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Everything posted by PegasisterJayfeather

  1. He sounds really cool...I like it!
  2. Thanks! XD Yup, it's pretty random
  3. For a Wattpad friend: @LinkLover14!!
  4. Um.. This is my "OC" Layla...I'm wriitng a story called Hahiko's Secret, which is basically about magic cats.... So Layla is a character in it... I made this myelf by editing a pic of a cat in the editing program: Pixlr.com Here she is!: It's also my icon so yeah... Also! I have decided (since I'm nice) I'll be doing FREE commissions for these type of pics! i'll post all the rules later!
  5. Ok ok...You are right. I am wrong. I just saw this idea and went with it... Sorry. Sorry, I've been thinking about this ALL wrong... AJ and RD are similar in personality because they're both competitive and sporty. I think that if they're both similar, it makes them better friends, because they can bond through their similarities better. But they have their differences that set them apart from similarities that makes their friendship unique.
  6. Hey! I'm pretty new too, just started this site yesterday XD
  7. I actually think that their Elements should have been switched. Applejack, Element of Honesty, has tended to lie, such as Party of One. Even though she had to lie, it's her Element to be honest... Dash has left her friends in the dust many times, like in Rainbow Falls...The Wonderbolts were trying to use her, while Twi told her they were, but she wouldn't listen to them, and left her friends... Especially the time when Discord gave back her wings, and she GOT UP AND LEFT THEM! -_- Applejack on the other hand, is super loyal to the rest of the Mane 6, always there for her friends, while Dash tends to be honest to the other 5, other than actually being there for them. But hey, it's MY opinion. Also:
  8. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/297/6/d/soarindash_by_cameras1direction_me-d5itrbx.jpg SOARINDASH. YES. Well, Soarin's a Wonderbolt...Dash has always wanted to be one...They're both fast, competitive flyers, and they just seemed to connect in Rainbow Falls, if I remember correctly... Not my favorite shipping, but I actually really love TwiDash
  9. I highly doubt it's a cutie mark, since she's not a pony. As far as I know, only ponies have cutie marks... Besides, she's a zebra, and zebra's usually live in Africa. She could be African because zebras....are. Africa tended to have many tribes, it could be a tribal mark so.... That actually makes a lot of sense, I like it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PegasisterJayfeather



    3. CrimsonWeb


      That is such a wieeerd video xD

    4. PegasisterJayfeather


      haha, I know XD That's why I love it so much, cause I'm weird OUO

  11. Ugh, that'd be terrible. Considering MLP has such serious plots, it wouldn't all fit into just 11 minuets.. It would be too rushed. Besides, 11 minute episodes are meant for shows with no actual plots to carry on a story through out each new episode. Since MLP basically carries the same type of plot through out episodes, not a lot would get done in 11 minuets and it would take too long to get through one season -__-
  12. I was thinking about this topic awhile back, and I was thinking that they will, mostly because I think the other five would adapt with Twilight and once they're all alicorns...Also, they will be able to continue the Elements since they're probably all immortal since alicorns are supposed to be immortal.. But then again, Twilight is the only pony of the Mane 6 to be "worthy" of being an alicorn, since she was the one who was studying the magic of friendship all along. But then there would be too MANY alicorns....9 in total...That's a little bit too much...Princesses are special to Equestria, and if NINE are, it's a bit overkill... So, as cool as it sounds, I highly doubt it would be happening anytime soon. Then again, Hasbro tends to do things we don't expect...Such as the debate over Princess Twilight XD
  13. This is my creepypasta as a pony! Here's his story (Not finished yet) : http://www.wattpad.com/story/15903986-no-eyed-nicolas-my-creepypasta-story
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