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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Valencia

  1. my current favorites have to be this:
  2. Haven't been on this forum in a long time. Before I signed in, I was very upbeat and pretty much in the best mood I can achieve during a regular garden variety day, but after loggin in, seeing this place again, looking at things again, I don't know what happened.. but it sent me straight down into a low- like face meat feeling like its hanging off my skull kinda low. Oh well
  3. A friend of mine I met here sent me a link on the forum to check out and I did. Once doing so I decided to sign in, and after telling the same friend they told me I should post somehing, so here is my post 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow


      Welcome to MLP Forums! :P

    3. Valencia


      I've been here before, its just been awhile x3 but thanks I appreciate it 

    4. Snow


      So I noticed moments after sending. xD ah well~

  4. Would anyone be interested in drawing one of my OCs?

  5. I'd have to say chicken and dumplings I'd say most of my favorite foods are homemade X3
  6. watching the x files; with the way I love Science Fiction I'm surprised I haven't watched it before

    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      o.o'! I'm surprised you didn't pick it up earlier.. Its like one of the holy canon of SciFi

  7. awesome I look forward to it ^^
  8. if you're looking for an FPS thats F2P on PC, (& you haven't already went with TF2 ) maybe warframe? I've heard its got some interesting things going on. Along with that I'd say dirty bomb. Haven't tried that one out but heard god things ^^ also just an aside on this: If you're into group combat and strategy games, I'd suggest war thunder and world of warships, both F2P, both well built games and unlike the ones mentioned above I DO have experience in these anyways just some suggestions
  9. Of course! ^^ I hope you post the finished product (if you're planned on filling them)
  10. I quite enjoy your drawings ^^ especially the eyes and how much expression you give the gen 1 starters I'd be enthused to see them all finished on the level of charamander
  11. I might be back this evening, but If I'm not everyone have a good night ^^

    1. Oven Mitts

      Oven Mitts

      Have a nice nigh.

  12. I'm getting the pokemon 20th anniversary 3ds soon. I'd welcome suggestions on what games I should get ^^

  13. Yes ponies themselves do cheer me up quite a bit ^^ I do enjoy the show immensely, but its the characters that male me feel better when I'm frequently down. The ponies to me are just so cute and lovable and, especially when I'm down, they give me comfort (but it's not necessary for me to be down ) My big pinkie pie plush,on any given occasion is ready to comfort and be with me when I'm down <3 Doesn't matter if she's just fabric and stuffing, She's more than the sum of her parts to me & sometimes her company just makes me feel better
  14. I'm 24 and enjoy music, science fiction, Video games,& conversation
  15. Well my knees hurt, but other than that okay I guess
  16. Thank you! And I hope so as well ^^ I really enjoyed my time here last time around and I'm hoping its even better Hey! and I got Inkie Pea a little while ago when I was playing around with pinkie pie; I was playing a word game with myself and it just led me there ^^ And yes <3 pinkie is by all means my favorite piece of March I have she's perfect for good cuddles XD http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00MB1CXGA/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1454440118&sr=8-2π=SY200_QL40&keywords=large+pinkie+pie+plush&dpPl=1&dpID=41ob62JwgjL&ref=plSrch Thank you! I'm working on participating more and figure just on how to do so x3. Nice to have such a positive welcome
  17. Goodnight everypony ^^

  18. I enjoy the thought of you all being happy , which I hope you already are :D

  19. If its between cubed and crushed I have to go cubed ^^, crushed hurts my teeth and I feel I have to filter the drink through my teeth (if its not water) If its ice or no ice I'd definetly go no ice though
  20. I identify as bisexual who dates more for personality , but I'm more inclined to be with guys
  21. https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs I really enjoy this past nations anthem. The piece is a beautiful work and in this version , I find the performance to be excellent (Just the anthem though,comrade)
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