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Everything posted by Roughshod

  1. Well it was nice to see Twilight hasn't changed much. Like, at all. Discord's character has become sufficiently mellowed in my view. Hopefully in the next season he can stir up some mischief again.
  2. He won't choose either. That romance is effectively dead now, not that it was ever alive after Rainbow Rocks anyway. But if I had to pick one or the other I suppose SciTwi would make the most sense. It leaves more room to grow without them having to be separated for lengths of time.
  3. Blueberry pie. What's the strangest thing you've seen on these forums?
  4. The biggest thing wold have to be my perspective on the world around me. When I was younger I used to be half amazed and half angry at everything going on. Now I usually just sit back, laugh and try to enjoy the ride as much as I can.
  5. Pretty decent. I guess. Maybe.
  6. Scootaloo looks like E.T. with hair and wings.

  7. I'd leave date with the check if I didn't like how it went. That's a faux pas if you're the guy generally speaking. If you had to fight one of the MLP:FIM villains, which would it be?
  8. How's everybody doing?

  9. A chimpanzee. It's similar to my actual species in form and habit but also more primal in its nature.
  10. I'm being oppressed by all this festiveness.

    1. HereComesTom


      Bah, humbug, you say?

  11. I doubt such an idea will ever go beyond speculation on these forums. Even if there was some sort of a religion or spiritual practice that could be suggested to exist in Equestria it's extremely unlikely it would be given forefront attention. You may have heard of the term 'Standards and Practices' which generally leans against showing controversial topics like religion. I doubt Hasbro would want to step into that landmine. Even if is only fictional religion, I'm sure many(mostly parents of young children) would try to extrapolate links to other real world faiths.In terms of public relations it just doesn't make sense given the nature of the show and the general audience. But as for my opinion as to whether or not such a religion or religions exist, I don't see it as an important concept. No amount of theories or references in the show is going to detract from the main message in my view, or should. Outside of fan fiction and roleplay the concept of religion isn't required for MLP.
  12. FDR. Simply put he was the most influential president of the twentieth century, which was the most influential century for the United States. The list of modern American presidents can be divided between those who came before and after Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Just as the very notion of modern american state economics has forever been impacted by his New Deal and state programs. By joining the allied forces(albeit in a forced way after bring attacked by the Japanese Empire) in WWII, he made the decision to aid in the defeat of the most dangerous and totalitarian governments the world had ever seen. I'm not saying he was perfect(Japanese internment camps, ahem) no president was, nor should we expect them to be, but he helped guide his country through the worst set of crises it had faced since the Civil War. He was so popular he was elected an unprecedented 4 times. He suffered from polio but didn't allow his illness or political and social expectations to prevent him from doing what he thought was necessary for the benefit of America. It could be argued that what was great were the circumstances of his time in office, not his indivdual character so much. I disagree. While not an American, I hold the view that the United States was made better from his presidency.
  13. Does this mean that Zecora might finally grace the world of Equestria Girls with her presence? Oh happy day!
  14. The day started wih me waking up at approximately 8:30am and then deciding to go back to sleep. When I awoke again it was about 10:00am. I then decided to skip breakfast and proceed to philander about the interwebs whilst lying in bed and dreading the moment I would have to leave for work. I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed and did all the other daily minutiae that comprises my morning routine. Sigh. Sadly neither sickness nor death fell upon and and it behooved me to, at long last, leave my humble abode and step out into the cold, cruel world and set forth upon my journey to make mad stacks of riches. Due to the close proximity of my place of employment, I have always preferred to walk rather than take any other means of transportation. I find it allows me to channel my energy and stabilize my chakras in such a way that I can best communicate with my animal spirits and remember how badly I want to be the best, like no one ever was. On the way there in came across a very cross looking cross-eyed and apparently cross-dressing crossing guard who's arms were crossed holding a large cross. He appeared to be proselytizing something to the masses but I could quite make it out. I considered getting closer to find out what the meaning of this commotion was but thought "Nah, I'm Roughshod. I don't have time for this!" and went on my merry way. I whistled the Argentinian anthem as well. Once I arrived at work I was greeted by my adoring coworkers and subordinates(no one is superior to me obviously). I spent the next few hours break dancing to the works of Mozart while philosophizing on the crises of the Aztec empire. When lunch rolled on by I simply stepped outside and allowed photosynthesis to take its course. The rest of the day is a blur honestly. I recall arm wrestling a chihuahua and inventing a new language but then again that could just be a premonition of what's to come. I often have visions of that sort. So that was my day. Not too bad if I do day so myself. All typos above were intentional. This especially includes the pun 'day so myself'. You are welcome. I suppose now I can add 'generously donated wit' to the things I accomplished on this morrow. The truth is rough but I sure can be smooth. Huzzah.
  15. I'm liking it. It's keeping me entertained while also interested to see how it will progress further. Well, I suppose that's obvious since I'm posting on this thread. I've suspected this as well. Bu then again it could really just be a tool for the writers to hint at reformation for Sombra. Since the alternate Sombra became corrupted in Reflections this could be a reversal of that. But at part 2 and with things finally set in motion it's too early to be sure. The fact that he pulled that off definitely boosts his villain cred. Of course he didn't obliterate them like he did with Princess Amore and he may use them as some sort of trophy or weapon of psychological warfare against the Mane 6 and Cadance. Oh, and Shining Armor too I guess. I can imagine discords reaction...
  16. This has so much potential. I'm glad the writers are once again using the lore of MLP and and it's character's depth and trying to do something ambitious. Like many bronies I too felt as though Sombra was left too quickly and had much more potential. Even if you want to explain his appearance in the show as being a 'force' it still left much to be desired. Even in Feindship is Magic and Reflections we were given alternates and backstories but not the figure we were first introduced to. Perhaps some real answers will be given this time.
  17. Strongly disagreeing with someone.
  18. So it's the banality of evil then? You've just proved my point of how hypocritical and ironic it is for people to mourn these events, while simply shrugging off the deaths of others in certain places because it's simply "expected". The deaths of innocent people from war and terror should never be simply "expected" as if it is somehow tolerable. How can you possibly stand by such a horrid double standard? There was no justification for killing civilians simply because they voiced an opinion that others disagreed with. That is the antithesis for the very values France has stood for. I don't give a damn what your religion or set of values means to you, it does not give you a right to infringe on the freedom of others. You are unbelievable. Go on then and indulge in your own emotional self-gratification. At least you can show sympathy for some victims of terrorism, provided they meet your standards of innocence. I may have never disagreed more with someone on this forum than right now. How dare you judge the lives and deaths of those people and rationalize their suffering. This kind of indifference is revolting.
  19. Somewhat bemused at the ardent hypocrisy of people mourning the attacks in Paris when most don't care or prefer to ignore the thousands who die violently everyday all over the world. I guess it's all about perception and novelty. People react to what they're expected to react to, which is the unexpected. In this case it's the uncommon occurrence of terrorism in a world famous city in a developed first world country. It strikes close to home to know such a thing cpuld happen in a place not too unlike where many of us may reside. While I don't downplay the tragedy of what occurred I'm not going to pretend to be shocked by it either. I am however interested to see what the aftermath will be.
  20. I'm getting really tired of seeing that stupid, deranged grin up top.

    1. HereComesTom


      I made a joke in response to that which, in retrospect, I shouldn't have made at all, so I've erased it. The joke itself wasn't inherently offensive so much as its timing; it's never funny when people die.

    2. Roughshod


      So, would you say there was some fallout?

    3. HereComesTom


      ...Fallout from what? I wasn't yelled at for my joke or anything; I erased it probably 30 seconds after I posted it.

  21. I think the choice is obvious: Princess Luna. The two are both princesses. Both undestand the responsibilities of the other. Luna has been shown to be great with kids(Children of the Night). Plus, she's up all night so they can take turns taking care of the baby... amongst other things. Then there's the fact that the two would look INCREDIBLE together(I can't show any evidence for NSFW reasons but trust me, I'm not lying). Princess of Love and Princess of the Night? It just makes so much sense. I'll say it like Nike: Just Do It.
  22. lol I didn't meant to come off as that caustic or rude. But you're probably right. I'll refrain from chastising any further suggestions. It's not even my OC after all.
  23. Geez. With a story like that it's no wonder he took to drinking. He's probably depressed. Was his father an alcoholic too? His background does mention his father drinking. There's no mention of his mother so she might have died or his parents may have gotten divorced and that's why he moved. What a nice story for a children's show universe. Either way Thoroughbrew is still fairly snooty and Canterlot worthy. I stand by it.
  24. Quite creative. Given the popularity of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it's 42 reference(which has become something of a meme on the internet) I don't doubt the possibility of her race number being an intended nod. The stars and release date is possible but unlikely. Then again Lauren Faust might be that clever. As for the card and Tara Strong's age those are obviously coincidental. I think.
  25. 'Venerable Spirit' isn't a bad name in and of itself but it's too forced and doesn't fit this characters background and persona. It sounds like the name of some great Equestrian warrior of lore, not a sarcastic stallion in Ponyville who makes whiskey in his basement.
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