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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. Human Rainbow dash is fast, but not in a superhuman way and no team has a perfect defense for all situations. Eventually she'd get hit and then it would be an early retirement for her. Also, I don't think Dash is between 5'8 and 5'10 unless Celestia is 7'00 tall.
  2. The next EG movie is going to be called something like 'Legends of the Everfree'. We know that the Everfree forest is a magical place in Equestria so it may be in the human world as well. Perhaps we'll get some answers there.
  3. Since most characters in Equestria aren't specialists in magic to begin with, even among unicorns, I don't see that being very believable or consistent with the show's canon. Plus as the title of this topic says it wouldn't be all that orginal either and would be compared to a more established and successful franchise. I honestly don't even see the need for a strictly school setting anyway. I would have liked to have seen a human version of Equestria that was more faithful to the original series. One where Celestia and the other princesses were still actual princesses (NOT SCHOOL FACULTY!) and Equestrian society was still existing in the same relative paradigm with all its magical wonder(though still alien to Twilight) rather than the trite high school setting we've all seen a million times. Edit: I'm envisioning something like this, albeit probably not as intense with all the war and stuff. Source: https://derpiboo.ru/193755
  4. The only bowling I remember doing was on Playstation Home a few years back. Those were some sad, lonely nights.
  5. I support that ship. They seem like they would get along pretty well. Sadly I don't know how long it will last given the cornucopia of female attention he receives. It's very hard on him you know.
  6. There is no spoon.

  7. As a human... Probably not. At least I can't see myself in a serious relationship with an Alicorn. Not romantically. But as a pony in Equestria? Then hell yes. How could I turn down such a rare opportunity? Celestia, Luna, Twilight... I'm assuming Cadance is off limits being married. I'd even go out to dinner with Princess Big Mac(But he's paying).
  8. Ever since CM Punk quit, things have largely been going downhill for me. The early retirement of Daniel Bryan and the relentless pushing of Roman Reigns hasn't helped either. It's too emotionally painful right now.
  9. What's on my mind?

  10. Sriracha is my favourite as well. I usually eat it with Asian and Mexican cuisine. Spicy is best.
  11. I have two: - Self improvement - Self destruction You probably think these contradict and cancel each other out but they really feed into the cycle of my life. It's a rough ride.
  12. I don't even remember. Some kind of organic matter I guess? It tasted alright anyway. In hindsight I probably should have checked what I was putting into my body for sustenance. Oh well.
  13. Not at the current moment; I'm pretty busy as it is... Okay that's a lie but there are things I'd like to do that having offspring could complicate. But the human mind has a habit of changing with time. Now if I could male a clone of myself like Boba Fett I would strongly consider that. Does that make me a narcissist? Roughshod Jr., the world needs you! BTW. It's funny how many people here who watch a children's television show have no interest in having children. For some reason that amuses me.
  14. Working out and tying to get back in shape, or rather get into a new shape. Haha Ugh.
  15. Well it's all relative. They would be considered less feminine than Rarity and Fluttershy but also less masculine than Big Macintosh or Shining Armor. They've displayed feminine and masculine behaviour and attitudes. They're diverse characters.
  16. I'd be watching Steven Universe or Rick and Morty more fervently while not being sure about those 'Bronies' and what they do. Seriously though I can imagine my view of the fandom being potentially very bad if I had never actually seen the show. Just going from what most of the internet says about us. That's not to say I'm a super judgmental person(I watched the show for the exact opposite reason) just that I likely wouldn't care to challenge the stereotypes that pervade in the mainstream.
  17. It appears to me to be a clear case of creative stagnation and entropy. I've seen it occur in other franchises like Star Wars where familiar patterns become ingrained in the production and new turns and developments become increasingly rare. Spin-offs and secondary media outlets for a franchise are especially prone to this effect as their focus is predominantly determined by primary source that they must then adapt to, usually in such a way that does not undermine the original for the sake of brand consistency. The creators of IDW comics are conscious of their limitations as well as the possibilities open to them, yet lately have only focused on repeating forms of plot development and world building that have already been exhausted. Perhaps Hasbro and DHX have them on a tight leash, or maybe they're simply sticking with what works until it doesn't. I don't know personally. But what I do know is that as more and more time progresses the likelihood of the stories and characters of this series becoming flanderized and various pacing mistakes occurring increases. Habits are hard to break. And when a habit is established as an easy and (apparently) successful method it can be very difficult to overcome that creative rut. The criticisms of the mane characters could also be made towards the show, in some cases such as with Pinkie Pie and Rarity. It's my opinion that both have have developed predictable patterns with no sign of growth when it comes to pointless use of humor and being overly provocative. Not as much as in the comics though. It's actually ironic in a way that this would be the case for the comics since the comics potentially give more freedom with enormous reference to build upon and yet the result is a simplification. The other characters you've mentioned are just the result of rushed writing and plot convenience. Almost none of these characters are recurring and serve as vessels for exposition more than drivers of the story. But there are exceptions. One such being Queen Chrysalis. This villain has benefited enormously from the flexibility of the series and has really developed into the most sinister and dangerous creature to ever face off against Twilight and Co. She's portrayed in such a manner that it actually leaves the show at a loss to follow up. The last IDW issues I read were from the Siege Arc and I'm familiar with the criticisms you've put forth. More and more it seems the focus is on spectacle rather than genuinely original stories or the character building this series was founded upon. I don't know if it will get better. I'm not betting on it.
  18. Ah, I have this fleeting hope that it might be some trick of Larson's misleading the fan base into thinking he's gone. I also don't see GoH being used as the title or subtitle of the 2017 movie. I don't see the point really since anyone who has watched the show(at least before season 4) would understand what the Elements of Harmony are as well as their role and current status. So yeah, toy line with possible spinoff movie/series if it's successful.
  19. Not quite. There is still some work to be done. If not, we'll I guess that will be okay albeit not very convincing.
  20. From the best to worst and for reasons I've already explained elsewhere: 1) Season 2 2) Season 4 3) Season 5 4) Season 1 5) Season 3 And possibly, going from what I've seen... But we'll have to wait and see to confirm. Alright, I can respect that. My view on the use of story arcs is pretty much the same. I wish the writers would employ more continuity and character consistency in the show, at least enough to connect the premiere and finale by more than just a single character. Edit: The upcoming premiere is technically a continuation of Cadance's pregnancy that was announced in season 5. It's not often we get such strong cross-season references. So I'll give them that.
  21. So Princess Luna is confirmed to be in the season 5 premiere. Does anyone here think she'll have any significant part to play? Because sadly I do not.
  22. Ehh, It can't be any worse than these. People have been downright offended by this kind of stuff but I get a little chuckle out of it personally. Edit: I actually wish there was a toy line of Brony and Pegasister dolls. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
  23. I'm not convinced that the tech is worth the investment at this point, impressive as it may be. The price isn't great but neither is the prospect of it becoming antiquated in a short time span by something superior and cheaper to produce. Buying a peripheral for more than the core system sets up high expectations for a transformative gaming experience which I'm dubious as to whether this VT delivers. So I probably won't be getting it. Also: If I'm going this far for that kind of gameplay I'd just opt for a superior system that costs some more. Oculus basically.
  24. I my case I was talking about all the incarnations of Ganon in the series. I've been on a perilous quest these last few weeks. The Gerudo King is no match for making mad bank. #TriforceOfProfit
  25. Eating some noodles and listening to Linkin Park. I thought that wasn't until April?
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