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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. Holy gee whiz! 68 posts after nearly two years? I can see Flash is still the popular pony he always was!
  2. No offense but I'm a little disappointed. I thought from the title that this was going to be about Mussolini, Donald Trump and fascism in America.
  3. Looks genuinely entertaining with some good animation and comedic writing. Jason Bateman as a con artist fox definitely sounds like it could work.
  4. I'm done for now. You can all rest easy.

    1. Buck Testa

      Buck Testa

      done with what?

    2. Roughshod


      Yo momma. Haha

  5. One thing I didn't mention earlier is my view of time. It moves ever faster than it did before. Summers were longer(although never long enough) and the school year seemed like an eternity. But now, my perception has changed. It's not yet very significant but it's there and I know it's only going to keep moving faster as the years transpire. I guess there's no simple answer for a question like this. You sound like a more developed Fluttershy right now. Well, that's unfortunate.
  6. Well you're cool now. I don't think anyone considers you an enemy here. That's just my opinion though.
  8. Words can hardly capture my excitement. Oh happy day.
  9. Professional cultural critic. Basically a philosopher/sociologist but with my focus directed primarily on the subject of changing societal norms and my views on the ethical, political and aesthetic changes occurring.
  10. That would actually be you. What's the worst kind of pizza?
  11. How about Mr. Sunshine? Because he's so bright and cheerful.
  12. If you've read the fan fiction Bride of Discord or watched the videos series on YouTube there some endorsement of... Sapplejack? Applejike? Spijack? On there. I don't think I could approve of such a development actually occurring on the show. Too awkward.
  13. Probably the same as their human equivalents from EG. The only thing that messes up that theory are the alicorn sisters. Celestia and Luna are supposed to be over a thousand years old, yet in the human world they seem younger than Granny Smith. Are they immortal in that world or were they just born at a later time with regular human lifespans? It seems unlikely two extremely long lived individuals would be stuck as high school principals. This is one of the biggest issues with EG: The fact that they take us from a magical world of ponies and mythical creatures to some bland modern world setting. It would have been better to have just used a humanized Equestria equivalent while still keeping all the magic, dragons, griffons etc. MLP makes almost no mention of time, age, birthdays and especially not death. A fact that helps maintain a sense of timelessness on the show to some extent but irritates me greatly in many respects. The question is unlikely to ever be categorically answered in the canon of the show. I think the writers have made a point about that.
  14. What kind of films are you looking to produce? Any particular genre? You could use that as a basis for your channel's name to relate to. If you're going for a more varied outlook, I would suggest a name that stands out and has some meaning to you. Preferably your work will define your channel's name and not the other way around. I don't know anything about you so it's hard to give any in depth advice beyond that.
  15. Is that a poncho Discord is wearing? Is he a one-Draconequus mariachi band? It looks good and fits his character well.
  16. I know what to call your link: broken. Deviantart says the page doesn't exist.
  17. Do I think women should shave? Well I doubt that I'm qualified to determine what all women should do with their bodies. But on the other hand I wouldn't say a full beard is what I'm looking for when it comes to physical attributes. If a girl has more body hair than I do, that might make me question my masculinity.
  18. We're all time travelers moving in one direction. As we hold onto the past we create tears in the present. I've found that the more we see the less we can be sure of what we know. It's why children are so impressionable and teenagers are often so rebellious. As the world grows ever larger our understanding shrinks. Most people react in one of two ways. The first is essentially apathy; they seclude their minds in one sphere or another, allowing themselves to become satisfied with repetition and even boredom so long as their views can remain stable and safe. Often just going with the flow and letting others decide for them. The second is to act more aggressively and latch onto an idea, a perspective that gives them identity and a sense of meaning that can persist throughout all the trials and tribulations. These are not the only recourse to take but I have never heard of anyone who hasn't engaged in either to some extent. It part of the human condition I suppose.
  19. It's great to be back. There's a lot going on in both the real world and soon the world of MLP which means I'll have more reasons than ever to give my two cents. You have been warned.
  20. I may or may not have discovered a leaked episode list for season 6.

  21. I heard Danny DeVito might have a role to play... But as for my picks, someone like Ron Perlman, Mark Hamill or Steven Blum could voice a good villain. Not sure if Perlman would be up for it and Hamill is probably too busy with Episode VIII. A lot of people are suggesting Keith David which I agree would be cool. Here you go:
  22. In a cameo perhaps, or more likely just a background pony. Since her 'reformation' there's not much to go on with regards to her character unless they introduce some new conflict based around her. Why not all three? We're speculating because we don't know. That's the whole point. I'm surprised you didn't realize this but the irony of over-rating a character with such a large ego is really what's driven her appeal throughout the fandom, even if many fans aren't aware of the fact consciously. Her reformation in my opinion wasn't half-assed, it just bluntly showed that her character isn't really interested in being reformed because her underlying ego and self confidence is so strong that any humbling gesture is still, in her view, something worth appraising herself for. It's a sardonic smirk in the face of the show's sentimentality and high respect for its own message. A message Trixie may never really appreciate, at least not in how her appearances in the show have demonstrated(I haven't read all the comics though). But she's likely never to come back for a full appearance anyway. The show has changed greatly since her last big appearance and I'm finding it hard to see how she would fit in.
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