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Twi The Totodile

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Everything posted by Twi The Totodile

  1. So I may not play much, but if anyone's interested in adding me on the NA server, feel free My Summoner name is TwiTheTotodile, just like here
  2. You know what your team needs? More water types
  3. Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on much over the last week or two. Something came up and I haven't had as much time for this site

    1. P-Jay


      its alright. :D

  4. I remember club penguin. I played it in fifth grade just because everyone else was playing it at the time.
  5. Just another image I found of the best background pony
  6. With artistic talent like yours I'm amazed you're just doing these things for free
  7. That was the best line of the episode
  8. Just to let you guys know, I'm not inactive or anything. I'm just waiting for my time to come back in
  9. It may be three in the morning, but I beat the first episode of Phantasy Star on the first difficulty, so it was completely worth it!

  10. Two projects to work on, don't plan on doing either of them until the last minute. Won't this be fun? ^.^

    1. P-Jay


      Last-minute panic. XD

  11. After Caliber had left, Aria went home and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately she wasn't able to sleep very well either, finding herself pacing around her room trying to figure out why she felt so strange around Caliber. She thought about the red string around her hoof and wondered if that might have something to do with it.
  12. I must sleep now, but I will return tomorrow!

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! ^^

    2. Steelstallion
  13. Finally I found this place! It's good to see my new favorite background pony getting some recognition already. Then again, how can you not like this?
  14. While Party Favor wasn't my number one favorite pony introduced in this episode, that derp face just makes me a major fan of him. I mean come on, who can't love a pony that makes a face like that?
  15. So Flygon is a "tiny bit" op apparently

  16. @, "Sure, I'd love to meet up tomorrow." Aria said, already excited to talk to the stallion again. She was used to talking to ponies for a day then barely getting to know them anymore, so this was going to be a new experience of sorts for her. Ooh this is gonna be so great. She thought.
  17. After seeing that premier I have a great feeling about season 5 :D

  18. Buck sleep, I'm watchin ponies!

  19. "Coming!" Aria said happily, getting up and heading for the door. "Bye everypony." She added, even if the other ponies might not have been listening to her. She wanted to leave on a positive note, seeing as there had been a bit of negativity going on before.
  20. "What do I do now, game or TV? Maybe I should just sleep, I do have school tomorrow. Game it is then!"
  21. Aria had been quiet through the whole thing, although she was afraid of what might happen. Luckily things had gone over without violence, but she was still worried about what might happen next time. I hope Caliber doesn't get violent, he seemed like such a nice pony before. She thought. (OOC: I apologize for not posting before, I've been busy all day)
  22. Swords? Legends? Not really my thing, but that's okay, I'll let them talk for awhile. Aria thought. She decided to just smile but stay out of the conversation until there was something for her to talk about. Her mind started drifting towards a subject that she didn't want to think about. What is it that makes me feel differently about Caliber? He's just another friend right? She wondered.
  23. @, Aria didn't take much part in the conversation, more focusing on her own thoughts. I should really start coming here more, especially if I get to meet more new friends. She thought. She felt like there was something different about Caliber compared to all the other ponies she'd met, although she wasn't quite sure what it was.
  24. Gen 2 is best gen! I don't mean to brag or anything, but I caught a shiny Gyarados at the lake of rage
  25. @, @, Aria got up and followed her new friend. She always loved being in big groups of ponies, especially friendly ones like the ones she was talking to. Ooh this is so much fun, I get to meet all kinds of new friends. She thought, happy that she had come in here instead of going where she usually did.
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