Ah yes, the nintendo 64 era.
I spent all this money on Ebay to get a N64 with Lylat Wars, Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye and Super Mario 64. Worth every cent.
Also, favourite game? I am a Valve fanboy. Maybe it's because every game they make is good? Probably. I love Left 4 Dead 2. I adore Half-Life. Team Fortress 2 is a great game. But, putting all my fandom aside, I still consider Portal 2 to be the greatest game ever made. It has totally outdone Ocarina of Time, Deus Ex, and all those other "big-name" games. It, quite literally, has no faults.
It has the perfect mix of puzzles, action, good soundtrack, humour, characterization, art-style and multiplayer. Essentially, it has all the things you look for in a good game, and it excels in each category.
I'd like to see ONE person defy me. (sorry, fandom acting up again)