyed what they did with her. Although I found Doctor Whooves to be a bit much in his behavior. I liked the ending with the scarf though. I think it was sort of jab at fans though when the Doctor said something about a traumatic past, which is something lots of pony OC's have. I love the fight with Celestia and Luna, behaving like sisters, I would have loved to have seen Luna and Celestia switch the tag on Spikes present, but I know they're to honest for that. Shining Armor crying like a baby was wonderful. The changeling was also a nice surprise. I would have liked to have seen maybe Discord watching from a window, or pretending like he didn't care. I went into this episode knowing it was going to be blatant on the fanservice, as an everyday run of the mill episode, I probably wouldn't have liked it, but as a special episode, it was great.
  4. To all my Skype friends. I'm just letting you all know I'm going to have to remove skype from my computer temp. for about a month or so while I'm getting a new system. This computer is running to slow to keep it on. Message me if you want to chat via google or facebook. :)

    1. Antidaeophobia


      I hate to have to remove it, since I talk with so many people. But the issue with my computer is causing me to have to choose between keeping skype on, or running my art programs more efficiently. Sadly, because art is how I make money, I have to remove skype. You can however talk with me on here, facebook, or deviantart. :)


    2. Bright Honor
    3. JonasDarkmane


      I got your message :) *Hugs*

  5. Still might not be on for a week or so. Dealing with lots of stuff IRL so wont be on here or skype.

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q


      Hope you get things sorted out. You can bet you'll be welcomed back with open arms. Or hooves. Whichever you prefer XD

  6. I've met so many kind and wonderful people on this forum. This is a great fandom!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      *huggles n snuggles*

    4. aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q


      You've just opened...

      *puts on sunglasses*

      The hug-gates


  7. No, but he might decide one day, and convince himself that taking over Equestria might be for the good of his friends. Just like he convinced himself that sending Trehugger to another reality was alright, and Fluttershy would be ok with that, and things would return to normal and help his friendship with her. Discord is really emotionally stunted, and immature. He's never thought of anyone but himself, but when he does think of other people besides himself, it's still in a selfish context. I don't see him betraying the mane 6 by being talked into it like with Tirek, but I do think he might decide he could do a better job keeping Equestria safe, or even doing something stupid that might plunge Equestria into war. He has room to develope and still surprise everyone. Just because he's nicer now doesn't mean he's not still a selfish dickhead, and doesn't mean he doesn't have room to improve and grow. Being physically stunted by lowering his magic isn't going to develope or improve his character. Besides, seeing a truly strong character, capable of wiping out his enemies (which Discord can't as shown by Tirek), is more interesting seeing them amending themselves because they choose to, rather than by threat because they are weaker.
  8. Because he's not mean't to be weak, he's meant to represent a real threat to everyone. Even after being reformed, he still is a threat, and they still don't trust him. He wouldn't be a proper threat if he was weak.
  9. I consider Celestia as more of a mary-sue by far. She's perfect, everyone loves her, and the characters that don't love her are looked at as villains, or fools. She rarely gets angry, and she's just so sugary nice and wise, and besides the occasional joke, she really doesn't have a very distinct personality. At least Discord isn't loved by all, and he messes up quite often. He is pretty much a god too, so god creatures are always going to come off as being to powerful for their own good. But he has a great deal of dynamic and potential. Unlike Celestia, who really hasn't shown any growth since season 1. People use to say Q from Star Trek was a mary-sue, but people tend to think that when a character is super powerful, but Discord really doesn't fit the list needed for a mary-sue. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CommonMarySueTraits Thank You! I hate people that just throw that term out for anything they don't like.
  10. Thank you, I'm glad this works for you, I know you'll let me know if you want changes. I thought the huggable thing as well, he looks very friendly.
  11. Sunburns pony: Thank you for the wait Sunburn. Let me know if there is anything you'd like changed. I'm glad the little filly worked for you. She is pretty cute.
  12. If I come across anyone with the know how to help, I will. You might want to firm up the idea of your game more so that if a potential game developer wants to help, you have more info. Like story line and etc, to guide people through your idea.
  13. I like the idea, I think it has some potential. Wish I knew something about games. Jackalope's are interesting animals. You should probably add the ability to mimic, since jackalopes were known to copy the voices and singing of cowboys and frontiersman traveling at night.
  14. I did the speed test, and I got Download: 10.77 mbps Upload: 0.77 mbps
  15. It was interesting for sure. I'm more upset to find out Gilda was living in poverty, MLP has never really touched on that before. It was cute to see Dashie and Gilda becoming friends at flight camp, although I would have thought Fluttershy and Gilda would have met there, but they didn't seem to know each other when they met. Seeing all the different griffons was interesting, I suspect a rise in griffin OC's now. LOL It was an alright episode overall.
  16. Just read a wonderful Discord fanfic. This author needs more reviews: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11106571/1/Wanderlust

  17. http://alektorotelumphobia.deviantart.com/ That should work, hopefully LOL
  18. Seaswirl's pony: My internet crapped out on me earlier, ugh.
  19. I think people forget also that you can have a crush on your friend. He might have started out just liking Fluttershy as a friend, and started crushing on her, but I don't think he's really aware of his feelings. He's a pretty emotionally immature given he thought she'd be ok with him throwing Tree Hugger into the void, and afterwards they'd go back to normal. I don't ever think the writers will come right out with it and make them a canon and legit couple. I just don't see it happening. But I do wish for more Fluttercord moments, and I enjoy seeing them interact. Discord and Fluttershy are good for each other. Fluttershy has learned to be assertive, and even confronts Discord and tells him no, and makes him accountable for his actions, and Discord is having to learn to be more emotionally aware of others, and is slowly learning to be a better person, but is also supportive of Fluttershy and her sensitive nature. One thing I'd love to see also, is Discord interacting with the CMC like he does in the comic, and going on some adventures with them. Seeing him have to be responsible, being like a big brother to them, and mentoring them would be interesting. I really like the Discord/CMC comics about the best.
  20. Well, I'm a Fluttercord shipper, so of course I saw things different than most people did LOL I think Discord is fairly inexperienced when it comes to dealing with others. He's never had a friend, nor had to think of anyone but himself and that selfishness came though when he tried to intimidate Treehugger. Passive-aggression was just one those tactics given he couldn't outright attack Treehugger immediately like he might have done pre-Fluttershy. I think Discord does have romantic feelings for Fluttershy based upon his language of 'We like each other', and the comic hinting he had a crush on her too. I'm sure they'll never come out right with it, but I love if they dropped more moments for us Fluttercord shippers. Overall, I felt like his reactions were very in tune with his inexperience and selfishness. But I totally sympathize with him, I've experienced similar situations to what Discord went through.
  21. Onision, Sam Pepper, and thunderf00t, and I also left the Amazing Atheist and Sotomayor recently, most of people, all these do is bitch about feminism, and none of their information is correct. It's very annoying when people rant about a subject, and obsess over it, and they don't even get their information correct. Except Onision and Sam Pepper I left because they are just horrible people. I don't get the appeal of Jenna Marbles, I really don't. I hate constantl screaming too, and people that make stupid jokes. First time someone screams and they bust my eardrums, I'm done with them.
  22. I'm interested in showing more of my digital art process for people to watch. Unfortunatly I'm a bit technologically dense so I'd appreciate some help. My friend has to help me when I use his iphone because I still have a flip phone. I'm getting a webcam soon for skyping, and youtube videos. However, I'm interested in live streaming my desktop, as well as recording speed paintings and tutorials for upload on youtube. I'd like to do the live streaming to discuss projects live with people and possibly interact with them while I work. So pretty much I need help figuring out what equipment or programs I need to make this happen. I'm of course on a budget, and don't want a lot of useless bulk on my system as it's a bit slow at the moment, I plan to update it next year. I'd appreciate the help, and any info I can use to get this going. (I tried bandicam, and all it did was slog down my system, and of course malware is always an issue with some of these free products.)
  23. Yay, icon worthy LOL Glad you like. You're welcome. Thanks for waiting.
  24. Krazydashie: Changed the mouth MarsOrbit: RarityisQueen: The final ones (Seaswirl and Sunburn (Sunbum) I'll load tomorrow, but I didn't get a chance to finish them today. If there are any issues with your pics, let me know so I can fix.
  25. Ugh, I hate chronic illness flare ups.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AccountNoLongerUsed


      Is everything ok? Hope you are feeling better.

    3. Antidaeophobia


      Yeah Wyllow, just dealing with a flare up. I'm use to it by now. I'd still love to get some decent sleep though.

    4. AccountNoLongerUsed


      I hope eventually you feel better so we can start chating again.

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