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Mare of Night

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Everything posted by Mare of Night

  1. The cows are coming. Run for your lives, lock your doors, protect your family. Because the cows are coming. Or are they already here?

    1. FLARE


      There here. trust me I know this because my dog works at a Nintendo.

    2. Pony Joe

      Pony Joe

      That reminded me of Lord English. "How do expect to outrun me... WHEN I AM ALREADY HERE?"

  2. What has four legs in the morning, two legs at midday, and three legs at night? This riddle is known as "The Riddle of the Sphinx". Don't go searching it before you reply though!
  3. Ah yes, the nintendo 64 era. I spent all this money on Ebay to get a N64 with Lylat Wars, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64. Worth every cent. Also, favourite game? I am a Valve fanboy. Maybe it's because every game they make is good? Probably. I love Left 4 Dead 2. I adore Half-Life. Team Fortress 2 is a great game. But, putting all my fandom aside, I still consider Portal 2 to be the greatest game ever made. It has totally outdone Ocarina of Time, Deus Ex, and all those other "big-name" games. It, quite literally, has no faults. It has the perfect mix of puzzles, action, good soundtrack, humour, characterization, art-style and multiplayer. Essentially, it has all the things you look for in a good game, and it excels in each category. I'd like to see ONE person defy me. (sorry, fandom acting up again)
  4. Tyroq, you're awesomeness never ceases to amaze me. <sigh> Anyway, yeah Tyroq pretty much said it all. I think Doctor Who kinda went in a bell-shaped curve. Christopher Eccleston (the 9th Doctor) Was alright, and then David Tennant came in and was all like radiating awesome. And then Matt Smith came in, he's alright, but Tennant set the bar pretty high!
  5. "Winter wrap up winter wrap uuuup!" oh err sorry.
  6. The most geeky thing I have done in the name of Who? That would probably be cosplaying as one of those gas-mask kids from "The Empty Child". Good times...
  7. "I think we were trying to look for a job." I say quietly, then bring my voice to a whisper and go by Stitches' ears "Though, at this rate, I doubt we'll get any."
  8. Awww, there there. My conscience: It's not as if YOU'VE had any luck with women! Me: Oh yeah, I forgot. Aww man.
  9. Hrmm, I'm ON IT! Awww, sorry guys, but if you are not in America then, unfortunately, you cannot watch Matt Smith on the Late late Show! But I'm sure it's nothing Youtube can't fix! So I'll get Youtubing and I'll let you know if I find anything.
  10. The link is on the Doctor Who Tumblr link I sent you a page back if you bothered to go on it, of which I strongly recommend you do. Also, Tyroq said that he liked Amy Pond. I disagree. Strongly. I think Pond is Smith's downfall. I quote from a youtube video I saw
  11. The very thought of that is so silly, that Braeburn could not let this go unpunished.
  12. I trot off with Shyflower and Slendermane towards the town to find work. I also take a quick look to my flank to discover my cutie mark: A dodecahedron. This probably dictates my love of the obscure and verbosity. "What jobs are even available here in ponyville?" I say. I highly doubt I would be able to find a decent job.
  13. Dayum, mine is April 29th. THAT CLOSE MAN, THAT CLOSE.
  14. I strongly agree. Donna was easily the best companion the Doctor has ever had. She brought a well received humour to the show, without screwing it up and being too comical. I do not believe she was the closest to the Doctor (that award goes to Rose, seeing as though the Doctor had feelings for her) but she was easily the most fun. Also, regarding your statement about Tennant being pathetic YOU SUCK oh er <ahem> sorry 'bout that, musta been that burrito I had for lunch. All jokes aside, I kinda agree with you. But I think that was intended, but it kinda failed. Still, season 4 is widely regarded as the best season of Doctor Who ever. DID I ALSO MENTION that our very own Matt Smith won the award for BEST SCI-FI ACTOR. Let's all give a round of applause for Matt Smith and Doctor Who in general.
  15. Watching Lesson Zero... AGAIN

  16. Good idea (insert username), Make sure (if you can) to write about your favourite/best antagonist of Doctor Who as well!
  17. BEST EVER Wow, another Octopimp fan. You are the best. Anypony who sucks because they don't know/haven't watched Octopimp GET TO IT.
  18. I am loving this thread, there are so many dedicated fans like this one I am quoting. However, the Doctor in fact has 12 regenerations. However, another Whovian told me that he had a lot more. I have yet to follow this up, but for now, it's only 12. And yes, those who started out with Matt Smith are at a direct disadvantage. As they have A.) Not been able to experience the awesome that is David Tennant and B.) Will not be able to understand the whole weeping angels and Bad Wolf and blah blah story stuff. Also, to the other Whovians, another topic: do you belive that the latest Matt Smith seasons involve as much "Time-wimey Wibbly-wobbly" stuff as much as the previous episodes? BTW: Timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly is how David Tennant used to describe the TARDIS and other complicated things to his companions. So from now on, whenever you are discussing a confusing topic, you MUST use the term timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly. Lol jokes, but try to put videos, pictures, quotes or anything Who to spice up this thread. Also, I strongly suggest you visit the official Doctor Who Tumblr. If you couldn't be arsed to find it, here's the link: http://doctorwho.tumblr.com/ Not convinced? Check this video out:
  19. As my eyes droop open I realise I slept in. Oh damn! I think, as I quickly get up and rush outside to see all the other ponies gathered. "What's up you guys?" I say happily. Shyflower tells me that we were going to find jobs today. "Seems sensible" I say. I look over at Solar Flare "Oh, I can see you tried to fly as well!" I laugh. I think about what job I should adopt.
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