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Everything posted by SomariFeyWright

  1. Fanservice is not an inherently problematic addition to something, as long as it isn't sexual (which would be hard to incorporate in MLP, might I say). However, it CAN be milked out too much for it to be any fun, and ruin the value of certain parts of the show. ... I don't feel that the show has done this too extensively. Personally, I'm genuinely grateful for some of the fanservice it's had to offer. I liked seeing Bench Press get a name and more of a personality, I liked seeing Derpy get another show on-screen, brief and quiet as it was, I liked Big Mac singing Acapella... I haven't had many complaints for this season. ... However... This is the biggest problem with the newer episodes and I won't attempt to dislodge this argument at all. It seems the show lately has just been desperate to shove as many ponies as it can possibly manage into a single episode. I find this heavily infuriating, especially because these appearances almost always result in a heavy butchering of the character's personality for the sole purpose of just giving them SOME purpose. Don't even get me started on poor Pinkie...
  2. I don't think R34 in itself is inherently problematic, and I have absolutely no quarrels with individual R34 artists who find sexual pleasure in pastel-colored equines and variations of such except Tiarawhy. However, I won't deny that R34, especially for MLP of all things, has become far too prevalent on the internet and is overall VERY problematic for the viewers of the show and even those simply watching it off to the side. And don't even get me started on the innocent little girl target demographic. I won't oppose R34 or whatever comes out of it, but it REALLY needs to be kept more in check.
  3. I'm not afraid to call myself a brony, but I prefer to introduce to others as a "fan of My Little Pony". Again, not out of shame, and I'll call myself a brony in situations to follow, but that takes away the controversy and general negative context that society sadly has on the term, which thus allows people to have a more open mind when talking to me. I have no problem with the term myself and I don't see it as a negative term by any means, but sadly, the term has come with very negative context. Even those who are okay with fans of the show view the term "brony" as a very derogative and negative means of addressing only the most unsavory brony. It's a shame, but the term is DEFINITELY turning into something it isn't.
  4. Well, this is a rather interesting topic because I don't really seem to have it as bad as most people. Ever since I left my EXTREMELY judgemental elementary school and moved to a new town, everyone I've met has been really accepting of me and my interests and fandoms. I've literally only gotten one person to judge me at all and they weren't even worth taking seriously. My friends accept it, my family accepts it, the general public of the school accepts it (with one or two exceptions, but they just don't know any better)... I really haven't had many problems with people in high school. As for hate, it depends on what's being hated on. If you're hating on me as a person, I don't get too bothered. If you're hating on my fandoms, I get very heated and get desperate to defend them. And if you're hating on any of my friends, I have a few choice words for you...
  5. Now, I'm not the kind of person who would be selective about what hairstyle any potential romantic interest would have, but... I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a preference. My preference is the long, free hair. The hair that goes down past the shoulders, and has various parts that stick out. A messy sort of look, somewhat unkempt. I'm just a sucker for long, messy hair, essentially.
  6. Absolutely not. Maybe just because I'm a weird little musical lover, but the songs are really good, and I love hearing them in an episode. I get excited every time. And I'll be honest, I was somewhat disappointed when they went and cut off the song in the most recent one, even if it did sound pretty bad to begin with.
  7. Interesting theory, but it doesn't hold up well due to the extensive backstory she clearly has and the many other ponies who can attest to her past. Plus, if she were an alien, why did she choose Equestria over Care-a-lot? Or wherever the heck Strawberry Shortcake takes place. Those are way happier and sweet-filled than Equestria is.
  8. My god, that sounds like a dreadful idea. Now, I'm not against shows that aim themselves primarily toward the male demographic, but the problem is, most of them try to appeal to the morons who still think fart jokes are funny and blatant innuendos are "edgy" and "cool". A male aimed My Little Pony couldd work, but there's no reason for it to be any different than the normal show itself. Not without sucking or being downright offensive, I mean. Personally, I'll stick with My very mature Little Ponies, thank you.
  9. ... Well. That was disappointing. This episode suffers from a SERIOUS case of "build-the-character-around-the-plot"-itis. Applejack's character was more butchered here than it has been in a long while, and rivals even that of Pinkie's character-butchering throughout the season. Applejack's primary character-stance is that she's a down-to-earth pony who knows how to handle her responsibilities. Sure, she can get paranoid, but she knows her responsibilities and knows her family is able to hold its own to a degree. At the very least, this was ridiculous. Personally, I would've just liked to see moments of AJ getting fearful throughout the episode, rather than "NOPE DROPPING EVERYTHING YOU WILL NOT GET ANY BOOBOOS WHILST I LIVE DEAREST KIN". She lied to her family (emphasis on "lied", people), completely dropped her responsibilities, and ignored anything and everything Applebloom had to say. Yes, I know, it's "just" one detail, but it was ONE BIG DETAIL to just be able to shrug off. Definitely one of the lower episodes this season. ... But it's at least still not as a bad as Ponyville Confidential. So that's good at least.
  10. Now, before the manure-storms come flying in like a hurricane, I'm going to say that I am neither for nor against the idea. Anything; literally ANYTHING the writers put into the show has the potential to work if it's done well. Romance, as controversial as it may be, is no exception. I've learned to not doubt the writers with scenarios they develop until AFTER I've seen it in action. While the concept of romance feels rather unfitting within the realms of FiM, I believe the writers of the show would have the intelligence to make a fun and believeable love story. ... Hopefully nothing like Equestria Girls pulled out of its flank. <<;
  11. ................................................................................................................... I literally cannot find it in myself to formulate an opinion either way. I just I can't Why am I so okay Why am I so not okay I just
  12. ..................................... You are seriously asking me this. You are asking me to pick a favorite design out of the most beautiful pony of the Mane Six. ... You are a sick and twisted person, you know that. ........ I guess I'll just say the gorgeous Crystal Rarity and call it a day.
  13. Complain to his manager and do what you can to bring hell out of it. As a store worker, he has NO right to refuse service to you or to insult you in any way, shape, or form. He's breaking basic requirements of working as a storeclerk and you're more than allowed to file a complaint about it with the higher-ups.
  14. http://somarifeywright.tumblr.com/ My blog deals primarily in fandoms and societal issues. It's almost always SFW, in that you won't see any genitalia on any of the pages. I put in full effort to never reblog anything too explicit.
  15. ... I think I've ranted enough on Ponyville Confidential that you all know I want it burned to the ground, so I'll hold out there. - Every episode of Spongebob post-movie. I am literally unable to think of a single exception. - Gravity Falls has Boss Mabel. A very unfortunate example of butchering some really good characters solely for the sake of plot. My GOD. I could write essays on how badly it screwed up Wendy in under five minutes. - For Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy, there's that one episode where everyone started breaking the rules because of Eddy's influence. The sheer lack of any moral value, even as a kid, infuriated me. I mean, yes, I get it, that's life, and jokes like that are the norm for the show, but this episode in particular ended so, SO bitterly, opposing all of my beliefs I had as a child, and even hold now. Also, that one where Jimmy got them framed as bad guys. Made me so mad then, makes me even angrier now. - Just about everything in Adventure Time post-Flame Princess. I wasn't a big fan of what it originally was, but at least it wasn't... what it became. Sorry, but for me now, the show's only even-slightly redeeming factor is the dynamic between Princess Bubblegum and Marceline, which IS pretty cute, I admit. ... Probably others, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.
  16. Hey, maybe Diamond Tiara could finally be killed off. Get on it, Japan!
  17. Best: Hrmm... Too many to decide on one. I'll just leave this one open for now. Worst: DIAMOND FREAKING TIARA I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This little piece of garbage is the WORST thing to come of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She's so bitter, so cruel, so mean-spirited, so incredibly unfitting in the show. I hope the little animation error ends up in Tartarus for the series finale. Or the next episode. Whichever works.
  18. Well, I can't say for certain, but I think I've at least made a name for myself. I've made many, MANY goofball-ish posts in the form games that I believe has made me fairly well-known around there, and I've scattered various intelligent and intellectual responses all throughout the site that have definitely been noticed, as I've seen. Though, I was likely just a name, there and gone, for many. However, I've found friendships in members such as @, and the all-too well-known.@ has taken notice of me and friended me. So at the very least, I'm not just another username around here, I think.
  19. I am absolutely ALWAYS open for some good ol'-fashioned slice o' life~ My character's a more serious-ish kind-hearted loving character, but I think every comedy-oriented work has at least one character like that in there. Sign my OC, Pitch Light, right up~!
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