I am fortunate to live in an area with good tap water, I also live close to a natural spring and the water there if you get it directly is soo refreshing, it's great
I just went to a con and I was one of the youngest people there, I'm 20, most of the people who attended was 20-40, I saw done young kids, some teens, some people 50-60+ you can never be to old for anything you love to do
All through my life, elementary, middleschool, highschool, and now college my colors have always been blue and gold, used to hate those colors but now they are my absolute favorites
I don't mind when people use that term at all. Yes if it is said in public I tend to roll my eyes but I don't hate it lol. Lots worse you could do right?
I don't always watch tv, but when I do you better shut up and leave me the hell alone! Lol I only watch a few shows and I really enjoy them so I play close attention.
8 hours, I used to be able to run all day off 4 hours of sleep but getting old sucks I guess. If I don't sleep for 8 I fall asleep throughout the day now.
It will shrink a bit but from looking at other fandoms and their experiences after the show ends I believe the fandom is in no real danger from the show ending.
Lunch, literally my favorite thing about my job is that I have literally like 40 options on where to eat on my lunch break. Most of them are absolutely wonderful.
I don't think it has gotten worse, Imo the game itself has improved. I do however feel the quality of many minecraft servers has declined. Hard to blame that on the game itself evolving though.
Magic The Gathering is just awesome just got into recently. I am playing mono black warriors but I also have a red white warrior deck. Basically I don't care about color I just like warrior, knights, and brawlers lol
I really loved this anime, I watched it awhile ago when I saw the first episode dubbed on adult swim I had to go watch the rest in sub online lol. I found out that the anime only barely follows the manga and the manga, I think, is still coming out at a slow pace. Once you finish up the anime because it is pretty short I highly recommend the manga for this one because its so different yet has the same awesomeness.
Oh a good question, I am here because its fun! Kinda simple but I am just here to observe people in this fandom, pop in and out of posts like this one that peek my interest, and read peoples opinions on things.
Indiana Jones is the best thing in the world! lol I love those movies and I hate to be that person but the books was better hehe. I also really enjoy Harry Potter.
I should be working right now but I'm kinda done with what my boss told me to do but don't want to tell him because then he will tell me to do somthing else again.. lol
Hockey! I really just started to get into watching it 2 years ago, so much more to it then you would expect. And most people do not watch just for the fights..
Samsung Galaxy S5 and it is black. I really need to get a colorful case for this phone though. So much harder to find cases for these compared to Iphones