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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. I'm not aware of any opinion polls related to legitimate sources like herdcensus that would indicate just what percentage of bronies liked or disliked the designs but I would say that much of the perception of EG hatred was overblown. The loudest voices typically get the most attention and that's likely what happened here. I was never that invested to care all that much but I would say overall they're acceptable. Some are absolutely better than others in my opinion. Best Designs: Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Trixie. Worst Designs: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia.
  2. Your assumption is based off the the status quo of our society but that may be giving the films more thought than they deserve. Equestria Girls was created by Hasbro for the primary purpose of establishing a doll line from one of their already established franchises for preteen girls that could compete with Mattel's(primary competitor in the market) 'Monster High' and 'Ever After High'. It was and essentially still is a quick cash grab despite gradually gaining more acceptance from the fan base and their target audience. Not to say that MLP isn't a commercial line either, only that the basis of EqG is the reason for the relatively nonexistent world building or expansion. Interesting interpretation. Certainly one that would largely remove the need for more senior officials and thus instilling the two as the central authority figures even more. I personally think this should be considered the default theory until more is revealed about the inner workings of EG.
  3. Due to the fact that our reality and their fictional one are inherently different there is no real basis for comparison to measure how 'human' they are. Although one might argue that their origination from human conception does imbue them with anthropomorphic traits, not just visually but just as imaginations in general. Have you ever seen someone with light skin on a cold winter day? How about hypothermia or jaundice? And how do you account for sunburns and tattoos? Human skin can actually change its appearance to a wide degree under certain conditions. Moreover, melanin is not the only measure of biological humanity. If a person in our world had every trait of being human with the one exception of having an unusual skin tone then it's probable that most biologists would conclude they were in fact a human being. To say otherwise is effectively prejudice. So they have basic human structure as well as comparable technological progress(affirming intelligence) and social habits but they can't be classified as humans by 'our standards'? What standards are you talking about? Do you expect some kind of DNA test to be conducted on fictional inter-dimensional magical beings? The humans of Equestria Girls are human by their own standards, which is to say our standards.
  4. While I could attribute a lot of your references to just offhanded writing and exposition use I agree that she could very likely be a savant of sorts or even a slight polymath. Maybe? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IdiotSavant
  5. Possibly. I could see something like that Suyin-Kuvira fight transpiring between a member of the Mane 6 and a pony villain. In fact with Twilight's new role as the 'Princess of Friendship' it's quite likely that such confrontations and thus fights may occur. But I agree with several other posts here that too much violence and battling would distract from the other aspects of the show.
  6. @, I second this, but with the addition of their 'Chicken McNuggets'. Not so much because of the taste, which I also don't care for anymore, but more because of the way they are processed and the treatment of the livestock they use. This post actually looks like something Pinkie Pie would write herself. It has the same kind of energy and sporadic style that she would use. I'm guessing this is probably a factor in why you chose her as your avatar. Luckily I can still eat chili.
  7. Flash Sentry is an interesting case in that he can incorporate several different character types like 'guitar-playing bad boy' and 'clumsy, awkward nice guy' while still being so flat. It would seem the different directions his portrayal try to pull him end up just stretching out and compressing him. The fact that he has been shown to be at least capable of acting differently from his usual bland self, even an unpleasant manner, is still an achievement in terms of his role in the universe, his versatility for the writers and his impression on the fan base. Are you referring to the Siren's magic or a substance like alcohol or marijuana? I guess you could call the Siren's magic a substance in a way, it does emanate a green vapor with behavioral affects, like a a really bad trip.
  8. Can't find any interesting forums...

    1. HereComesTom


      Could be worse: could be forums full of hot-button issues you feel strongly about where people take offense no matter how gently or assertively you try to disagree!


      Maybe there are some good fanvideos or interesting fan-projects to read up about? I know sometimes projects, like mine, have a lot of time between posts when any information is released...I mean, it's been weeks since I posted anything about my Weather Factory Meltdown game-project, but that doesn't mean I...

    2. Roughshod


      "could be forums full of hot-button issues you feel strongly about where people take offense no matter how gently or assertively you try to disagree"


      Haha, I know that feeling.





  9. I'm inclined to believe that the biggest difference would be not in how I might behave necessarily but how others would treat me differently. This type of experience would be the ultimate in creating empathy for the opposite sex. I think it was a status update someone posted saying "RIP LZRD WZRD" or something to that effect. Good to see its not true. Unless you're an imposter...:okiedokielokie: Please get back to me if that ever does occur. It's surprising how fitting your profile picture is for that sentence.
  10. I would if for no other reason than to say I had. Besides the obvious physical differences I don't expect my life would be that drastically altered since I'm not all that into gender roles. Aww yeah, LZRD WZRD storming like a BLZRD! I heard you died? What's up with that? Oh, and that thing about virtual reality gender altering sounds interesting too. Certainly food for thought.
  11. Perhaps Discord likes to spend his free time in the Everfree Forest.
  12. "To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." -Sun Tzu A few, yes, but nothing worthy of mention since high school (I like to think I've matured somewhat since then ). Usually it was the result of bullying or stupid disputes between me and my friends and someone else. I do think fighting is sometimes necessary but I don't think that it should ever be considered preferable.
  13. Forget Leon, where's Applejack's hat? And why does it seem like Luna is almost never included in these things? Poor Luna. This is turning into Game of Thrones.
  14. @@vgmaster9, That's more or less the biggest obstacle you would likely face in a situation such as this. I'm not saying there aren't enough fans who would want to do to something such as this but trying to establish any sort of organizational structure as well as laying out whatever legal guidelines and codes of conduct there needed to be and having everyone adhere to them would be difficult to say the least.
  15. Anaerobic exercise is something I engage in as a personal interest and not something I typically discuss with others. Meditation often coincides with this afterwards and that is typically a quiet activity.
  16. It's Twilight's Kingdom for me; Tirek's awesomeness as a villain, Discord's betrayal and of course the battle that ensued at the end were all interesting developments for the show to me. I felt like that episode put the most on the line and subsequently affected more change in the series. My biggest complaints would be mostly about some of the plot holes surrounding the character's decisions(Celestia especially). 1. Twilight's Kingdom 2. A Canterlot Wedding 3. Return of Harmony 4. Princess Twilight Sparkle 5. Friendship is Magic 6. The Crystal Empire
  17. Whatever it is, it won't matter once your dead. Ugh... same question I guess.
  18. Arabus for season 5.

  19. @@EquestrianScholar, Victory? Not really in my view. When we disagree or at the very least question the possibility of agreeing on basic principles of each other's arguments then the debate can exhaust itself and result in repetition and vitriol. Nevertheless we're probably two of the biggest proponents here for either side so it's always interesting and I'm sure has room for further development. I will continue to follow the topic and see if any more intriguing perspectives come forth. There is a new season on the horizon and that may open the possibility for more discussion and debate on the subject of princess Celestia's rule... We'll just have to wait and see.
  20. That depends on what you define your ideals as though. An obviously moot point since that is the issue being questioned in this forum... How many times do I have to repeat this? Don't tell me that because the bias in that video matches your own bias that makes it correct. That's not a logical argument. Causation does not equal correlation: https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/false-cause This is dependent on what degree a ruler rules, which as of yet there is not substantial evidence. And even if there was, it doesn't erase her past mistakes anyway. This is really remarkable; on the one hand you attempt to preach that Celestia is a good ruler because she is able to help facilitate the magic of friendship in Equestria to its own benefit, but on the other you tell me not to conflate the influence of the two. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind seeing more characters take over Celestia's responsibilities and a more diversified power base take hold. I think that would likely do Equestria some good and consequently I hope Twilight new role will be more efficacious than her mentors. I also recognize Celestia can't handle all the problems herself(a flaw that's pretty clear ) but when she continues to make mistakes and endanger her country both through her actions and inaction... That's when I take the most issue with her position. And you apparently demand very little... Odd considering you appear to have such esteem for her. The writers and not the character? If you're going to go that route then I'll say the blame falls on both, because the character is of course a product of the writers. But so what? i don't see you writing appraisals of the writers for Celestia's achievements, you seem to be endorsing a double standard: Blame the writers, praise the character. I won't partake in that hypocrisy.
  21. @@EquestrianScholar, Well sure you do, why else would you post it on a forum where you are defending Celestia? But the argument is hardly substantial, it's based on slanted views and biased assumptions about all involved. First we see Celestia acting in this pathetic manner that has never been shown to be in her character and then the second half of is little more than Celestia worship. Equestria is full of love because of Celestia? What evidence is there for this? That's just an assumption from an ex post facto position with nothing to back it up but the desire for it to be true. So it should go without saying the majority of creative content revolves around a poorly masked exposition of the writers personal feelings. There's not even an attempt to remain objective or offer contrasting views except to bolster their agenda and point. The fact that it is fan fiction makes it all the more suspect, and whether people here agree or disagree with the sentiments it doesn't alter the video's status as pure conjecture. Even I can put forward theories as to what may occur outside the canonical material but I don't assert it as fact or try to establish third party opinions as solid evidence for my personal stances.
  22. Question: Is this canon? Answer: No it isn't. Of course that's obvious to anyone who can see, hear or understand the dynamics of the show. The main point is that even if you want to argue for the points illustrated in the video you can only do so based on the personally chosen and reasoned principles. As far as this imagined dialogue between Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia is concerned: It never happened and should not be taken as a valid representation of the characters or events that are being portrayed. In other words... Fan fiction is not proof. P.S. Not a bad job with the voice acting though.
  23. I'll try to play a little Devil's advocate here. Truthfully, even if Flash hadn't been under the Siren's influence I wouldn't hate him for the way he acted. While it is still a pretty selfish and immature way to behave in the situation it's important to note that Flash had no idea why Twilight was really there(not that he made much effort to listen) so from his perspective it could be argued that he had some cause to be upset. Flash has already been shown to carry and play his guitar before the Rainbooms became a band which would suggest that he has been involved with his own group longer and been more invested in making a name for himself in the musical field. Not to mention he's a teenage boy, and don't try to tell me teenagers are never selfish or immature. So while I still don't like the way he acted, were he not being manipulated by the Sirens I could still see how he might have some legitimate grievances. By contrast Fluttershy seems dismayed, Pinkie Pie looks confused/irritated, Rarity's expression is pretty close to that of Applejack's and the one time you see Rainbow Dash's face she looks kind of bored. As if the film wasn't short enough already.
  24. So the emoticons index is still down... Great stuff.

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