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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. Give me a break. You do know that Applejack is literally the name of a hard liquor right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applejack_%28beverage%29 Besides, you can 'brew' lots of things besides alcohol. Just look at Zecora she's always brewing something up. How about: Pretentious Pony Pretentious because that's what he sounds like. Pony because that's what he is.
  2. Not bad but it seems to conflict with his smart alack personality. Plus it sounds more feminine, and like the name of a bartender. Maybe his partner in legally questionable business? Well... You could have him start off by mixing his own batches of super sugary sodas and milkshakes and moving up from there. Perhaps using his father's old jugs to dispense them to other young ponies. I'm picturing a filly Pinky or Applejack throwing back a xxx jug of soda and some adult pony being like 'What the!?'. That's a pretty comical image.
  3. Well what can I say? Happy to help, Dude.
  4. "He is very sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor, which can make him seem like an ass at first, but he has a sweet side once you get to know him." Sounds like a solid dude if you ask me. The colours are a little conflicting but I kinda like the strong tones you're going for. As for the name I'll admit 'Irish Coffee' seems a bit odd and contrived for a pony in Equestria. Maybe something like 'Hard Stuff', 'Thoroughbrew' or 'Rye Guy'.
  5. Both of the points I made were not only reasons but also inevitable consequences. My post count has increased and by starting this back and forth I am no doubt appearing more contrarian(or at least on par with my usual self). I didn't realize being honest was a crime these days. If you can't handle the fallout from my radioactive comments perhaps you should get back in your vault. So... Anypony excited about Fallout 4?
  6. He was dressed in a tuxedo and had a sad look on his face. He was notorious for moving threads and making Fallout banners. They decided to ignore him and continue talking about...
  7. As opposed to your eloquent bits of genius? I answered the thread's question and gave my viewpoint. If you don't like it then I've done my job.
  8. "Spike!" who came running with a bottle full of...
  9. You called? Not being a gamer of any real merit I can say I have absolutely no interest in this video game's release. So why would I comment on a thread about said release you may ask? Two reasons: Firstly, to increase my post count and secondly to reinforce my contrarian reputation. But by all means have fun with your falling out and whatnot. :grin2:
  10. Why did you become a member of the poniverse staff and what do you think is your biggest contribution(s)? Also, has your position on the forum influenced your experiences and views on the fandom in any way?
  11. As a character Discord's appearances are rare and generally well structured and definitely well acted. He's had the advantage of being shown frequently enough to be an influence yet not any more that would make him a regular feature and thus cost him some of his novelty.
  12. Tha banter be cray. Yolo so I cant let my squad of baes see my swag if it aint fire.
  13. I really want to get rid of that stupid bunny.

    1. Varrack



    2. Roughshod


      I like birds, phoenix, dragons, changelings and all all other ranks better. I'm mostly sick of it because I've been one for too long. That's my fault though.

  14. I like consistency. I also haven't found anything better yet.
  15. Ahem. I believe some clarification is needed here. I'm not sure if anyone else here knows this or not but the definition of a character does not only fall on the duality of protagonist/antagonist. Those terms are generally reserved for the primary characters in a plot as the focus of personal conflict. There are supporting characters, side characters and background characters that are not necessarily the main focus of conflict which is a position Trixie could theoretically hold. Another point I'd like to make is that the role of protagonist and antagonist is not identical to that of any one definition of good or bad. Personalities and character elements are not the same as plot roles and just because a clear character may posses traits that you like or dislike does not determine their primary role in a story. There are anti-heroes, sympathetic villains and all assortments of character types with sometimes conflicting attributes.
  16. I'm feeling fatigued, stressed and largely disappointed with myself. Good job.
  17. Trixie was better when she was just shown. Period. Good, bad, I just want to see her back. Just one episode. Pleeease?
  18. I read all these lame posts about people sleeping and wasting away their lives. So basically just making myself feel depressed about this forum and the future of humanity. At least I feel better about myself, so I can thank some of you for that. W00t.
  19. Oh the sweet, sweet irony. On another note, there's some really good fan art on display here. Still a bit too much flutterloving going on for my taste though. Yeah... I'm really into making memes now. Sorry guys. But, you know, not really.
  20. Nah. I think she's just an egomaniac who wants to control everyone and make them adore her. Her adoration for 'equality' probably stems from self-esteem issues with a twisted world view. There could be some explanation of her back story and why she's like that but we'll have to wait and see.
  21. That could get weird. Who knows how some ponies might act? But I'll do it, for the hustle. Source: http://joeyh3.deviantart.com/
  22. P2-Squee2 Highlight Sparkle Flutterbug Lite Brite The Fair Mare Applesmack
  23. He was one of the first members to welcome me here and I'm sure there are others who can relate. He's a cool and really nice guy(just look at all those brohoofs), not to mention a Rarity aficionado of the highest calibre. I look forward to his return.
  24. Are you serious? I WISH Equestria was more like you described it, that would be so much more interesting. Equestria used to be so engaging and mysteriously magical in the beginning and now it's become repetitive and dull. Just look at some of the episodes this season and how they're basically just reiterating concepts from earlier seasons(most likely from a lack of creative inspiration on the part of the writers, thanks Hasbro). Once in a while we'll get some solid character development or world building but not often. There's only so far you can go with the same characters in a set world with a set style and format. I don't really hate anything about the show but I'm starting to feel like my love for it is becoming tired and empty. -_-
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