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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. "The destiny of ponykind is not decided by material computation. When great causes are on the move in the world, stirring all pony's souls, drawing them from their firesides, casting aside comfort, wealth and the pursuit of happiness in response to impulses at once awe-striking and irresistible, we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time, and beyond space and time, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty. A wonderful story is unfolding before our eyes. How it will end we are not allowed to know. But in all corners of Equestria we all feel, I repeat, all, that we are a part of it, that our future and that of many generations is at stake. We are sure that the character of equine society will be shaped by the resolves we take and the deeds we do. We need not bewail the fact that we have been called upon to face such solemn responsibilities. We may be proud, and even rejoice amid our tribulations, that we have been born at this cardinal time for so great an age and so splendid an opportunity of service here below." - Whinnyston Colthill (Paraphrased excerpt from Winston Churchill's 'Old Lion' speech.)
  2. Hehe yeah. For one thing you're more well known around here than I am which could be a factor, plus people like concise, to the point answers. Something that can evade me in my... disputatious posting style. Well that is quite a bit of headcanon you have there. I'm not sure I would qualify that as evil where the map is concerned but you did state your case considerably. I think I will give a more elaborate comment on that thread. This is the best summation I've seen of the issue of canon in the MLP universe. It's open to interpretation and doesn't need to be disputed or reconfigured. The canons are parallel and not firing at one another. You can choose which ones you want to party with. Edit: Stupid phone...
  3. Zootopia: Thoroughly enjoyable.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roughshod


      Unless you hate everything in existence and have no sense of humor you should enjoy it. Funny, smart, well written and acted with a good overall message.

    3. Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Kapitan zur See Hans (Daz)

      Haha well I most certainly am not like that. Should be very enjoyable then.

    4. HereComesTom


      Glad to know they did a good job; with animated movies that have a lot of hype, you never know what the quality will be. At least this proves you can't judge a book by its cover!

  4. He's basically the only one who would. Alas, greatness is rarely recognized in its own time. Spike, I sympathize with thee. He is pretty greedy after all. What? He's not trivialized. He just gives NO BUCKS. Unless asked of course.
  5. @@Kyoshi, Great topic good sir. Very well done. Yep, I have to hoof it to ya, you always know what to post. Isn't this guy something? Just so swell and topical in his topics. Okay, so, foods I've recently begun to love... Hmmm. Let me think. I'll say brownies. I used to like brownies before but ever since I started eating these new ones my roommate bakes I can't get enough. There are some side affects though...
  6. I just started reading a new book that I got yesterday. It's Mastery by Robert Greene. Pretty good so far. Link
  7. Perhaps with social skills, although that's more of an organic process with mixed results and not an actual part of the curriculum. Not where I went to school anyway. As for the others, no clearly not. If they were this discussion wouldn't be relevant. Schools have a limited amount of time and resources with which they can apply to subjects for public education. The more academic subjects like mathematics, history and social studies are focused on because those are the least known outside of educational fields and also needed for higher forms of education. These areas may not be as practical in everyday life but they provide the basic building blocks for understanding modern life. Things like paying bills and home management are more easily learned by parents and on your own than say, biochemistry or English literature. You can study these subjects by yourself if you want to, but less people are inclined to do so than with the more commonplace life skills that most everyone learns anyway. If they could. A lot of younger parents have lost such skills in our modern times. In some cases it makes sense, certain skills become obsolete with technological gains and societal changes, but nevertheless many basic skills that have use aren't being maintained. Edit:'inclined'
  8. Probably a death star or something with an equivalent amount of destructive capability. I would never use it, but the threat alone would give anyone who controlled it unlimited power.
  9. I'm thinking of going to see Zootopia tonight. It looks really good. @@Pucksterv, Damn is that profile pic adorable.
  10. I personally think it's time we moved on. I really don't see what the birth of Flurry Heart has to do with Starlight or why she needed to be there. If they wanted to reunite here with Starburst(that's what i prefer to call him) then they should have just put that in the montage in the finale. I really don't see what she has to offer the show. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised though. I won't rule it out.
  11. Not in my book. But even if she was, so what? Who cares about the popular opinions of characters, like whoever you want to.
  12. @@Dark Qiviut, You seem to be bent on moralizing and projecting your own opinions on what qualifies as a stereotype. Add on the fact that you claim my view is 'objectively wrong'(as if you had the authority to determine that; you don't) and I think I should clarify something for you. Yes a stereotype is oversimplified, but that doesn't automatically connote all the issues you're ascribing to it nor is it erased by other aspects in the item being stereotyped. You can fit a stereotype in some ways and not in others. It isn't all black and white, right and wrong. Ironically that is almost a stereotype you're trying to establish yourself. Yes it's all very sad. But I would prefer if we could put aside your feelings and mawkish rhetoric and look at some substantive arguments. Here's a link to all the tropes and stereotypes that Fluttershy is considered to fulfill in all her dimensions. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/FriendshipIsMagicFluttershy That doesn't mean they can't be a stereotype. All of those strengths, flaws, likes, dislikes and full-fledged personalities can still fit into various stereotypes. Well you're certainly available to your preachy, judgmental and sanctimonious opinion. But here's a word of advice: I mean seriously, is this some great moral crusade for you? Deconstructing other people's claims of characters being stereotypes? Stereotypes exist. Get over it
  13. Agreed. Instead of telling title of 'princess' the should have chosen a term more neutral and geared towards a purpose. Take the word 'guardian' for example. It's simple, strong and to the point. It doesn't reflect any kind of status or relationship nor is it based on an appeal to stereotypical 'girly' tropes. Celestia: Guardian of the Day Luna: Guardian of the Night Cadance: Guardian of Love Twilight Sparkle: Guardian of Friendship Flurry Heart: Guardian of Shameless Toy Marketing And with idea that there might be Alicorns existing outside of Equestria, that's a strong possibility. From what I've gathered the basic premise is that there's a threat beyond Equestria. I can see how an unknown Alicorn(s) could play into this, friend or foe.
  14. Spike. That guy is great, just loved by everyone I know. He's so popular that the writers can only give him a select few episodes per season because otherwise everyone would forget about the Mane 6. Yes, occasionally you may hear the odd ramblings of an insane, uneducated lout bemoaning things like 'Disappointed once again', 'So stupid' and 'Get rid of him!' but I assure you these are not 'complaints' in the meaningful sense of the word. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING IMAGE IS EXTREMELY POPULAR AND WELL LIKED BY THE FANDOM
  15. I imagined someone might do this. Although the vision I had in my mind used the actual Game of Thrones theme and had the same CGI affects. They should have included the Crystal Empire and Griffonstone in there. But it's better than what I probably could have done. The purple baby shower.
  16. I've got the skillz.

  17. That's exactly what I said! In fact I actually expounded on the idea with more detail and observation, but you get brohooved and I don't? That's some rank privilege right there. _________________ The character Flash Sentry, who was first introduced in Equestria Girls, has appeared in the show in pony form. So they aren't completely seperated. There are at least nods to the some of the events in the films. And then there was this little incident. But it hasn't been mentioned in the show. Which isn't all that surprising when you consider all the crazy shenanigans that go on in Equestria. The biggest cross-canon event influencing the show that could transpire would be if Sunset Shimmer and/or the Humane 6 came over to Equestria. It will most likely never happen, for one thing all the exposition and back story that would be required in order to explain everything going on would be immense. But it would be neat to see a Mane 13. How exactly is the map evil? What's your contention with it?
  18. What, are you stalking me now? In the case of money being used I'm referring to money being spent by an individual not the existence of money in society. Yes you can die without spending any money. But it's difficult to live without it. You could die in childbirth or even before you're born and have any conception of money. Nice try but you're wrong. Because that's so relevant to my post and the main topic. Look, nobody cares and nobody is impressed by your little tidbits of information. Save it for another time.
  19. Not necessarily. Cadance is Celestia's niece but only because she was 'adopted' by her after being ascended to an Alicorn. Prince Blueblood may have been adopted as well(but obviously didn't ascend) for whatever reason. I'm not so sure it can be stated that being an Alicorn automatically makes you a prince or princess. As we've seen with Blueblood, Shining Armor and Princess Amore from the Crystal Empire being royalty doesn't require being an Alicorn. So being an Alicorn might not mean you are considered a member of royalty. Celestia and Luna were Alicorns before they were made princesses and just because all the Alicorns we've seen are princesses doesn't mean they're all the Alicorns that exist. As for whether or not Celestia and Luna have any Alicorn relatives out and about, that's just speculation at this point. Nothing has been pointed to and the writers have been adamant about not giving Celestia and Luna too much back story. They seem to prefer maintaining a degree of mystery around the Regal Sisters. If and when anything is revealed it will probably take place at one of three points. 1) The season 6 premiere/finale/series finale. 2) The upcoming 2017 feature film. 3) A new book entry/MLP 'encyclopedia' similar to the Journal of the Two Sisters but with more hard facts and details about Alicorns and where exactly Celestia and Luna came from.
  20. They've kept their distance ever since THIS happened.
  21. Fluttershy has to be the most stereotyped character on the show. The shy, sensitive girl who connects with nature is a familiar trope on television and other media.
  22. Wherever the fair use is at, it's apparently in short supply. I consider myself a supporter of Doug Walker in this complaint that needs to be addressed. YouTube has always had problems with its copyright claims and strike system but things have only gotten worse. I don't have much more to add to his discussion really; most of viewpoints have already been put forth in this thread at length.
  23. I don't remember... I think it had something to with ponies and internet forums.
  24. Die. That's basically the only thing that is free of charge(unless you want to speed it up) and a guaranteed outcome. Everything else can be related to an economic cost but not acquiring any of the necessities like food and shelter would eventually lead to death. Hope that cheered you up!
  25. The TwiStar or whatever it's called ship would blow up if that was confirmed. But I can see how she would take residency in the castle. I'm sure there's a spare bedroom in there somewhere.
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