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Everything posted by Antidaeophobia

  1. My husbando is: Data from Star Trek Next Generation: He's adorable, he's sweet, he's brave, and he's all around wonderful. I'd marry this android in an instant. The Doctor; Seriously, the mans got a time machine, goes on adventures, and is the hero of the universe. Never cruel, never cowardly, and the best man ever. He loves his companions and he thinks humans are pretty frikkin cool.
  2. I enjoy making weird avatars of my OC Nova. Somedays she's a bat pony, sometimes she's a crystal pony, some days she's a Princess, sometimes she's a Nightmare pony, other times she's a Chola (current icon). I just like to create fun versions of her.
  3. I like ice cream in my mac and cheese, it's a special treat for me.
  4. My Whovian friends hate that I'm a Whouffaldi shipper. I regret nothing! :o

  5. To wake up 20yrs from now with nothing but regrets. I don't fear death, but I do fear not being successful and happy with what I want to accomplish before I die.
  6. Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:34 AM I dress mostly punk, with some goth thrown in. I dress nicely if it's a professional environment, like a doctors office, or when I run errands. Regular clothing is just jeans and t-shirt. Lounging clothing is usually boxers, and a shirt.
  7. I would advise you not too become a US citizen, shits going down in our country and I think things are going to get worst. I'd advise you to maintain your citizenship in the UK, but work to get a working visa, so you can live in the US as long as you have employment. Your first step since your 13 is to try and do an overseas study program. Many schools have them. They'll send you over to the US to live with a host family and attend an American school. The more schooling you attend in the states the better. Later, when you try to get a working visa, they'll put you as priority because you've already had experience attending a school, and if you do well in classes, it will show your a model person. Also, aiming for a higher degree will help you get approved for a working visa as well. Such as if you're a scientist, engineer, or a doctor, you will be more likely to get approved. I have several friends that have lived in the US for 20+ years, and they are still trying to become citizens. The process to become a citizen in the US is an enormous clusterfuck compared to other countries, and can cost you nearly a quarter mill. Go for the working visa, it's easier, and when things in the states turn to total shit as I suspect, you'll have an out. Sorry to be such a downer.
  8. Personally, I think of the different species like the different hardship levels of a game. Making an Alicorn oc is like playing on easy, unicorn is medium, pegasus is difficult, and making an Earth pony oc is like playing on show no mercy. This is because I think it takes more effort to make a character that isn't godlike, with magic ability and flight that can solve all their problems. Unicorns have magic andpegasus have flight which makes solving problems easier. But if your character is an earth pony, and their in a dangerous situation, they actually have to think things through because they don't have magic or flight to escape or save themselves. Having an Alicorn oc is basically the easier route you can take. Because if the character is in a dangerous situation, they don't have to really think things through to solve their problem and being godlike, it's like pitting Vegeta against Bambi- you know who's going to win.
  9. I'm really into gummies and zebra cakes. I'm really excited though because it's jelly heart season again, and so I've been buying loads of Zachary Jelly hearts from Walmart. I'm also a fan of the valentines zebra cakes that are heart shaped and have strawberry frosting. I also LOVE chocolate covered bananas.
  10. I wasn't bullied by students despite being disabled and goth- I actually had many friends. But I was seriously bullied by teachers, and they are my worst memory of my entire school time. They were very cruel to me. Most people when they talk about bullying, they only think it's kids that do it, and to tell a teacher. But they never tell you what to do if it's a teacher that's doing it, and if you complain, people usually think you're just exaggerating and are mad about being disciplined. My Mother had to go to the school multiple times to tell teachers there behavior towards me wasn't correct and speak to the school board about a teacher being verbally abusive. You'd be amazed at the amount of teachers and authority figures that really should never being in charge of anyone, or even be around other humans. In my book, most teachers are dicks.
  11. I might have said this before but: Nutella- seriously, it's gross Bubble tea- is the most disgusting thing every created. It's like swallowing frog eggs. Pumpkin spice- why...seriously, just why. It's the most overrated flavor and it's in fucking everything come October. Orange is the New Black- I'll watch it if nothing else is on, but whatever. Breaking Bad- just couldn't get into it Seinfeld- a show of some of the most unlikeable characters every created. I'd rather watch Twilight. Jenna Marbles- Her little voice she does is as annoying as Nicki Minaj's 'Roman voice' Weed- I've been on some heavy drug in my life due to health issues, and I gotta say, weed is entirely overrated, and some of the worst highs I've ever had. Pandas- seriously, just let them die Dolphins- they're nothing more than bottle nose rape machines Bars- I can't hear myself think over the noise, I can't hear myself talk, I'm getting hit on by a creepy dude, and these drinks cost me $6 each when I could just be at home drinking for free and watching Doctor Who Small dogs- They only have two modes, land shark and shiver. I prefer a dog I can hike with, wrestle with, that can protect me, and I can use as a blanket in the middle of a nuclear winter if necessary. Children- seriously, why are people obsessed with them. They smell bad, they're uncoordinated, they whine, and they're only half finished people.
  12. (This image was my 1st edition drawing.) Name: Nova Star Sex: Mare Age: Young Adult Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: Green Coat Color: Pink Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Pink and white, usually long, and styled like Fluttershy. Physique: slightly chubby but strong Cutie Mark: Black double star (not yet finalized) Origin/Residence: She travels for work quite alot, so she lives in many locations and often stays with friends she has made throughout the world. She is currently resident of Ponyville, and is staying in the spare room at Derpy's house. Occupation: Astronomer Motivation: To someday work with Princess Luna. To fly. Character Summary: Nova is an astronomer, she is mostly hired to do star mapping in Equestria when she is not working on her more intensive personal studies. She is hired to create star charts to assist ponies for the growing season as well as for other needs. This is a difficult job that requires alot of travelling. She usually finds places to stay, with friends, whom she has accumulated along the way through letters and travel. She's highly intelligent, and is very funny. Some might not take her seriously because of her sense of humor and eccentricity, but that is there loss. Since she has traveled so much, she tends to have a great deal of world knowledge about different cultures, customs, and stories. During her free time, she engineers flying machines for herself. It is her dream to fly like her pegasus family members. Because of her dream, she can be somewhat of a risk taker and ignore personal safety. This has led her to have several injuries and accidents in her life. It was one such accident when she was younger that was how she met her best friend (a draconequus), when she fell out of the sky, landed in his mouth while he was yawning, he then almost choked on her. One of her other best friends, and younger cousin, Sparkler (a pegasus) will often assist her with her flying machines, and is unfortunately just as reckless as Nova. She is very close to her family and is the oldest of her cousins, but has always been the odd one, given most of her family is made up of unicorns and pegasi.
  13. My favorite games were Pokemon yellow, gold/silver, and crystal. I also love FireRed and HeartGold/Soul Silver. My pokemon of choice is always totodile and charmander. My other favorite games were always on Sega, and it was pretty much any sonic game, sonic pinball is fav of mine, and the 1st Jurassic Park game (always play the raptor). Original Spryo and Crash Bandicoot are pretty cool too. I enjoyed Pokemon Snap and 1080 snowboarding, but only when playing with a friend, by myself it was boring. I only play old systems, I haven't bought or played on a system after GB Colour, PS1 or N64.
  14. I'm looking to start doing few art art tutorials on my PC, however I'm a bit dense on what program I should use to record my desktop. I need a free software, that is easy to use, easy to edit, and doesn't take up a shit ton of space. I tried Bandicam, and whenever it recorded, it completely trashed the colour and made it very fuzzy. My goal is to make my videos at least watchable enough that someone can understand what I'm trying to teach them without them getting fed up with the video. I'm not so into this project so much that I want to buy software since I'll only need to make a few videos. Some helpful advice on software and etc would be helpful. Thank you!
  15. Realizing his terrible mistake, Judas bitterly hurled his half-eaten Klondike bar into the sea.

  16. The 11th Doctor- seriously, I just don't get it. What's Matt Smith's appeal? He's not that good of an actor, his range as the Doctor is limited, and he has the weirdest face I've ever seen, like a bad makeup prosthesis for a school play. I keep expecting his forehead to start peeling due to poor glue adhesion. Phineas and Ferb- Meh Beer- it tastes like dirty dish water. Ryan Gosling- seriously, I don't get why people love him so much. I don't find him attractive, and he's a mediocre actor. Zoe Deschanel- her eyes freak me out. I feel like they're going to eat my soul. It's like looking at a walking talking glossy eyed doll. Same! I was into Kenex when I was younger, Legos have always been boring to me.
  17. I hate the 11th Doctor and River Song. I was so happy when they left the show and Capaldi was announced as the new Doctor, my mother literally found me dancing in my room when I heard the news. Nutella tastes like shit! Firefly, even though I like it, is very overrated. I fucking hate dolphins, and pandas! Seriously, just let pandas die out. They're complete worthless. If the rain forest looked like a great big pair of tits, we'd take better care of it. The new Star Trek movies made me cry, but only because JJ Abrams was pissing on my childhood.
  18. I rarely drink because I don't like the taste of most alcohol and also because of medical issues. I enjoy wine a couple times a year, but only as a treat. I do have a love of margaritas though, and my mother and I will prepare them during the summer and sit outside under our shade trees and talk. But I've never been drunk till this past year and it was not a pleasant experience. I'm not gonna lie, it's easy to get drunk if your having drinks with friends. You can feel pressured to drink more, or you can lose track of how many, or ignore your limit because you're having such a good time. I got drunk the first time on my 24th birthday when I was drinking wine with my best friend when he came over to watch hang out and watch movies. I was very hung over the next day, and my mother took the opportunity to tease me and made me run errands for her. She wasn't use to me over indulging since despite my appearance, I've always been very straight laced with my behavior. My advice to you is to only drink rarely, and then, maybe one or two. Also, never get drunk around people you can't trust. I'm lucky my best friend is so awesome, but I have known people who got drunk and were raped. Rape is never the victims fault, but we do live in a society where people think that it's ok to do that to someone that's under the influence, so I'd just say protect yourself and try not to get put in the position where you can't defend yourself by getting piss drunk I don't want that to scare you away from drinking though. If done maturely and responsibly, you can enjoy it. But don't feel embarrassed if you don't like it and don't want to. A nice glass of wine or a margarita every now and then is fine.
  19. I don't know where all this greasy crap on my glasses comes from, but I swear, it's like I sweating Crisco!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Koukatsu


      Meh, it ain't nothin' but a thang. :V

    3. Antidaeophobia


      Pssh- yeah, people afraid of lasers coming at their eyes are pussies...and I am one *shivers in fear*

    4. Koukatsu


      Ha. Nah, there was a whole thing leading up to it. The short version, it was an all or nothing moment for me.

  20. Yes, I'm sure. Most of the time, if you pick up on that sort of thing in public around here, people can usually tell if that person is either from the state line, or from a different midwestern state. If you don't pronounce your words correctly around my area, someone WILL correct you. It's a college town, so that's to be expected. We get a high influence of slang from Chicago though.
  21. I live in the US right now....and I'm pretty much done with this country. It's very hostile right now, and seems to be lagging behind in everything a 1st world nation should have. I suspect there's going to be a major revolution of sorts headed our way. Personally, I'd really like to move to the UK, probably Scotland if possible, but I've got plenty of friends around London that I might like to move near there. I don't mind the rain, so the weather isn't really a problem for me. Canada might be a nice alternative, but there isn't nearly as much going on in Canada as there is in the UK.
  22. It depends on where you are on the border, but the closer in the middle you get, the less accent. I've never pronounced my words like in the video, nor has my family or people I know since most of them come from the middle of the state, or from the south eastern part. However, if you go towards the state lines, you get an intermingling of different accents from Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and Nebraska. However, there are certain terms, that while not said with an accent, are pretty exclusively said in Iowa. This is due to our overwhelming Swedish and Norwegian immigrant population that settled the areas. My best friends mom, when I was a kid, she was from Illinois, and she said the words like the appeared in the video. It drove me and people she knew crazy. She's say it like 'Meelk' or 'Heppy Mill' instead of Happy Meal, and growing up around people that forced the idea of pronouncing words correctly, and were also educators, it would drive me crazy to hear her pronounce words the way she did. If you grew up closer to Missouri, you might pronounce Washington like 'Warshing-ton'. I had a friend from the UK tell me that my lack of accent was boring LOL
  23. I'm from Iowa. We have no accent. You want to know what Iowans sound like, just watch the news and how the broadcasters speak, that's pretty much it. Course we do have a few words we use that differ from other states, but they aren't terribly noticeable. If you get along the northern or southern border of the state, that's when you'll maybe start to find hints of a Minnesota or Missouri accent.
  24. I always thought in my mind, that cutie marks appear representative of that ponies culture and beliefs of a talent. So a cutie mark might mean the same thing among the different pony species, and cultures, but appear differently based on personal meaning in that cultural group. Perhaps if Zecora had been raised in ponyville from an early age, instead of her homeland, despite being a zebra; her cutie mark could have turned out differently based upon different cultural influences, although in the end, her talent would still be the same.
  25. I think generosity and kindness are probably the hardest. At least from what I've seen in real life. It's easy to love the lovable, but it's infinitely harder to love someone who is difficult and perhaps will not yield you any personal satisfaction in your eyes. If you can manage to be good to someone, and remain judgement free in the face of what you might think is a bad attitude, or a poor lifestyle, and treat them with respect- that's real kindness. Also, generosity can be difficult. I think alot of people aren't really generous because they want others to be happy and cared for, but rather for their own ego. Sort of like those sorts of people that talk about charity work they've done, or donations they've given. I think to be really generous, you should be humble as well, and keep your charity work secret. I can't tell you how many times someone bragged about knowing someone from the crisis center or homeless shelter they volunteered at, and it deeply embarressed the person they were talking about; but it didn't matter to the speaker, because that person bragging was so into looking good they didn't even think about how it might be affecting the other person that is recieving the help.
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