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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. Nothing groundbreaking huh? So like: Frozen, How to train your dragon 2, Moana, Zootopia, Finding Dory, Toy Story 3, etc. All those movies were really good but I wouldn't say they were groundbreaking either, that's a title I reserve only for Kubo and the Two Strings.
  2. Romance can and has been done really well in the show, really only the Rarity romance stories are what I would call bad. Cadence and Shining armor are great and are cute to see together, Big Mac and Sugar Belle are really fun and the Perfect Pear was simply fantastic.
  3. Thorax and Pharynx designs=epic Other changelings are annoying, stupid looking, and just the worse.
  4. Damn, Cosmos looked hella cool, I remember reading the plot leak. I wouldn't mind the plot being revisited in the future.
  5. So, we have had quite a few "action" or "fight" scenes this season, and I would like to talk about when it is clear the animators are exhibiting passion for what they are animating vs when they simply are just, doing their job We are going to start with Mistmanes legend So, the fight scene between Mistmane and Sable Spirit is really really good, it isn't super flashy or over the top, but it's creative and visually stunning, one of the most unique sequences in MLP in my opinion. This was animated with passion I would say, when the animators were going through this, it was very clearly a "lets put out best foot forward here. Next, Flash Magnus This one is even better I think. It flows so perfectly as Flash battles the dragons, blocking and surfing on their fire as he is able to fly faster then the dragons, it's really really well animated and in some shots hard to tell it's 2d, when I first saw this I saw that a certain level of care was put into it, it's great, fantastic even. And now for Daybreaker vs Nightmare Moon This scene is also really good, while it isn't as unique in visuals as Mistmane vs Sable or flows as perfectly as Flash Magnus and the dragons, the animation is still top notch (especially with Daybreakers supernova looking move) it's good to watch and overall, just a good fight scene considering it was a worst case scenario dream from Starlight. I would say that those three action scenes were clearly animated with passion, care, and love, they are all really good to look at, and I enjoyed them all immensely. Now, lets look at the opposite of that This one, is what I would call the definition of a bad action scene in My little Pony, it feels like little effort was put in, and overall, the animators didn't care as much with this particular one. It doesn't start off too bad, despite the rather disappointing Maulwurf design, Pharynx is fighting it, gives up on that cool transformation after he gets hit once, Starlights magic looks like it does nothing which yeah, makes sense, but it really gets bad when "swarm" comes in, which is actually like 10 changelings who got smaller flying by the Maulfurf twice with a punching sound effect. Like seriously, they look like they got way smaller when they are flying by his chest and then running by his legs. The flow is terrible, the animation is inconsistent with the designs, and it is very underwhelming considering the thing was hyped up a but throughout the episode. Just think back to season 2 with that Changeling fight, it was much better in every way. Just goes to show that the show can be have really epic sequences and at the same time, really poor ones. I just hope in future fights or action sequences, they stay Mistmane/Flash Magnus/Daybreaker rather than Maulwurf. Honestly I was just so underwhelmed after seeing that fight for the first time and after rewatching the episode I just had to make this thread.
  6. I would agree with season 6 somewhat being this "limbo" but season 7 has really felt like the show moving forward, tying up many fan wants and major story points, with a new story arc in the legends of magic/pillars of old Equestria, and tons of continuing side character development. Season 6 felt like a break, a chance for everything to slow down and have just normal episodes aside from the changeling arc. Season 7 feels like there is a story being told, at least in 7B.
  7. Uh, because I am too lazy to find out for myself, how did you get these, did you go to a theater? Which one? or are they actually available online?
  8. Still be a more satisfying defeat than Toffees or Bill Ciphers I would rather they dance and above them a giant pony god is made that one shots pony of shadows Also Punk Jeric is best Jeric
  9. I also don't think that this has much to do with the elements of Harmony, but it will definitely play a major role in Shadow Play as it is Starswirls book and the following panel is Sunburst shouting about how Twilight MUST see this, of course he is probably referring to Starswirl, I think those "elements" will be what ties the mane 6 to their legend counterparts.
  10. I am mostly interested in seeing how the Pony of Shadows will act, will be be sinister and creepy (something new) or someone overconfident and too quick to call a victory (tirek, Discord, Chrysalis) Or will he be more of a force with no real personality (Sombra) Hoping for someone dark and sinister. Of course Starswirl is one of the most exciting things here, but new villains are always so interesting to me. Mostly because MLP has a great track record with baddies.
  11. Well calling season 5 a weak season is a minority opinion, I was just referring to my opinion when saying it will be hard pressed to be better than 5 or 7
  12. A 2 parter ending on a cliffhanger would be cool, I just don't see the show really doing it in a serious way. How I see it going is Twilight becomes obsessed with freeing Starswirl and at the end of episodes despite warnings encouraging her not to free him, Twilights opens the way to Limbo and frees the Legends of Magic with Starswirl, as well as the Pony of shadows TO BE CONTINUED Part 2 is them dealing with that.
  13. I do think they need to remake the map...again, but bigger, same general layout but make things more spread out so they can fit more towns, we need to see Mistmanes old village (or at least the ruins of it because I doubt it is still around) Somnambula, etc.w
  14. Even without these trump cards, I still think season 7 is one of the best seasons, Discordant Harmony, Campfire Tales, A Health of Information, Daring Done, Fame and Misfortune, Rock Solid Friendship, and All Bottled UP are the episodes I thought were amazing if I am excluding A Royal Problem, The Perfect Pear, and probably Shadow Play. I find that when a season has that 1 or 2 fantastic episodes, whether it be a "trump card" or not, people usually are more critical of other episodes in said season. Larson is a great writer, I would definitely place him pretty high on my favorites, somewhere under Lady Writers and Haber.
  15. I would say Lady Writers has shown to be better than Megan and Larson. That's just my opinion though. Season 7 is just so amazing, season 8 can be just as good or better but it has big shoes to fill, like, big shoes. Like shoes that big. I think season 8 will be better than 6, not as good as 5 or 7 though, expecting a season 4, which is perfectly fine, I loved season 4.
  16. Rainbow is kinda odd, some times she can seem perfectly confident and in others she can seem like she doesn't think shes as good as she says she is/actually is,but overall, no. I don't think that she has self esteem issues, maybe fear of letting others down.
  17. If Computers exist than phones shouldn't be so rare, Equestria technology is convoluted and pretty dumb but I don't think Computers really exist, in fact now that I check I can't find any info of a computer in the show, maybe I don't remember as I thought I read that some time ago. Well when most people here "phone" now they think of you know, cell phones, smart phones. That is just what is implanted in peoples memory now. I don't consider Pinkies vision of a James Bond parody to be confirmation of Digital watches or advanced non magic laser systems, it's Pinkie Pie. Season 2 Pinkie at that. To end this, yeah, phones do exist in Equestria, They are just old phones, that suck, and like 5 ponies have them apparently. Well I asked Big Jim, he said "Nope. As far as I remember, it's only been seen with Discord, who has access to all realities, and non-realities." I them sent him that picture you sent me @Jeric while saying backround animation doesn't always mean canon and he responded with "right" so...not sure if that was him acknowledging the picture or agreeing there so... whatever, doesn't matter as long as relevant characters don't use them.
  18. I just don' think it was really needed, and sure I had no idea this card existed https://imgur.com/a/9Ffcs I wonder if it released before or After Twilights Kingdom, would have debunked the "he is Tirek" theory a long time ago. Ancient evil bent on revenge we know, and I really hope he is Shadowlocks ancestor.
  19. Because that would pad the time out, the situation was more about laughing at Starlight and threatening Thorax, it would have felt odd if she was like "Well Starlight, you are probably wondering how I was able to capture all these powerful ponies" "Not really, just want to destroy the thro..." "Well you see" 5 minute exposition on how it all happened.
  20. What were the plotholes in To Where and Back Again? I don't really remember any glaring ones. Changelings kidnapping the princesses and the mane 6 isn't hard to explain.
  21. Maretonia and Saddle Arabia are probably on a different continent.
  22. It's not so much that I don't think it's possible for any type of phone to exist, I would just imagine they are very very limited and crude even compared to the counterparts of real life a long time ago. So Rarity saying "I will call Sapphire Shores" doesn't have to mean actually call her. I wasn't comparing it to a computer, I just thought that a Computer was in the backround of an episode once...which, there is no way Equestria has computers.
  23. I don't think any two parter is considered worse than the Crystalling by the majority, so it would be pretty upsetting if we opened with something worse than that. To Where and Back Again is what I would call a mid tier two parter, I don't think it is as good as Twilights Kingdom, The Cutie Remark, The Cutie Map, Princess Twilight Sparkle or Return of Harmony. Though I would say it is better than Friendship is Magic and the Crystalling and is on par with The Crystal Empire and A Canterlot Wedding. Which sucks because I love Sombra and wish I could say the Crystal Empire is the best two parter. I definitely would be happy with something as good as To Where and Back Again, it just wouldn't really hype me up for the rest of the season, but Celestial Advice didn't do that either and I love season 7 anyway.
  24. Something tells me that phones aren't even as advanced as our phones were at that era, and can only be used for short ranged calls or really only exist in the higest of tech places like Manehattan. Just like a computer was in the backround once, I don't take that as confirmation that computers exist in Equestria.
  25. There are no phones, calling doesn't have to mean cellular device.
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