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Everything posted by SomariFeyWright

  1. ... In hindsight, looking at my post, I definitely put it wrong. I wrote that at six in the morning with five minutes before time to go to school, so I beg your pardon. Rarity has definitely been shown as generous in the past, but it's very, VERY often glanced over. In many cases, she has instances where she completely lacks generosity altogether. It didn't really show off her generous side extensively until this season is all I'm saying. Sorry for how I said it. ^^;
  2. Probably the best the show's EVER done for her. She's been shown as kind, compassionate, a hard worker, a stressed worker, and they've instilled a sense of sympathy the show hasn't done before, showing the more genuine difficulties that comes with the career. But most importantly, they've actually shown off her generosity. Sweet Goddess Claire, it's about freaking time. She takes time out of her schedule to make dresses for Sweetie Belle, offers employment for Coco... It's done all of this, while also showing just how hard being generous can be and showing how very "human" faults can interfere with generosity and what it can do in the end. This is the season where Rarity has shined brighter than any gemstone she's ever found and I cannot be grateful enough.
  3. The thing is, though, everypony who was so great at these things built themselves up from scratch. They LEARNED to be good. And yes, you can't always be the best, but that isn't what kids want to hear. That isn't what kids SHOULD hear. I'm not saying to tell them that they're likely not to be the best: That's something they learn naturally throughout their lives. But to show just how much it sucks to be number 2, even while trying to be number 1... what fun is that? If you want to see an episode that says "You aren't the best and it sucks", go watch a post-movie episode of Spongebob Squarepants. Those will gladly beat down those pleasant and upbeat morals you grew up with, while at the same time being unfunny, and sucking.
  4. Let me get this out there and say: I'm not a CMC fan. I love the characters themselves, but... their episodes tend to kinda... suck... ... Really, though, the CMC episodes tend to be darker, more cynical, and have an overall mean-spirited tone the main show wouldn't touch with a levitation spell ten miles away. At the very least, throw Diamond Tiara out. Maybe then they might be a little better. AND IF THEY EVER MAKE AN EPISODE WORSE THAN PONYVILLE CONFIDENTIAL ROUTE I SWEAR TO FREAKING CELESTIA THEY WILL RUE THE DAY
  5. As much as I'd love to take the time to complain about how shockingly dark this episode was for the show... I go on to remember that Sweetie Belle sucked in this episode. That rant shall be saved for another day.
  6. Wouldn't mind much. Then it would mean I'd be able to watch more on CN than just Regular Show. I'd actually be able to USE THE CHANNEL AGAIN. ... But that said, MLP has found a solid and secure home on the Hub. If it moves to CN hypothetically, fine, but I'm definitely not asking for it. I mean, this IS the same channel that aired the Total Drama series...
  7. This drives me insane, mainly because the article "just so happens" to forget that one little detail where the LIFELESS ASSHOLE WHO DID THIS ISN'T A BRONY Thanks guys. Now it looks like a BRONY did this to the uninformed eye. Time to go postbusting on Tumblr...
  8. ... ... ... There are no words... ... ... Except, perhaps, for five, solitary pieces of vocabulary... ... ... ... Those words, naturally, being... ... LET'S GET READY TO PARTY!!!!
  9. Time for a list. - Flutterdash (Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash) (You all know) - KloLolo (Klonoa x Lolo) (Klonoa) - KLephise (Klonoa x Lephise) (Klonoa) - Kladoka (Klonoa x Madoka Kaname) (Yes it is a crack-pairing but I can't help it so sue me) (Klonoa/Puella Magi Madoka Magicka) - Justicykes (Apollo Justice x Athena Cykes) (Ace Attorney) - Junipollo (Apollo Justice x Juniper Woods) (Ace Attorney) - LuCookie (Luke Triton x Cookie) (I can't help it if the game made it adorable as hell) (Professor Layton) - FLuke ([Future] Luke Triton x Flora Reinhold) (Professor Layton) - CLayton (Hershel Layton x Claire) (Professor Layton) - Homudoka (Homura Akemi x Madoka Kaname) (Puella Magi Madoka Magicka) - FLyn (Lyndis x Flora) (Fire Emblem) - Jaffarno (Jaffar x Nino) (Fire Emblem) ... That's all that comes to mind at the moment. Probably more to come, though.
  10. I only really watch MLP and Gravity Falls right now, with the occasional Regular Show every now and then. Most shows these days aren't very good, but having those around is a sign that we might be getting better, slowly but surely.
  11. I think it'd be best if I take 4. As tempting as 1 is, 4 would be a bit more manageable, methinks. Especially if they still look like they did with Equestria Girls. I don't care what anyone said, they looked drop-dead gorgeous in that movie. I won't be picky on whatever pony I date, as long as it's a member of the Mane Six. Hook me up with any of them, watch how little I complain.
  12. Well, I'm drawing a bit of a blank here, so for now, I'm gonna go with Klonoa, from Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil. Now, this one's fairly debateable, as Klonoa has yet to appear in a single game where he's an adult in (outside of possibly the Wiimake, but we don't talk about that okay disappointment). Despite that, Klonoa's a strong-willed, motivated character out to do what he thinks is right, even if it doesn't directly pertain to his interests or obligations. In fact, he's even indirectly called a fool by another teammate due to saving the world more just because he's saving the world because he wants to despite it not being his world. Now, yes, Klonoa definitely has some lapses in his maturity (i.e. lightly panicking when being called a pervert, being disoriented when being flirted with, etc.), but he's definitely a mature and well-meaning character who MORE than needs a proper third installment (No, the spin-offs that turn him into loud and happy comic relief do NOT count). ... I love Klonoa to death, okay?
  13. That was a... good episode. I do like the theme it put up in the first place. Honesty IS the best policy, and no matter what good a lie can do, a lie is a lie. The problem doesn't come in the placebo that the tonic came from, but that the Flim-Flam brothers were achieving success without putting in actual effort to making something that would actually go as far as to truly help the general populace recover from their ailments. I mean, the Placebo effect only goes so far. That said, there was little outside of that truly worth noting about this episode. It was fairly straightforward and simple. Nothing bad, but nothing amazing. I still think it was worth the time, though. I give this episode a 7/10.
  14. I never had a "mancard" before I entered this fandom. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm still in debt for the mancards that still let me be physically male. And as I said, BEFORE the fandom. I'm not going anywhere.
  15. MY POST HATH BEEN MADE! ... And boy was it exhausting. Knuckles is definitely not a character I'm used to playing; I've only RP'd him once, back when I really sucked at RPing to begin with, so that post had to be revised a few times over. If I messed him up at any point, or if I do so at any point in the future, please, let me know. X_x Aside from slight grammatical errors and perhaps too little space in your writing, you did a pretty good job. Keep up the good work.
  16. Up in the skies of Mobius, hardly too far a distance from Sonic, laying casually in the back seat of the Tornado was the hard-headed creature loosely resembling a particular egg-laying mammal, Knuckles the Echidna. He stood a fair equal to the blue blur in height, as well as various attributes of personality, but Knuckles himself was fairly egotistical and put plenty of emphasis on being better than the equal egotism of the hedgehog, as such viewing him as a rival. There have been more than a few battles of Red vs. Blue in the past, especially considering how often the Master Emerald, which he was sworn to protect, tended to get involved. Despite that, though, he was hardly an enemy; some could even say he was more of a friendly rival than anything. At least when you compare it to Mobius' one collective egg-shaped antagonist. Naturally, Knuckles was hardly so stubborn that he'd let a simple rivalry get in the way of working to stop Eggman once and for all, though the hundreds of prior times he's helped Sonic try and stop Eggman in the past probably already proved that by now. The echidna nonchalantly looked over at the communicator, before picking it up lightly and saying, "Trust us, Sonic, you're hard to miss." Getting more serious with that remark, he shifted out of his relaxed position, as he clenched his fingerless fist around the communicator, saying, "... Yeah, we've got the Tornado locked and set on Eggman's base. Just say the word and we'll bring him down faster than he can crack." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hopping through the streets of Ponyville, blissfully unaware of the events in another world, is none other than the pink, sweets-loving partyholic equine herself, Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie. Humming a soft tune as she hopped on through, she was stopped on her merry way at the sight of a nearby speed-loving friend of hers practicing her speed routine. She quickly looked up at the sight, even able to physically see the sound barrier as it stretched around Rainbow's physique. Other ponies were shocked to see Rainbow perform, but Pinkie showed no hesitation in offering her support, as she grabbed a megaphone and a pair of pompoms straight out of hammerspace, as she called out to Rainbow Dash, "C'MON DASHIE! GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT! MAKE THAT SOUND BARRIER PAY! GO DASHIE GO!!!" ... Anyone from there to Canterlot could probably hear her exclamations of encouragement.
  17. Out of all the Mane Six, she is THE most huggable. The question is, how could I possibly resist?
  18. No way I'm adopting a chicken I don't want to be woken up when I'm trying to sleep in Buck yeah, I'd adopt Scootaloo! Diamond Tiara?
  19. @@Alex Night, Never thought I'd have to use this reaction video... Anywho, I won't complain one way or the other. Whilst my RP posts already tend to be descriptive as they are, sometimes I need to keep posts short and simple, just for updates on the characters, or the like. or just because I'm unsure of how to respond to a single event. It can be hard typing out 800 words. Still, if you feel this is worthy of such a placement, I'm more than willing to give it a try. I'm always willing to test my abilities as a literate RPer. If you think we're up for it, and the RP's worth being called such, go for it!
  20. ... Personally, I think the alicorns would just attempt to befriend the military. If/when that fails, there would be no casualties, as the alicorns would be busy attempting to simply deplete the U.S. army of it's resources, since I imagine that would be easy. And then ask once again for peace. When THAT fails, they kick the army out of Equestria and wonder what the hell was in those drinks last night.
  21. ... I looked into this and expected it to be some sort of silly crack crossover but my GOD you make it look so good. Sold two-hundred percent. I would happily like to claim Pinkie Pie herself, as well as the hard-headed Knuckles the Echidna. This is going to be fun.
  22. I have an Earth Pony myself, as existent in my signature. And yes, he was originally designed as a self-insert before developing into his own character. Should probably get to work on making his design more original eventually... I think the main reason people don't find Earth ponies appealing is that they're more of a lower ground, arguably the "inferior" form of pony, compared to flying, magic, and even both. Who wants to be an Earth pony when your horn can shoot LAZARZ?
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