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Everything posted by Bronychan1214

  1. Something else freaky happened to me today and thinking about it I am still kinda freaked out. I was home alone again and I was just watching tv and I heard my name whispered to me and something run down my back. And I turned around and nothing was there....Is my house haunted!? Because I have had this done to me many times before but I just dismiss it for something else.
  2. That looks awesome ! Now I want to fly.
  3. Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I have been pretty bored and just sitting around all day. I have also noticed my more boring post get like 60 views but when I actually did something yesterday I got 26 views...I guess being boring is interesting. Anyway just been play borderlands 2 and just doing some chores and cleaning up the house because my brother and mother are out of the house. I am basically alone because my sister never leaves her room unless for bathroom breaks and food. Also just watching some markiplier and some Matthew Santoro you should check him out on youtube he does top ten lists but he makers them funny and he is quit popular. Anyway might walk over to a friends house or make him walk here cause you know a lazy day :comeatus:. Well besides forcing my self to update the long overdue gaming blog I am not doing anything else today so end of blog entry goodbye!!! Gonna take a nap Bronychan1214 V(^-^)V
  4. I love mayo. And I actually accidentally tasted and instantly loved it. Got a sandwich somewhere I forgot and I forgot to ask for them to take the mayo off of it because I thought it was gross. So I bit into the sandwich and just freaking devoured the thing after knowing the taste of mayo .
  5. I have never been flying before, but when I look up into the sky and see plane fly over. I sit there and wonder how it would be to be up there and see the beautifulness of the sky. And then I sit there for the next 2 hours and just think. How we were created, how heaven would look like, how it would be on other planets, how it would be like to be a vampire, and a ton of other stuff. Ug just rambling I will shut my face now....
  6. I have always enjoyed burger king's fries. I actually like them better than MC Donald's fries.
  7. raspberry of the iced variety. It is so good . (I hope this thread isn't about hot tea only because hot tea is pretty good to )
  8. Bombardment Sylvester Gallop Komodo Boycott Flamboyant Supersonic Inanimate Larceny Abundant Stalagmite Inhalation Atomize Confident Superfluous Indefinite Reanimated Garbanzo Superior Exceeding Unrivaled Lol a lot of words from me hope that's not to many...
  9. My allergies are cats, some type of medicine that I forgot the name of, and eggs. Have fun! V(^-^)V
  10. All the time, when I am stressed it is what I do I cant calm down and relax and stop moving when stressed.
  11. Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I am going to talk about why I didn't post yesterday. I just finished picking up another acre of sticks at my house and got back inside. I received a message from a friend on skype asking if I wanted to come over and help him do some yard work. I obviously accepted and I got a ride over there. I picked up the sticks and rocks and leaves in his front yard back yard and his sides of his yard. And I had to follow complicated boundary lines that he set up. Then he began to mow the lawns. He got lazy and went inside his house and I followed I met his sister. And we went upstairs to his room to play video games. I had to have his fan in my face the whole time not because I was hot but if I didn't I couldn't blow away cat dander because I am allergic to cats. Anyway we played call of duty mw3 for a while and I got bored of that. Tried dynasty warriors for the first time and he and I got very tired. So I called home and then went home. And I actually fell asleep last night so now I might have to be forced to sleep tonight again which sucks . Also going to be continuing my video game blog today because of two things. 1. I need to because it has been a while since I have posted in it. 2. My new signature has a link in it and if other ponies wanna read what I am playing I have to keep it updated.\ Well today might just be a lazy day so I guess bye! So comfortable Bronychan1214 V(^-^)V
  12. http://youtu.be/heAAhwzumjk link to a song and at the very end I very much want to warn you to turn down you volume my ears are bleeding.
    1. Bronychan1214


      Song starts at 5:19 and you can watch the ytp if you want...and I love dubstep and I probably damage my ears all day but I really want you take my warning to turn down the volume nearing the end.

  13. No sleep at all last night it is 8:44 I am still not tired :D

    1. Discordly Cutiepie

      Discordly Cutiepie

      thats early its 3pm here

    2. Bronychan1214


      lol different time periods.



  14. Almost Ashton Kutcher went into a caseys that I live near...I was so sad after that because I could have met him.
  15. When you notice you have bean skype calling someone for almost 8 hours. (right when I post this that is what I am doing )
  16. I enjoy being sad. It is a change from the happy go lucky self that I am. And I keep most of my emotions bottled up so when I cry I feel better. Also being sad is a regular human thing and you should do it sometimes. But if you are sad your whole life you need someone to cheer you up. I am there for anypony who has that problem .
  17. I fell down the stairs...And got a very badly cut and bloody knee.
  18. The british accent is so le sexy...sorry. And the language I think sounds the coolest to listen to is Japanese man I wanna learn it so bad.
  19. Been playing borderlands 2 again having so much fun hitting crit spots with my sniper assassin

  20. I was checking my profile and noticed it says I have only been on here 3 days I know I joined at least a month ago. Can anypony help me?

    1. Rascal~


      the date under your name is when you joined, the 3 days bit is how much time you've spent on the Forums.

    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      you've been on here a total of 3 days collectively since you joined

    3. Bronychan1214


      oh...I feel like an idiot now...sorry to bother you guys.

  21. The only thing that kinda freaks me out but I am alright with is there sideways pupils.
  22. Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I am going to talk about ghosties. I have been noticing figures or just shadows or like stuff out the corners of my eyes for all my life. I think I am seeing ghosts. I have felt something touch my back before and I am the only one in the house. I have heard voices and whispers in my ears when at night and people are all asleep except me because I am nocturnal. I have seen things fall over with out nothing touching them. Or I could be going crazy! I might as well be making these things up. I don't know if they are real they are all just in my head. I have heard voices in my head before but I usally just disban it for something else but I think it was time to share and see what you guys think. Am I going crazy? Have I been crazy all my life? I have heard voices in my head many times before even when I was younger. They are not bad voices they are semi nice. some are bad sometimes. But I don't follow their instructions. I can make most of there speaking out but most of the time it is just gibberish or low whispers that I can't hear or understand. Ah talking about this is making me look behind me waiting for some things touch or say something to me. Also I have heard these voices in my heads with dubstep blaring at 100 so...I know they are in my head. I wanna make something clear I am not overly overjoyed all the time due to them that is my own choice that i have made and my genetics. And I am not depressed at all so the voices don't affect me that way to...Gosh I sound crazy at this point...well bye. V(^-^)V
  23. I thought zombies would get me if I didn't stop looking at the door or cover my self up to the neck no matter how hot it was....I was about um maybe 8 or 9...I lost a lot of sleep due to this. That there are ghost in my basement and monsters....I still due if you saw my basement you would think so to and where I am moving the basement is even worse... That if you mashed the button harder like in platformers it would make you go father or higher like in donkey Kong country or super mario world still do this to. And holding down the button for pokemon captures also still do this. That I could see said ghosts in basement and I swear I can hear them whisper to me...I think I am going crazy.
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