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Everything posted by KokuraiNoSenshi

  1. If anyone here knows me to a fair extent, you'll know I love BlackGryph0n's music. And if any of you are not blind, then you can tell I love Flutters. So guess my excitement when Gryph0n got Andrea Libman, along with several others, to sing "I'll Be There" in a cover song!
  2. If I had my way with the forums... Serious overhaul time lol. Check the entire ban list, change some code, look into every staff member, pretty much anything that can be done I'd check into. I hear a lot of complaints about this site some days, and if I could fix them I would in a heartbeat. In the meantime, however, I think I'll just continue to bitch and moan from the side line
  3. It most likely won't be till next weekend, and we'll need my little brother out of the house. Otherwise I can't wait to watch some with her, I'm thinking A Canterlot Wedding to start things off. Only problem is she hates to watch things out of order, so that'll be annoying, but otherwise seems like a good idea to me
  4. Busy lol, but in a fairly good mood. Today was quite the good day, truth be told. I got to school, and instead of working my teacher said "Go and usher people towards the area for the competitions today." He told me to take something to do, and when I said all I had was my phone and my 3DS he said to grab them both and go ahead and play that while I waited. I got off half my entire lab just to sit on my rear and play my video games ^^ Rest of the day was easy, and when it ended, I was joking with mom about me and my love of MLP, which ended with her wanting to watch some episodes with me. I didn't let her know but I'm honestly super excited, I've always wanted to watch some episodes with people in real life but I've never had anyone... Oh I hope she likes the show, it would make my brony life a hundred times easier
  5. Well this place got busy since I was gone
  6. Wow. Just, just wow. This is amazing, you can't even tell it's pixel art unless you look incredibly close. This is truly a great piece dude, I can't stop gushing lol
  7. Was joking with mom earlier today... Was talking about how, while I was in a store, I went from staring at The Simpsons: The Movie and Godzilla VS King Kong to MLP toys. At the end of it... We're going to watch some episodes at some point in the future together lol... Thinking "A Canterlot Wedding" but I'd like to hear some 2nd opinions

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Oh yeah! Dang, I almost forgot about that... And I've been rewatching the series to try and find her some good episodes lol. I just started Season 2 in fact ^^

  8. Didn't Twilight do something like that in one episode though? She made a "Sonic Sparkleboom" or whatever you wanna call it. Whether or not we want to include that... Pinkie was able to basically teleport around and beat RD to places, so while I think she is the fastest flier the fastest creature is still up for debate
  9. While Pinkie may not be the most health conscious mother, she certainly has the energy and drive to not only keep up with but keep kids going for a long amount of time. While I don't see her making mom of the year, I don't think she'd be the worst. I truly think that'd be RD, mostly because, right now, she just doesn't act motherly enough. Now that's not to say she can't be, it's just that at this moment in time she is the least likely to even settle down, let alone have foals
  10. Got some more art for everyone! Flutters isn't the only one with The Stare: However she DOES approve of Twilight Sharkle: Ok ok, sorry for the pun, here's a really good piece to make up for it; Addition: I can't get this to save or copy paste, so here is a link to an adorable animation http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7222763/ If anyone could get that in a way I could save it or something, I would very much like to take out the link as well as save it for future usage
  11. Haha, both my real name and my OC's name have Japanese terms that fit close to their English ones XD Thanks for doing this ^^
  12. Back, sorry I've been so quiet everyone life sorta put it''s foot in the door ^^;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs* <3 glad to have you back <3

    4. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Wow, nice! I only have, like, a fifth of that! XD


      *Hugs* Glad to be back dude ^^

  13. Hmmm... Ok, I'll bite: Midnight Aegis, if you don't mind ^^
  14. *Crawls out of my hole* Oh my god how long has it been... *Sees a destroyed Statue of Liberty* OH MY GOD NO, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE THIS IS HO- Oh I wonder if that means I can finally get pony merch without being afraid of someone finding out! QUICK, TO THE NEAREST WAL-MART RUINS! Anyways... Yeah, it's me, been awhile eh? Life's been... Bleh, to say the least, but hopefully that's over for now and I can get back to beautiful pone worshipping. While I was away, I did get on a certain site that is home to a TON of Flutters art, so as an apology for my absence here is a ton of art, as an apology, a welcome, and, of course, Butterscotch pony worshipping! *WARNING, LOT OF PICTURES, MIGHT BE SEPARATED BUT I HAVE 9 BIG PICTURES TO POST, SO STILL GOING TO BE QUITE A BIT* 2 things: One, that first picture is pretty much my introduction to the fandom, instantly falling in love with Flutters and NMM as well as Luna later on ^^; Secondly, that last picture IS Flutters related, since of course everyone wants to be Flutters :3 Also, a ton of sleeping pons: Whelp, once again, sorry to have been so quiet lately, hopefully that won't stick around forever and I'll get back to posting like my usual self! And again, sorry for the hush hushness!
  15. Ehhhhhhhh... I honestly don't see much connection with them both, and this is coming from the guy who likes obscure ships like Pincord and LunaShy. But hey, if you like it that is up to you my friend
  16. Kinda hard to be "Critical" when they look so good but... I think the only thing that I don't adore is Vinyl's face, specifically the mouth/muzzle reason feels a bit too... Spherical. Like, look at a side picture of her here: And then look at your drawing of her. Is it just me or does the face you drew feel more rounded? Anyways... That's about all the critique I can think of... Otherwise I really really like it, keep up the good work! I'd love to see a vectored version of the RPAJ ^^
  17. Actually, she does directly say "I do love Pinkie Pie"
  18. I only ever played Tri on the PSP but I really did like what I did play of it. I lost the game though so I didn't get very far... Hopefully with 4 on the rise I'll be playing that soon as well, I am so excited to see what it is like! I was going to play with a friend but I kinda mucked up any chance of that happening... Hopefully though he'll kick some ass for me, I know I'll be doing so for him... No idea what favorite monsters or weapons or armor are, again didn't play far enough and it was a long time ago that I played. When 4 rolls around I might make an addendum or post again with that kind of stuff, or look up some stuff and just give a sort of outsider-looking-in opinion of which I (dis)like the most
  19. Well... We've seen her feed fish to other animals before so something tells me she isn't exactly to badly upset by the idea of creatures eating other creatures for sustenance...
  20. Agreed, the flashback and their reunion is more than enough proof to show just how badly Celestia felt about that! I love Luna, she's a great character and whether she is "over-hyped" or not, I will always put her as best Princess, but even I can admit that she may have gone a bit overboard. Celestia just did what she felt best, and I don't fault her for her tough decisions, but I do praise her for her instant forgiveness. Instead of questioning Luna or waiting to see if she would do something wrong, Celestia jumped at the chance to have her sister back! That's sisterly love right there people, pure and utter forgiveness at the drop of a hat! Yeah... Purple pon you are awesome but you need to read a book on Buddhism or something and learn to relax!
  21. As a Princess Luna fanatic, I would like to say right now that I do desperately wish people would cut this out. I love Celestia, and I love most of her incarnations (Trollestia, Molestia to name a couple) but Tyrant Celestia just does not work for me. If Tyrant Celestia was true in any way, shape, or form I sincerely think it would be much more obvious than these half backed rumors lead it to be. I think the only time that Tyrant Celestia ever seemed the slightest bit possible was in Twilight's paranoid dream about Flutters being exiled and jailed in the place she was exiled too, and that was Twilight! I'm sorry but the purple pon can be a bit dramatic at times, enough to rival her marshmallow-y companion Rarity. Now, I joke once or twice about this subject with some of my Celestia supporting friends but at the end of the day I take it with half a grain of salt! I think that a lot more people need to do as well, especially some of my Luna supporting brethren/sister...en.
  22. There is actually a feature within the forums that is supposed to save a certain amount of your message, but it is not very... Reliable, to put it nicely. I second this, and it shouldn't be a complex solution either, least not from what I have learned in XHTML classes. However I don't know what the forums use or if there are set limits to what it can do, but provided it can be done it doesn't seem like a bad idea at all
  23. Fluttershy: Breeder/Contestant Twilight: Battler/Gym Leader/Elite Four/Professor
  24. Lol looks great dude but uh... What happened to her mane? I mean, I know the top thing isn't it, but I would expect something that long would be poking out or something lol
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