Oh, boy, do I have some good ones. I can probably come back to this thread several times as I remember more stories. Probably the best one happened on my first day there. I was hired in the engineering department, but sent me out to the production floor for a couple of weeks for training, or as close to training as we had at the time.
Around lunch time, I started hearing people being called into the office. Next thing I know, almost half the department I'm in is gone, and I'm having to help run some of the machines. I found out later that, in his infinite wisdom, our former general manager had a surprise drug test done of the entire plant. Now, from my experience, most people working out on a shop floor, assembly line, warehouse, etc. smoke pot. Not usually at work, but they're definitely doing it. So in one day, we went from a full plant to a skeleton crew because most of the plant (about 80% of one department, and half of another) failed a drug test. In fact, so many failed, we had to start bringing the people that failed back in. Only a couple actually got let go, because they were so high it was starting to cause problems.
Needless to say, I learned pretty quick what kind of company I was working for. I mean, it beat being unemployed. I'm still working there, too. I just passed the 4 year mark late in May.
I'll try and put up another one tomorrow. I just remembered it, and it is a good one.